Dr Judy Mikovitz Warns That God-Fearing People Are Walking Right Into the Holocaust Slaughter Just Like in the 1930s

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Dr Judy Mikovitz has seen Anthony Fauci, Big Pharma and the powers-that-be up close, and personal. She’s seen just how corrupt they truly are. In fact, she was arrested, despite not committing a crime. Her constitutional rights were violated to keep her silent. She was put under a five year gag order to keep her from exposing what was truly going on with Fauci & Co. Now, she’s not holding back.

I had the opportunity to have her on The Jeff Dornik Show, and I really wanted to focus on a few specific issues: what is covid-19, how dangerous are the vaccines and how did they pull off the scam. That is all extremely important to understand, especially because Dr Mikovitz has seen this technology up close and understands the science behind it all. I strongly encourage you to listen to the entire episode for the details on what’s really going on with covid and the vaccines.

But the most important segment is towards the end, where I asked her, “What’s the point of this all?” Her answer was somewhat surprising, especially when compared to many of my other guests’ response to this question. However, it’s also an extremely wise answer that I’ll break down below. There’s multiple facets, and we’ll take each one separately.

“Yes, (this is about) genocide. But keep remembering the word liability, because all liability returns if you can make a vaccine safer.

“In 2011, when it was clear that blood supply had been contaminated, women had been infected with XRMVs and women got AIDS, this is what Tony Fauci did. He put the women in the “you’re crazy” and he let them keep giving blood and he destroyed their families and their brains.

“The end goal is to kill them all, that four or five percent, and cover it all up forever because you don’t have autopsies. All the data’s gone, theoretically. All the proof of what they did is gone.”

This is a huge allegation that Dr Mikovitz is making, but if anyone can make this claim authoritatively, it’s her. Essentially, one aspect of these vaccines and the rampant death is to wipe out the evidence of Tony Fauci infecting these women with XRMVs and giving them AIDS. If they die, the evidence of his crimes die with them.

Dr Mikovitz continued:

“And then you’ve got God out of our life, because these viruses change your brain, I guarantee you. It’s not easy to live with these viruses, and I live with them. I’ve got ‘em. We’ve got proof of what they were doing.

“They knew the vulnerable populations: the Blacks. Yes, old people need to die because you stole their money. It’s their whole drive it to a one world order and you become god. You take over our immune system and you become god.

“The goal is to get God out of our country, the United States of America. One nation under God with liberty and justice for all. That’s the goal.”

The next purpose for the covid-19 plandemic is to eliminate…

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