FARRELL: The Fang Fang Dossier | Judicial Watch

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Democratic Congressional leaders are hoping that the alleged spy scandal swirling around California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell will just go away. They have successfully convinced the mainstream media that there is no story. Swalwell himself was confident enough to emerge on Twitter to suggest that any Republican who questions the validity of the 2020 election is a “traitor.” That level of tone-deafness from Swalwell is stunning but hardly surprising, given his history.

Swalwell’s longstanding relationship with alleged communist Chinese spy Christine Fang – also known by the Bond-villianesque moniker Fang Fang – is a case study in foreign intelligence penetration. Swalwell met Fang while he was a city councilman in Dublin, California, in 2011. Fang helped him get reelected to Congress in 2014 and helped place an intern in his office.

The two remained close – just how close he says is “classified” – until 2015 when the FBI gave Rep. Swalwell a defensive briefing about Fang. This was especially important since Nancy Pelosi had by then picked Swalwell to be a member of the House Intelligence Committee. Fang soon vanished back to China, and Swalwell became a leading proponent of the debunked anti-Trump Russian collusion conspiracy theory.

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Article Source: FARRELL: The Fang Fang Dossier | Judicial Watch

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