Dr. Peterson Pierre (AFLDS): Hospitals payment scheme exposed – Paid to kill you!

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So the current situation is this, if you have COVID and you end up in the hospital, you’re put on a rigid protocol, and there is high mortality rate in the hospital and your family is kept in the dark as to what’s happening. So what’s going on here?

Number one, the CARES Act is providing bonus payments to hospitals whenever you have a diagnosis of COVID.

And then number two, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services is waiving patient rights. This is a deadly combinations, so here’s what happens. You get a payment because you offer a free COVID test in the emergency room. You get a booster payment if you have a diagnosis of COVID.

Number three, you get another bonus payment if you are admitted with COVID.

Number four, you get another bonus payment if you’re put on Remdesivir.

Number five, another bonus payment if you’re put on a mechanical ventilator.

Number six, another 20 percent bonus if the diagnosis on your death certificate says COVID, even though you may not have died from COVID.

And then number seven, there’s bonus payment to coroners.

Do you understand the gravity of what’s happening right now? The Biden administration is literally paying hospitals kill you! That’s what’s happening. This is terrible. We need to stop that. These are real human lives we’re talking about. They’re priceless.

It’s estimated at about $100,000 per patient is what the hospital gets. Think about that.

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