Election Hammer: The Beginning was a Supersized Domestic Cyber Surveillance System

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Article Source: Election Hammer: The beginning was a supersized domestic cyber surveillance system built by Brennan with help, Feb 2009. – The Duran

FOX News And Rupert Murdoch Knew About THE HAMMER and SCORECARD Since 2013 – The American Report

By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | December 6, 2020 For seven years, FOX News and Rupert Murdoch hid from the American people information the cable news network possessed about cyberwarfare weapons THE HAMMER and SCORECARD. THE HAMMER’s application known as SCORECARD was used in a covert operation to steal U.S.

Audio 1 Tim Blixseth Conversations recorded

Pt 1 Blixseth On Montgomery “I Hacked Into All Of America For Brennan & Clapper” Trump Zillion Times by The American Report

Former real estate billionaire Tim Blixseth tells Sheriff Arpaio and Mike Zullo that Dennis Montgomery claims that he “hacked into all of America” for John Brennan and James Clapper. The data harvesting was allegedly accomplished using ‘THE HAMMER’ – a computer system designed and built by Montgomery.

Audio 2 Tim Blixseth Conversations recorded with Sheriff Arpaio

Pt 2 Blixseth Says They Tried To Destroy CIA Contractor Montgomery Then Hired Him Back In 2009 by The American Report

Tim Blixseth tells Sheriff Arpaio and Mike Zullo that after the New York Times tried to destroy CIA contractor Dennis Montgomery, that the government hired Montgomery back again in 2009 and that Brennan and Clapper knew about it.

Audio 3 Tim Blixseth Conversations recorded with Sheriff Arpaio

Montgomery Took Cash Bag 2 Lockheed to Rent Supercomputer Had Phone Records, Emails, 10 Million CC#s by The American Report

Dennis Montgomery was allegedly given a bag of cash to take to Lockheed Martin’s facility in the Los Angeles area to pay for supercomputer time. He claimed to posses hard drives containing phone records, emails, bank records, and 10 million credit card numbers without names matched to them.

More audio from the The American Report on sound cloud

Whistleblower’s Website 


The programs were built under contract with CIA, DOD, HS, AF, DIA, DNI, and others.

Built for foreign surveillance but turned on the American people and their businesses by some bad actors in the US Government.

This site is created and maintained by former Blxware employees that wanted the truth about Blware owner, Edra Blixseth, her US GOV contracts, and Blxware’s work in illegal FBI/CIA/NSA domestic surveillance programs to be exposed to the public.                                             FOURTH AMENDMENT VIOLATIONS ON A MASS SCALE Don’t be fooled thinking these FBI/CIA/NSA domestic surveillance programs only collected phone records.  These illegal spying programs that targeted Americans collected personal and business documents, financial records, phone records, medical records, internet searches, emails, sms & mms messages, images, login credentials, IRS records, social security information, IP addresses with geolocation information, corporate records, corporate IP, attorney client communications, attorney client documents, voter information, voter records, government communications, classified documents, all collected in these illegal spying programs without a single court order allowing them to collect this information.

These programs hacked Twitter, Google, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media company servers.


Once again SCORECARD was used against the American people to determine the outcome on an election.

Those that control this FBI/CIA/NSA private domestic surveillance system will control the 2020 election and did!


Why were Robert Mueller,John Brennan, James Clapper,  and the CIA  unmasking and hacking so many voters in GA, PA, NV, MI, OH, FL, TX, NC, AZ, and so many more?

Leverage and Control of our elections!

Target: Voters

GA (451,427 voters)
PA (87,430 voters)
OH (479,456 voters)
MI (547,039 voters)
AZ (492,075 voters)
NV (87,406 voters)
FL (1,804,533 voters)  A-K   K-Z  (large files)
TX (2,077,096 voters)  A-G   G-O   P-Z  (large files)
NC (399,902 voters)
CA (2,022,144 voters)

Limited data provided here due to sensitive information. Full dataset was provided to the FBI and DOJ under immunity agreements.


US voting machine manufactures and their employees were hacked in illegal FBI/NSA/CIA domestic surveillance programs we worked in from 2003-2016. The proof was provided to the DOJ and FBI by a whistle blower in 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2015. The data was provided to FBI Director James Comey’s general counsel James Baker on 08/19/2015 and 12/03/2015.

Election Systems & Software, Inc (ES&S)Clear Ballot Group, Inc. Dominion Voting Systems CorpHart InterCivic, Inc.MicroVote General Corp.Smartmatic USA CorporationVotingWorksUnisyn Voting Solutions

How can the voting machines be secure when the companies that produce them are not?

Expose the truth about Hammer & Scorecard

Expose the deep state, that does exist, and is involved in illegal surveillance of millions of innocent Americans without probable cause and their tampering with and changing election results to fit their political desires for America, which is socialism. Your privacy and constitutional rights have been violated like never before in the history of our country.

Why was the US GOV running domestic surveillance programs far off the grid and far away from congressional oversight in the United States targeting Americans and their businesses without probable cause?

FBI/CIA/NSA domestic surveillance statistics collected in their parallel private domestic surveillance program.

38,451,112  Number of Americans  hacked and spied on by US GO

6,882,119  Number of US businesses hacked and spied on by US GOV

6,322  Number of US GOV servers hacked and spied on by the US GOV

2,432,011  Number of votes tampered with in prior US elections by US GOV bad actors

System Architects

Robert Mueller
Director FBI
Sept 4, 2001 – Sept 4, 2013

Supplied computers for parallel platform domestic surveillance system.


John Brennan
Director CIA
March 8, 2013 – January 20, 2017

John Brennan converted US foreign cyber surveillance system into domestic cyber surveillance system targeting Americans and their businesses without probable cause, Feb 2009.


James Clapper
Director National Intelligence
Aug 9, 2010 – Jan 20, 2017

Supersized John Brennan’s domestic cyber surveillance system and provided secure location to operate, Feb 2009.

FBI/CIA/NSA domestic surveillance statistics collected in their parallel private domestic surveillance program.

1107, 322 Number of US churches hacked and spied on by US GOV

1,342  Number of Secretary of State computer networks hacked and spied on by US GOV

159 Number of Article III federal judges hacked and spied on by US GOV

93,856 Number attorneys and law firms hacked  and spied on by the US GOV

To see more industries hacked here

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