Ex School Principal: Education and Socialization cannot happen behind a Mask

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The proposal that our children cover their noses and mouths for 6/7 hours per day whilst at school, including in the classroom is inhumane.

Thursday, 8th April 2021, 6:00 pm – Updated Thursday, 8th April 2021, 6:01 pm

Pupils wearing masks hampers the ability of teachers to assess the degree of understanding of their teaching from the facial expressions of the students, writes Hugh McCarthy. “Expressions are essential too to gauge emotions and for teachers to detect non verbal communication”

It is unnecessary, educationally destructive and self evidently unhygienic.

German research noted that there is no manufacturer independent studies confirming the benefit of masks for children and adolescents.

There is, however, science which has confirmed the harmful physical, psychological and behavioural effects — the same German report indicated that the harms may be more widespread than previously reported.

Hugh McCarthy was principal of Killicomaine Junior High School for 23 years

There is plenty of research confirming that children, should they catch it, are almost unaffected by the virus.

And that their teachers are no more affected than the general public (Office of National Statistics).

And that their parents are also almost unaffected, with Professor John Ioannidis, professor of Epidemiology and Statistics at Stanford University placing the probability of survival for people under 70 after infection at 99.95%.

And the Northern Ireland Public Health Agency reports that schools are not major sources of transmission.

Furthermore the world’s leading scientists state that asymptomatic transmission is insignificant or zero.

Education and the socialization aspects of it cannot take place behind a mask. It requires unimpeded visual and oral…


Read full story here: Source: Ex school principal: Education and socialisation cannot happen behind a mask | Belfast News Letter

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