Enzymatic “fingerprint” proves synthetic origin of covid: STUDY

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American and German researchers released a pre-print paper in bioRxiv the other day that further substantiates the unnatural origin of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Entitled “Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2,” the paper explains that the most likely origin of the alleged virus is a laboratory, and not bat soup at a Wuhan, China, wet market as was originally claimed. (Related: Bats were not even being sold in Wuhan at the time when covid mysteriously appeared.)

Similar studies published before this one looked at the matter using a different set of criteria. Researchers involved with those looked specifically at qualitative aspects of the virus such as its visible features.

In this latest one, researchers used quantitative methods – a first with regard to covid, just to be clear. This breakthrough method allowed researchers to present what they describe as objective findings that exceed those of other similar studies.

Another thing worth noting is that this new paper did not rely on any of the other known evidence that suggests the Fauci Flu was cooked up inside a building. It avoided taking into account the highly unusual “furin cleavage site,” for instance, which other scientists say points to a synthetic origin probably at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

There’s simply no way covid is a random product of nature

For the purposes of this new research, Valentin Bruttel, a molecular immunologist at the University of Würzburg in Germany; Alex Washburne, a mathematical biologist at Selva Science; and Antonius VanDongen, a pharmacologist at Duke University, examined what is described as “tiny fingerprints” left behind during viral assembly in a lab.

Normally, seamless genetic engineering techniques render it difficult to uncover evidence of manipulation – if done correctly, of course. In the case of the Wuhan Flu, efforts appear to have been made to conceal its synthetic origin, but the research team used a novel statistical process to crack the code.

Uncovering “hidden” evidence like this is no small feat, but the trio was able to accomplish what they set out to do by comparing the distribution of certain strands of genetic code in wild viruses to those present in lab-made viruses.

Lab-made viruses more often than not are constructed by assembling together various parts and pieces of other viruses. One blog compared it to the Mr. Potato Head game in which the nose part can be placed anywhere, or the ear part moved to where the feet should be.

The process supposedly helps “science” better understand how viruses work, spread, and infect – this being the excuse that was given as to why coronaviruses were being tampered with in the first place.

Viruses are also tampered with in the way this team did to uncover discoveries in order to create bioweapons, though the paper denies that this is what was going on (probably for political correctness purposes).

In the end, the team learned that not only is covid fake in terms of not being a random product of nature, but that there is only about a one in 100 million chance that covid came from bat soup or some other such excuse.

Though “very subtle,” the team says that “identifiable fingerprints” are, in fact, present on the surface of the covid virus. And these fingerprints point to tampering activities by scientists in a lab, which is what “covid deniers” have been saying since pretty much the beginning.

“There is no chance this wasn’t a gain of function engineered virus to anyone with common sense,” wrote a commenter about the discovery.


*Source: Enzymatic “fingerprint” proves synthetic origin of covid: STUDY – NaturalNews.com

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