Dr. Fauci & Chinese Communist Caught Conspiring on Mass Vaccinations – Republican Story

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Dr. Anthony Fauci, the preeminent authority figure on the COVID-19 pandemic, recently appeared on a virtual panel hosted by the University of Edinburgh with his counterpart, Dr. Zhong Nanshan, a longtime Chinese Communist Party member.

Despite public health experts’ advocacy for ‘strict’ lockdowns lasting 2-3 years and global mass vaccinations, the video was posted by the University of Edinburgh in early March and received relatively little attention.

Dr. Zhong is a pulmonary specialist and a long-time Communist Party member, and is known as “China’s Fauci.”

Just the News reported that Zhong has a long history in the Chinese Communist Party hierarchy, having held delegate positions in both the CCP’s National Congress and its National People’s Congress for many years. “He has also served on a number of state research initiatives and is the founder of the Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Diseases, which is funded by the government.”

“Both Fauci and Zhong expressed hope on the panel that COVID-19 restrictions would be maintained indefinitely,” the report continued.

“The ‘commonsense’ approach to engendering herd immunity in the population, according to Zhong, is ‘mass vaccinations,’ but ‘to do that… will take about two or three years time with global collaboration.’”

In a conversation between public health officials, Dr. Fauci would echo those sentiments. Dr. Zhong replied to a question from Dr. Anthony Fauci at the University of Edinburgh’s virtual panel, which elicited his support for “strict” lockdowns.

“There are so many questions to consider,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said. “The one that I think is very important, that seems to dominate the discussion throughout the…


Full article here: Source: Dr. Fauci & Chinese Communist Caught Conspiring on Mass Vaccinations – Republican Story

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