Dr. Fauci Knew Covid Vaccines Would Never Give Us Herd Immunity

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new scientific study is out, and Anthony Fauci co-authored it.

What is remarkable about that study is the derogatory language Fauci et al. employ towards influenza and Covid vaccines.

Until the emergence of COVID-19, influenza had for many decades been the deadliest vaccine-preventable viral respiratory disease, one for which only less than suboptimal vaccines are available.

Less than suboptimal vaccines is a term that leaves little to the imagination. Suboptimal means “not good.” Less than suboptimal means “useless at best.”

The article presumably discusses “next-generation vaccines.” However, the next-generation talk is empty and speculative, without specific mentions of any new technology that Dr. Fauci and his coauthors can recommend. The substance of the Cell article only explains why current influenza vaccines cannot prevent influenza and why Covid vaccines cannot prevent Covid.

Although current influenza vaccines reduce the risk of severe disease, hospitalization, and death to some degree, their effectiveness against clinically apparent infection is decidedly suboptimal, ranging from 14% to 60% over the past 15 influenza seasons.1 Furthermore, the duration of vaccine-elicited immunity is measured only in months. Current vaccines require annual re-vaccination with updated formulations that are frequently not precisely matched to circulating virus strains.8 Although annual influenza vaccinations are strongly recommended for most of the general public and especially for persons in high-risk groups, including the elderly, those with chronic diseases, and pregnant women, vaccine acceptance by the general public is not ideal.9

As of 2022, after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted.

The above sounds like this article by yours truly…Re

Read full story: Dr. Fauci Knew Covid Vaccines Would Never Give Us Herd Immunity

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