Facing Unpleasant Facts: COVID, Health, and Politics

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No one wants to take responsibility for their actions, and no one wants to deal with tough issues. We are being told fat is suddenly healthy and beautiful and that it’s mean to call someone out for filming gay porn in a capital building. Newsflash: it’s not mean it’s just real. Being overweight happens, but being fat is a choice. Filming porn in a capital building is certainly a decision, and it is a terrible one. The idea that we cannot call attention to obviously absurd behaviors is ridiculous, and I’m not participating in this.

All of this is foundational to why we refuse to deal with legitimately difficult issues such as our federal involvement with the creation of COVID and the jabs. It WAS our CIA and DoD that facilitated this, and we need to deal with that very difficult issue. If we can’t even acknowledge that we are fat or that the US Capital is not the place for receiving porn, then how will we ever deal with real issues?


Source: Facing Unpleasant Facts: COVID, Health, and Politics – America Out Loud News

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