Dr. Francis Boyle issues URGENT WARNING about WHO pandemic treaty designed to enslave & exterminate humanity

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– Dr. Francis Boyle warns of DoD-run bioweapons labs creating more pathogens

– New information that extends the conclusions in his recent book, “Resisting Medical Tyranny”

– A warning of “Nuremberg-level crimes against civilians”

– Why the DoD continues to run illegal bioweapons programs in Ukraine

– How governments of the world unleash bioweapons on their own civilian populations

– The WHO’s desire to be the global dictator, ruling over all humanity

– How the treaty was specifically written to nullify national sovereignty

– How health “emergencies” can be created to enslave humanity

– The truth about Monkey Pox, which was a lab-created biological weapon

– Why Dr. Boyle was banned by the mainstream media and has been censored for two decades

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