Dutch Farmers and Fishermen Blockade Inspires Wave of Protests Against ‘Liberal World Order’

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Dutch Farmers and Fishermen Blockade Inspires Wave of Protests Against ‘Liberal World Order’

There is a wave of protests spreading around the world. The Dutch are the latest to express their discontent against the crumbling ‘liberal world order.’

Dutch farmers have revolted against a government proposal to slash emissions of pollutants like nitrogen oxide and ammonia in half by 2030. The Netherlands’ government gave the plan to provincial states to formulate by the end of the year. The farmers became incensed with the government’s plans that may require them to use less fertilizer and reduce livestock.

The protests were sparked on Monday when Ducth farmers blocked several distribution hubs, supermarkets, and highways with the tractors. Even ferry routes were disrupted as Dutch fishermen joined in the revolt with the farmer activists group.

Meanwhile, two days of blockades of distribution centres by farmers protests group will cost tens of millions, food retailers group CBL warned. The supermarkets have been hard hit by the supply chain disruption.

On Tuesday, protests boiled over. Police arrested several of the activists. They even fired a warning shot at the activists late in the day, although protesters claim they posed no threat to the officers.

Dutch authorities on Wednesday said they an official investigation has been opened after the fractious night of farmers protests in the northern Netherlands.

According to local media reports, the Dutch farmers interest group LTO called for an investigation, while the police union ACP insisted it was am incidental event that would not contribute to further escalation in the already tense situation.

Meanwhile, on Wednesday morning, protesting farmers mobilized their tractors and heavy machinery to form a blockade around the Groningen airport in the northern Netherlands.

Farmers believe they have been unfairly targeted and complain that the government is impeding their way of life. The Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has ruled out negotiating with the farmers.

The Dutch farmers and fishermen are among a growing number of blue collar European workers that are striking against the ‘liberal world order.’ Their uprising follows upon reports of brewing discontent in Canada over the ‘political indictment‘ of Truckers Convoy leader Tamara Lich.

Becker News foreign correspondent Real Mac Reports contributed to this report.


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