Dr. Chris Shoemaker: Harmful DNA Is in Pfizer & Moderna Shots

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You might think that all would be well in the world, at least from a pandemic perspective.

Historically, pandemics aren’t that common. They also rapidly come and go.

It’s been almost 4 years since I successfully treated my first Covid patient in October of 2019. In September 2022, during a 60 Minutes interview, our puppet president Joe Biden told us, “The pandemic is over.” He added, “We’re still doing a lot of work on it.” But he reiterated the pandemic was over.

What’s not over is the devastation caused by the pandemic response. This was tyranny.

By now, most people in America know someone personally who has either suffered or died from the Covid bioweapon shots. Although some still fail to connect the dots, willful ignorance being the most likely cause, the vast majority of people have witnessed enough carnage to convince people that taking another toxic Covid injection is not a good idea. Based on current evidence, that is a gross understatement.

Dr. Chris Shoemaker, a Canadian M.D. who has a 45-year career in Family and Emergency medicine, joins Dr. LaTulippe for a bold discussion on the lethal contents of the Covid “vaccine,” citing the latest findings that reveal significant DNA contamination in every vial of the Covid injectables.

Scientist Kevin McKernan, a medical genomics expert whose contribution to the human genome project was monumental, recently discovered the presence of DNA in the mRNA shots. As expected, he was harshly criticized for his revelation. But his findings that include both the presence and the levels of DNA in the vials have been confirmed by multiple reputable labs. Legacy media will never tell you this.

Also being investigated is the presence of an SV40 promoter genetic sequence in the shots, which acts as a switch that turns on gene expression and causes cancer. This gene fragment was initially detected in the 1960s as a Salks polio vaccine contaminant. Its recipients experienced a large surge in cancers.

And just to add salt to the wound, the spike protein-producing mRNA and DNA are packaged in lipid nanoparticles that permit entry into every cell in the human body. What does this mean for the billions of people who took the jab? We mustn’t draw hasty conclusions. But based on accumulating evidence of Covid shot-related deaths, cardiopulmonary disease, clots, immune suppression, cancer proliferation, infertility, and many other adverse events, the forecast isn’t bright.

When the gene product (spike protein) is deposited in tissues, it causes extensive inflammation and suppression of one’s immune system. Cancer proliferates and might even be induced. Once inflammation in tissues and various organs is produced, this damage simply cannot be reversed. Fibrosis is scarring, nonfunctional tissue. While the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance claims to have an effective spike protein detoxification protocol, it is damage control, at best. No protocol is likely to reverse infertility caused by scarring of the testicles and ovaries. Nothing can restore full and normal function to damaged organs.

The only redemptive factor in this crime against humanity is that people are now questioning the benefits of all shots. Again, if you look at the evidence, it isn’t good. But everyone must do their own research and seek out the truth in medicine. Censorship tactics hide it well. With due diligence, you can be well informed. Don’t allow yourself to be duped when the next “mandemic” arrives prior to the 2024 presidential election. Knowledge could literally save your life. This is no time for ignorance.

All evidence now points to mRNA technology being an intentional bioweapon, funded by our own tax dollars, spearheaded by our own rogue government. The attack was extremely successful, and casualties are mounting and will continue to rise for years, likely decades.

Our job is to spread the truth, hoping people will listen to and heed our message in order to avoid further disaster.

The message is simple: STOP THE SHOTS! Do not comply! Defend the truth, and be willing to fight for your freedom.


Source: Dr. Chris Shoemaker: Harmful DNA Is in Pfizer & Moderna Shots – America Out Loud News

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