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Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday said the continued spread of COVID among the unvaccinated could lead to a more serious disease.

Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), told viewers of NBC’s “Meet the Press”:

“As we’ve said all along this is fundamentally a pandemic among the unvaccinated. That is proven true … One of the problems … is you don’t want people to get sick and to get hospitalized and to die. That is happening now predominantly — overwhelmingly — among the unvaccinated.”

Fauci told viewers the vaccines “do quite well against Delta particularly in protecting you from severe disease.” But if you “give the virus the chance to continue to change,” he said, “we might get a worse variant and then that will impact not only the unvaccinated, that will impact the vaccinated because that variant could evade the protection of the vaccine.”

Some experts disagree.

In an interview with The Defender, Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA and DNA vaccines, world-wide expert in RNA technologies and Harvard-trained physician, said there’s an agenda for universal vaccination that is not scientifically sound.

“Tony Fauci is not an epidemiologist,” Malone said. “He does not have an MPH [Masters in Public Health]. He is not trained in this. Moderna is the first vaccine that has ever come out of NIAID that has even come close to licensure.”

Malone said:

“They’ve completely failed to develop an AIDS vaccine. They failed to develop a West Nile vaccine and a Zika vaccine. Every time there’s an outbreak, Fauci goes to Congress and requests a bunch of money to create a vaccine and this is his first big win. They just seem to be dug in that universal vaccination is the only solution.”

According to Malone, Fauci has rolled out the “noble lie.” The noble lie is that we have to reach herd immunity for economic recovery and to minimize death and disability, and these genetic vaccines are the only path available to herd immunity and these genetic vaccines are perfectly safe.

Each of these statements are demonstrably false, Malone said.

The breakthrough crisis really came to a head when The Washington Post obtained and reported on a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) slide deck, Malone said.

According to the leaked CDC data, 15% of those hospitalized for COVID were fully vaccinated as of May. The number was just 3.1% in April.

Malone said the CDC data make it clear that even if we had complete uptake in vaccines and complete masking, at best we can slow the spread of Delta but we can’t stop it.

Malone, who believes death and disability still warrant vaccination in high risk populations, subscribes to Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche’s theory that continued mass vaccination campaigns will enable new, more infectious viral variants.

“Geert Vanden Bossche — I am on board with that now,” Malone said, “That we really shouldn’t be doing universal…

Read the full story here: Fauci Claims Spread of Virus By Unvaxxed Will Lead to More Dangerous Variants, But Experts Say Opposite Is True • Children’s Health Defense