Explosion of excess deaths in heavily vaccinated European countries; Romania and Bulgaria buck the trend

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Eurostat has published excess mortality rates for December 2022. The European average is plus 19%, with Romania and Bulgaria being the only countries where this parameter has decreased.

The report is based on an average mortality rate for 2016-2019, i.e., before the pandemic. The data published by Eurostat have shocked the entire scientific world.

Excess mortality measures the increase in deaths during a period and in a particular group, compared to the expected value or statistical trend during a reference period or in a reference population.

At the end of the pandemic, when there were almost no more covid deaths, the most vaccinated countries recorded shocking excess mortality rates in December 2022 compared to the normal 2016-2019.

The highest excess mortality rates were recorded in Iceland at 43.1% and Germany at 37.3%.

Compared to the European average of 19% in December 2022, which is still huge, Austria had excess mortality of plus 27.4%, Ireland 25.4%, France 24.5%, Slovenia 25.9%, Czech Republic 23.2%, Switzerland 22.9%, Netherlands 22.7%, Estonia 22.6%, Denmark 22.4%, Norway 21%, Finland 21.1%, Latvia 20.6%, and Belgium 19.1%.

In Germany, 78% of the population is vaccinated with 3 and 4 doses; in Iceland, 80% is immunized with two doses, and 69% is vaccinated with 3 and 4 doses.

Romania and Bulgaria were at the opposite pole of excess mortality in December 2022, minus 5.5% and 6%, respectively.

They are the only two EU/EEA countries with the lowest vaccination coverage.

Officially, 30% of the population in Bulgaria is vaccinated against covid, and 42% in Romania.

Considering the near-negative excess mortality rates between the two countries and the fictitious vaccinations in Bulgaria, the actual percentage of vaccinated people in Romania is likely no more than 25%.

After the publication of the shocking data by Eurostat, German doctors called for an investigation into the causes of the excess deaths, stressing that Covid did not cause them.

Read full story: Explosion of excess deaths in heavily vaccinated European countries; Romania and Bulgaria buck the trend – The Rio Times

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