Do Individuals Matter in “Public Health Policy?’

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“Public health policy” was never about health of any individual. It was always about the so-called “public.” The individual child who occasionally dies from a vaccine is simply par for the course. It was a necessary sacrifice for the sake of the public, or so the party line goes.

And who is to determine what is good for public health? Not you, me, or any other individual. Not even any individual physician or scientist. Only experts who are endorsed by the public, since it’s only the public that matters here.

But who gets to speak for the public? Only three entities are so entitled. They are:

  1. Government (which supposedly is democratically elected, but in actuality is funded by special-interest corporate investors and donors)
  2. Medical mainstream (funded by the same special-interest corporate investors and donors)
  3. Mainstream media (monopolized by the same special-interest mega-corporations)

Any individual who dares question the public’s narrative is censored and silenced by Big Tech, which is similarly entitled to speak for the public, as part of Mainstream Media. In public health policy, the individual is of zero significance, and even worse. The individual poses a serious risk to the well-being of the public. Individual rights, speech, opinion, choice, and even access to facts, all need to be curtailed in order to maintain the public’s safety.

Of course, it’s ultimately all about what’s allegedly good for the individual too, since, as the thinking goes, the individual only matters as part of the public.

Subjecting the individual to the risk of an experimental gene therapy without informed consent is supposedly acceptable even if it results in his premature death, since his life was only meaningful in service of the ‘public.’ He or she died for a noble and worthwhile cause, since it was ‘for the public.’

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