Journalists are paid off, the FDA is paid off, the people on regulatory panels that regulate these drugs are paid off…

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Dr Paul Marik speaking at The Better Way Conference

“The journalists are paid off, the FDA is paid off, the people on these regulatory panels that regulate these drugs are paid off.. so they’re all paid off.

That’s why conflict of interest – doesn’t matter how big or how small – is a conflict. Once you have a conflict, you are conflicted and you can’t be honest…”

  • Pharma lies, cheats, deceives, and propagates false information.
  • Pharma controls medical care, they influence the standard of care.
  • Pharma controls CONGRESS.
  • Pharma controls the health care agencies that regulate them.
  • Pharma controls the research agenda.
  • Pharma controls the medical journals.
  • Pharma controls the media.




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