Ex-Pfizer Vice-President: COVID-19 Vaccines to Cause “Mass Depopulation”

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Ex-Pfizer Vice-President, Dr. Michael Yeadon, recently spoke with LifeSiteNews where he took on the COVID-19 injection agency, calling it “demonstrably false” and fraught with sinister corruption that could lead to unimaginable “totalitarianism” and mass death events within 2 years.

  1. There is “no possibility” current variants of COVID-19 will escape immunity. It is “just a lie.”
  2. Yet, governments around the world are repeating this lie, indicating that we are witnessing not just “convergent opportunism,” but a “conspiracy.” Meanwhile media outlets and Big Tech platforms are committed to the same propaganda and the censorship of the truth.
  3. Pharmaceutical companies have already begun to develop unneeded “top-up” (“booster”) vaccines for the “variants.” The companies are planning to manufacture billions of vials, in addition to the current experimental COVID-19 “vaccine” campaign.
  4. Regulatory agencies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency, have announced that since these “top-up” vaccines will be so similar to the prior injections which were approved for emergency use authorization, drug companies will not be required to “perform any clinical safety studies.”
  5. Thus, this virtually means that design and implementation of repeated and coerced mRNA vaccines “go from the computer screen of a pharmaceutical company into the arms of hundreds of millions of people, [injecting] some superfluous genetic sequence for which there is absolutely no need or justification.”
  6. Why are they doing this? Since no benign reason is apparent, the use of vaccine passports along with a “banking reset” could issue in a totalitarianism unlike the world has ever seen. Recalling the evil of Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, “mass depopulation” remains a logical outcome.
  7. The fact that this at least could be true means everyone must “fight like crazy to make sure that system never forms.  –LifeSiteNews

Dr. Michael Yeadon went on to say that “There is no question in my mind that very significant powerbrokers around the world have either planned to take advantage of the next pandemic or created the pandemic.”


Read full story here: Source: Ex-Pfizer Vice-President: COVID-19 Vaccines to Cause “Mass Depopulation” Event Within 2 years | The Red Elephants

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