Education is in a State of Absolute Crisis | Armstrong Economics

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It is time to pull the kids out of any college that is demanding vaccines and imposing punitive fines. This demonstrates that such universities and private schools are incompetent of teaching when all they do is promote the narrative without any original thought. Nearly 50% of those in hospitals have already been vaccinated and are typically overweight or have diabetes. Students at Connecticut’s Quinnipiac University are to be fined up to $2,275 and lose internet access if they fail to comply with the university’s COVID-19 vaccination policies. Quinnipiac University is known as a left-wing private liberal arts college in New Haven. It is obviously teaching only propaganda if we look at their policy of vaccines for a disease that has a lethal aspect of less than 1%.

The most important thing any university can teach is HOW TO THINK. This is what is seriously missing from education. Moreover, it is rare outside of law or medicine that anyone ever does what they went to school for. Even John Maynard Keynes did not have a degree in economics. So what is the point of spending all this money on degrees that end up worthless anyway? In The Last Lion about Churchill, written by William-Manchester, we find a passage that is on point regarding the problem we face with formal education:

“Clearly there was something odd here. Winston, Davidson had conceded, was the ablest boy in his form. He was, in fact, remarkable. His grasp of history was outstanding. Yet he was considered a hopeless pupil. It occurred to no one that the fault might lie, not in the boy, but in the school. Samuel Butler defined genius as “a supreme capacity for getting its possessors into trouble of all kinds,” and it is ironic that geniuses are likeliest to be misunderstood in classrooms. Studies at the University of Chicago and the University of Minnesota have found that teachers smile on children with high IQs and frown upon those with creative minds. Intelligent but uncreative students accept conformity, never rebel, and complete their assignments with dispatch and to perfection. The creative child, on the other hand, is manipulative, imaginative, and intuitive. He is likely to harass the teacher. He is regarded as wild, naughty, silly, undependable, lacking in seriousness or even promise. His behavior is dis¬tracting; he doesn’t seem to be trying; he gives unique answers to banal questions, touching off laughter among the other children. E. Paul Torrance of Minnesota found that 70 percent of pupils rated high in creativ¬ity were rejected by teachers picking a special class for the intellectually gifted. The Goertzels concluded that a Stanford study of genius, under which teachers selected bright children, would have excluded Churchill, Edison, Picasso, and Mark Twain.”

Our children are being taught…

Read full story here: Education is in a State of Absolute Crisis | Armstrong Economics

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