Everyone has aids?!?! by What Her Face

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How many coincidences need to happen before something is no longer considered a coincidence? With the insane news cycle we’ve been hit with over the past two years it’s easy to forget some of what’s happened, but that’s why I am here – I never forget.
One piece of news that has been making waves recently is the dramatic increase of AIDS around the world.

While this may come as unexpected and worrisome to some, it is in fact something we should have all seen coming.

In April 2020, Luc Montagnier, world renowned virologist, and Nobel prize winner for his discovery of HIV warned the world that the novel coronavirus was not of natural origin and that it was manipulated to include sequences from the HIV virus.

Fast forward to current day 2022, with billions of vaccines administered across the world and suddenly, everyone had AIDS.

Oh, and did I mention that same world renowned virologist that tried to warn the world just happened to die this week?

So I ask you again, how many coincidences need to happen before something is no longer considered a coincidence?

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