Dr. Christina Parks, PhD – Testimony for Michigan House ill 4471 against vaccine mandates

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Dr. Christina Parks, PhD testimony for Michigan bill against vaccine mandates. House Bill 4471 – Prohibits certain vaccinations as a condition of employment.

She received her Ph.D. in cellular and molecular biology from Michigan Medical School and so she’s very well versed in the science of both these mRNA, gene therapy vaxxes as well as what a vax is designed to do in the body, what can do, what it can’t do. Extremely complex science that has been over simplified in the media to basically take away our freedom of choice…

And of course if you do an internet search you can find links to where she’s been debunked and the usually discrediting of smart doctors that don’t fit the narrative of big government etc. But that’s what they always do. So listen yourself and you decide.  

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