Exclusive: Mother of 36-Year-Old Who Died After COVID Diagnosis Believes Protocols — Not the Virus — Killed Her Daughter

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Jamie Kay Wylie was admitted to a Texas hospital on Sept. 1, 2021. The hospital placed her on its COVID-19 protocol, which included remdesivir and, eventually, a ventilator. By Sept. 17, the 36-year-old mother was dead — a victim of the protocols, not the virus, her mother maintains.

“There’s no doubt in my mind that they murdered my daughter.”

Those were the words of Denise Fritter, mother of Jamie Kay Wylie, in an exclusive interview with The Defender.

Jamie was admitted to a Texas hospital in September 2021, where she was placed on the hospital’s “COVID protocol.”

Now, her mother is raising questions about the treatment Jamie received as a result of these procedures, which included the administration of remdesivir, placement in an intensive care unit, and later, on a ventilator.

Fritter alleges that her daughter received these treatments unnecessarily and without her daughter’s or family’s consent.

She also told The Defender the hospital refused to administer alternative treatments, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and habitually refused to answer questions or provide information to Jamie and her family.

And when her family was getting ready to move Jamie to another hospital, they were informed that her condition had suddenly worsened, making her transfer impossible.

Within days, the 36-year-old was dead.

Fritter shared her daughter’s story with The Defender and provided documentation to corroborate her story.

‘When she started the remdesivir, she started to go down’

In the summer of 2021, Jamie was looking forward to a bright future. She was engaged to a man with whom she had spent the previous five years and was preparing to purchase a home with him.

She also was raising her then-15-year-old son, had recently finished a degree in criminology and had just received a major promotion at work, where she was just days away from qualifying for full insurance coverage.

“She was determined to make a better life for her son,” Fritter said about her daughter. “Jamie was right on the cusp of getting the proverbial American dream.”

When she was in the hospital, Jamie gave her mother the authority to sign on her behalf for the purchase of her home. “She never got to spend the night in the home,” Fritter said.

After an outbreak of COVID-19 among some family members and at her workplace, Jamie tested positive for the virus on Aug. 27, 2021.

While most of her family members experienced mild symptoms, Jamie began to experience shortness of breath, which led her four days later to seek help at Baptist Neighborhood Hospital in Schertz, Texas.

According to her mother, Jamie didn’t have any health problems other than “being obese.”

Jamie was formally admitted to the hospital on Sept. 1, 2021. Though her mother didn’t know it then, it was the last time she would see her daughter face-to-face.

“Once Jamie was admitted … no one was allowed to see her face-to-face again, at all,” Fritter said. “We could call her, we could text message, we could FaceTime with her, but no one was allowed back into the hospital at all.”

On the same day Jamie was admitted, she told her mother the hospital had told her about “this great new drug that was supposed to help COVID patients.” However, she did not recall the name of the drug and, according to Fritter, said “I’m not even sure they told me the name.”

When her mother asked Jamie if she had been informed about this medication’s side effects, her response was “No, but I trust them. They’re going to make me better.”

It was determined later that day though that she could not begin taking her new medication just yet, as according to Fritter, “she said her liver enzymes were high, and they had to decrease them before she could start the medication.”

Jamie’s condition did not improve. On Sept. 3, 2021, she was transferred to Northeast Baptist Hospital in San Antonio. However, according to Fritter, prior to her daughter’s transfer, she was finally administered the “great new drug” — which turned out to be remdesivir.

It was at this point that Jamie’s condition took a turn for the worse.

“Before she was transferred on the 3rd, she had received two doses of remdesivir,” Fritter said. “Looking back, it’s almost like clockwork. When she started the remdesivir, she started to go down. I could just tell she was down. I could tell in her voice when I spoke to her and in the last pictures I ever received of her.”

After the transfer to Northeast Baptist, doctors and nurses would not provide Fritter and other family members with specific information about Jamie or the treatment she was receiving.

“I had spoken to a nurse, and the nurse wouldn’t tell me what the medication was,” Fritter said. “I didn’t realize it was remdesivir until she went to the ICU [intensive care unit].”

‘I could hear the fear starting in her voice’

Fritter began to notice other peculiar things regarding the treatment Jamie received, both before and after her daughter’s transfer to a different hospital.

“She sent me two pictures” while at Baptist Neighborhood Hospital, Fritter said. “In one picture, she had a nasal cannula [a device that delivers supplemental oxygen] on, and she didn’t have a mask on … and then, the next picture she sent me, she was actually, I believe, on the BiPap [a type of ventilator], and she had a mask on over it.”

“At the time it didn’t dawn on me, but my question is, if she’s on a BiPap, why did she have to wear a mask on top of the BiPap if she was already having issues breathing?”

Jamie’s doctors at the hospital in Schertz never told her, or her family, why she was transferred.

“I remember we were talking,” Fritter said, “and I asked, ‘Jamie, what’s going on?’ She said ‘I don’t know … I’m not responding the way they thought I would, and so, they’re transferring me to the step-down unit at Northeast Baptist.”

“We talked a little more, and I could hear the fear starting in her voice,” Fritter added. “And so, I went up there [to Northeast Baptist], but I couldn’t see her. I did speak to a nurse briefly, but she didn’t really give me any information.”

Two days after her transfer to Northeast Baptist, Jamie was moved to the ICU.

“When she was transferred to the ICU, I went up there and I demanded to speak to the doctor,” Fritter said. “The nurse came out and he said, ‘The doctor’s not available right now … what do you need?’ I said, ‘I want to know what you are doing for my daughter because it seems like she’s just getting worse. She’s not getting better.’”

“That’s when I found out she was on remdesivir,” Fritter added. “I didn’t know anything about it.”

When her oldest daughter, Nicole, a nurse, researched the medication, she told her mother, “We need to get [Jamie] out of there.”

Fritter said unanswered questions from doctors and nurses quickly became the norm.

“I did talk to a respiratory doctor … he said they’re giving her respiratory treatment. He really didn’t answer questions. He just basically said, ‘We’re doing all we can for her,’” Fritter said. “That was the overarching theme, that nobody would really answer questions. We would have direct questions and we would get the runaround.”

But Fritter kept pressing for answers.

“Later that afternoon, a doctor came out and I had my oldest daughter, who is a nurse, on the phone,” she said. “We asked, ‘What is the treatment plan?’ He said, ‘We’re going to continue to give her meds.’ I asked, ‘You’re giving her remdesivir?’ He said ‘yes.’”

Fritter told this doctor that she did not want her daughter to continue being administered remdesivir — to no avail. She asked if they would try ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine or monoclonal antibodies, but was told “It’s not part of the protocol.”

When Fritter continued to press the doctor to administer even standard treatments given to pneumonia patients, he again refused.

“We then went back to the ivermectin,” Fritter said. “I asked him again, ‘Why won’t you give her ivermectin?’ He looked at me and very pointedly said, ‘I will not order that medication,’ popped up out of his chair, and started walking out.”

She said she and her daughter were stunned. “We’ve never been treated like that. We’ve never had just a refusal with no discussion.”

Fritter’s attempts to find out details about the “hospital protocol” and who was responsible for it, were equally fruitless. She spoke with “Victor,” the “doctor in charge … he was basically an RN [registered nurse],” and according to Fritter, he told her the previous doctor was “following the hospital protocol.”

Fritter’s repeated questions about who was responsible for the hospital protocol were met with the same non-answer until, “out of exhaustion … I guess he just wanted to shut us up … he said, ‘We’re following the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] protocol.’”

Instead of putting them in contact with those responsible for the “hospital protocol,” Fritter was told to speak with an “advocate,” who gave her “the same runaround.”

“They wouldn’t even discuss a treatment plan with me,” Fritter said.

‘They were not feeding her’

Fritter decided she wanted to move her daughter to another hospital, and within two hours of searching for one, located a doctor and hospital that said they would treat Jamie.

But when Fritter informed Northeast Baptist that a hospital and doctor had been located for her daughter’s transfer, she was told, “They don’t have the equipment to take care of Jamie the way we do here.”

“I said, ‘Apparently, you all aren’t taking very good care of her, because she keeps going down. So, I want her transferred,” Fritter recounted.

Jamie agreed to the transfer. But then her doctors said Jamie’s oxygen level had tanked to where even transferring her by AirFlight would be dangerous — and the accepting doctor agreed — “so we had no choice but to leave her there,” Fritter said.

Jamie later sent a message to her mother, saying she felt she needed one-on-one care. According to Fritter, when she asked her daughter whether she had been told what her treatment plan was, she said, “No, they’re not telling me anything.”

Fritter said that if Jamie needed something, “She would call me and I would call them, and then maybe it would happen. Not always.”

For example, Jamie said she wasn’t being fed and was only being given water.

In another instance, a nurse told Fritter that Jamie was only being given water.

“They were not feeding her,” Fritter said. “Nicole asked for a feeding tube. They said ‘no.’ They refused a feeding tube because of sepsis. We knew that Jamie was not getting up out of bed, so we asked for a catheter. They refused that because of sepsis. Everything we asked for was either denied or they had some excuse as to why they wouldn’t give it to her.”

Jamie’s family also organized nightly prayer vigils for her and asked the hospital if Jamie could listen in by phone “so that she could at least hear our voices.” Fritter said that after initially refusing, the hospital agreed.

However, “for whatever reason, they would hang up the phone and I’d have to call them back constantly to open the phone line again.”

In other instances when she advocated for her daughter, hospital staff told her “they would call security if need be.”

‘She went on the ventilator and I never spoke to her again’

On Sept. 6, 2021, Fritter was talking to Jamie, who said she was having a panic attack.

“We started calming down exercises,” Fritter said, and her daughter was beginning to feel better when she told her that her doctor and nurse had arrived and that she needed to end the call.

“I said okay, take care of yourself and call me back,” Fritter recalled. “Jamie never called me back. The doctor called me about 45 minutes to an hour later and she told me she had to vent Jamie [place her on a ventilator].”

Jamie was steadfast in not wanting to be placed on a ventilator, her mother said. But when she asked the doctor whether Jamie had given permission to be put on a ventilator, and was told “yes, Jamie had shook her head” and that “Jamie’s oxygen had dropped down to 45.”

“I’ll never forget that number,” Fritter said. “It’s etched into my psyche. It didn’t dawn on me at the time, because I’m not a medical person, but I have since learned that at 45% oxygen, you are not capable of understanding, much less answering a question.”

However, it remains uncertain as to whether Jamie’s oxygen level had dropped that low.

“In Jamie’s records, it’s documented twice,” Fritter said, yet “The same doctor, on the same date, at the same time, wrote that she went to 60%. And then another document says 70%. I really don’t know what her oxygen went to. I just know that on Sept. 6, she went on the ventilator, she never came off, and I never spoke to her again.”

Fritter added that “There’s not one single consent in Jamie’s records” for any treatment.

‘Entire family feels strongly that she was murdered’

Fritter is unequivocal: “Jamie was murdered on Monday, Sept. 13, 2021. There’s no doubt in my mind that they murdered my daughter … The entire family feels strongly that she was murdered.”

Fritter blamed the hospital and its doctors — and financial incentives that encouraged doctors, nurses and even coroners to inflexibly follow a prescribed set of protocols.

“I remember early in 2020 when COVID-19 first hit, I remember hearing about the CARES Act and the PREP Act,” Fritter said. “The thing that sticks out in my mind about the CARES Act was that it was so long and passed so quickly that nobody really knew what was in it.”

She said:

“The one thing that was in it that a lot of people don’t know is the protocol is basically, you go to the emergency room, they test you, you get a positive test, you get admitted. They put you on remdesivir. Within days, they put you on a ventilator and the ventilator kills you, along with the medication regime that they put you on.”

“All of this is identified,” Fritter added. “The hospitals were getting this huge amount of money. It was supposed to be for the losses that they were going to incur because all these uninsured COVID patients were presenting at the hospital. So, each stage of the protocol is a 20% increase above what the final hospital bill would be.”

Fritter said that at the time, she didn’t know about the incentives, and she thinks most people still don’t.

“Even coroners get a kickback,” she said. “That was from our government. Our government, our federal and our state governments provided the incentivization for the protocol. The protocol is not set up to save people. The protocol is set up to kill people.”

According to Fritter, Jamie made a conscious decision not to get a COVID-19 vaccine because “she truly believed in her natural immunity.”

Fritter believes the hospital protocol, not COVID-19, killed her daughter.

“It’s the isolation,” she said. “It’s the lack of care. It’s the remdesivir. Look up the Africa Ebola study, where they used remdesivir. They had to stop the study because 53%-plus of their patients died using remdesivir.”

Fritter continues to advocate for her daughter in order to hold those she believes are responsible for Jamie’s death accountable.

“I’m not doing this for payment,” she said. “I don’t care about the money. The money is not going to bring my daughter back. What I care about is getting her story out there. What I care about is horrible, inhumane crimes against humanity, via the protocol, that are still going on today.”

Fritter shared her daughter’s story with the COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project (CHBMP), a project “to document, archive, and assist those impacted by these crimes against humanity.”

CHBMP has compiled a list of 25 commonalities shared by many of the victims whose stories the organization has documented. According to CHBMP:

“As we’ve scrutinized hundreds of cases from across the nation, we’ve compiled a list of the most prevalent characteristics associated with the deadly COVID hospital protocols. We’ve heard these things from victims again and again.

“The heart-wrenching experiences of patients who have suffered due to these COVID-related protocols and policies must not be ignored.”

Commonalities include isolation of the victim, denial of informed consent and alternative treatments, gaslighting, removal of communication devices, discrimination against the unvaccinated, dehumanization, dehydration and starvation, non-emergency ventilation, refusal of transfer and strict adherence to Emergency Use Authorization protocols.

Fritter told The Defender that her daughter experienced 19 of the 25 commonalities.

Fritter also turned to poetry to help preserve the memory of her daughter.

Ultimately though, she said, “It’s about holding every single person that’s responsible for the murders of our loved ones accountable.

Fritter wrote to the governor and attorney general of Texas, who brushed her off, she said.

“I want every single person involved, from the very top, all the way to the bottom, and that includes Anthony Fauci and [former secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services] Alex Azar and Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum founder. I want them all held accountable,” she said.

“They’re guilty of killing hundreds and hundreds of people, American citizens. And it’s got to stop.”


Source: Exclusive: Mother of 36-Year-Old Who Died After COVID Diagnosis Believes Protocols — Not the Virus — Killed Her Daughter • Children’s Health Defense

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