Exclusive Interview with Dr Bhakdi – “Parents are willingly allowing their children to be killed if they allow them to have the Covid Vaccine”

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EVIL and ignorance is turning the world into a living hell where parents are willingly allowing their children to be killed.

In an exclusive interview with The Daily Expose, retired microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi, a signatory of the group Doctors for Covid Ethics, says he hopes world governments will reverse their vaccination plans, saying if they do not, vaccines will soon receive full approval, meaning they can be released without the need for any risk-benefit analysis.

And he also hit out at the “ignorance” of Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London, Vaccine Minister Nadim Zahawi and Dr Chris Smith a Consultant Virologist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, while sending a message to governments across the world, urging them to start dialogue with Doctors for Covid Ethics because they share a common cause – saving lives.

By Stefan Schultz

According to the UK Government’s figures, more than 1,100 people have died due to an adverse effect caused by one of the vaccines currently being rolled out via Emergency Use Authorisation. But Dr Bhakdi reveals that worse is yet to come, with manufacturers, he says, creating a false sense of security.

“It’s so easy to manipulate the nano-particles,” he said. “All you need to do is take out one component, one lipid, and the vaccine will not be taken up by the cells any more. And then you have no side-effects. And you will have a vaccine that is well-tolerated.“That is what’s happening now with the mRNA vaccines, so the AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Sputnik will be removed from the market. So there will be a monopoly of the mRNA vaccines, which are being backed by Bill Gates.

“This plan was conceived years ago. Once this vaccine gets legally, fully approved, not approved for emergency use, but fully approved, no more risk analysis needs to be done.

“Pfizer are going to submit an application for this in June. And the authorities have already released underground information that the approval will probably be given in October. When this happens, it means that every subsequent vaccine is automatically approved. They have to sign no more application, there will be no more trials, no more risk-benefit analysis. No more notification of side effects.

“It’s such a nightmare. They can say, ‘well the care homes are overcrowded. India and South Africa…

“You know that with each subsequent vaccine the chances rise that you are going to kill people. That’s why they are starting to vaccinate children – they are going to show that the vaccine is tolerated by children – then they are going to use this wherever they want to.

“Once that has come through, these guys have a free hand to do whatever they want, wherever they want. And no one can do anything about it. It’s so horrible.

“How can people be so evil? How can people be so ignorant? It’s that combination of evil and ignorance that is making the world a living hell. And the only people who can do anything about it is us because we have to get the world around us to stand up and realise that they are being led to a living hell.

Read full story here: Article Source: Exclusive Interview with Dr Bhakdi – “Parents are willingly allowing their children to be killed if they allow them to have the Covid Vaccine” – Daily Expose

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