Fake News Mass Deception War on Truth

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On virtually all issues mattering most, ordinary people in US/Western societies are assaulted daily by managed news misinformation and disinformation rubbish.

The real thing is suppressed, especially by the dominant fourth estate in cahoots with dark forces they serve.

What’s crucial for everyone to know on issues relating to public health, well-being and safety, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law is absent from establishment media in favor of state-approved talking points.

Years ago I quoted from Boston University President Daniel Marsh’s June 1950 commencement address, saying the following:

“If the (television) craze continues…we are destined to have a nation of morons.”

Fairly new at the time, there were only a few channels of programming.

Though available in Pennsylvania, Arkansas and Oregon areas in 1948, it took the 1984 Cable Act to establish a favorable regulatory framework for numerous cable channels to emerge.

Along with broadcast ones, hundreds of channels operate today. 

Featuring junk food news, low-grade entertainment and ad nauseam commercialism, they have everything to sell not worth buying, nothing to tell.

A tool of mass-distraction, the medium transformed US society into the world’s most over-entertained, uninformed one.

Most Americans know little or nothing more than mind-manipulating rubbish fed them — a nation of morons indeed.

In the US and West, censorship is the new normal. What should get feature airtime is suppressed.

Controlling the message is all about wanting what conflicts with the fabricated official narrative silenced — MSM supporting what demands exposing and condemning.

Digital democracy remains the last frontier of free and open expression online, the only reliable independent space for real news, information and analysis.

Enabling anyone to express views freely on all topics, key is making it work for, not against, us. 

Eliminating it remains a disturbing possibility as things head ominously toward state-sponsored/MSM-supported full-blown tyranny — on the phony pretext of protecting national security for our own good we’ll be told.

That’s where things are heading, a nation largely distracted by bread and circuses, failing to rebel against what’s..

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] Fake News Mass Deception War on Truth – Stephen Lendman

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