DNA Can Be Engineered To Kill Individuals, Families Or Entire Ethnicities

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DNA has been quietly and yet aggressively collected by the major super powers, but much of that is already in private hands to sell to the highest bidder. Genetic engineering is firmly entrenched in militaries and could be used as the ultimate stealth weapons to conquer entire continents. Wipe out classes of food? Kill all caucasians, blacks or orientals? Left-handed, green-eyed short men of European descent? No problem. ⁃ TN Editor

A member of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee warned that bio-weapons are being made that use a target’s DNA to only kill that person.

Speaking at the Aspen Security Forum on Friday, US Rep Jason Crow of Colorado warned Americans to not be so cavalier about sharing their DNA with private companies due to the coming of the new type of weapon.

‘You can actually take someone’s DNA, take, you know, their medical profile and you can target a biological weapon that will kill that person or take them off the battlefield or make them inoperable,’ Crow said.

The congressman said the development of the weapons is worrisome given the popularity of DNA testing services, where people willingly share their genetic mapping with businesses to gain insight on their genealogy and health.

‘You can’t have a discussion about this without talking about privacy and the protection of commercial data because expectations of privacy have degraded over the last 20 years,’ the Democratic lawmaker said.

‘Young folks actually have very little expectation of privacy, that’s what the polling and the data show.”

Crow, a former Army Ranger who served three tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, continued: ‘People will very rapidly spit into a cup and send it to 23andMe and get really interesting data about their background.’

23andMe has repeatedly stated that it does not sell off customers’ private information, but the DNA company is one of many that has provided information to police upon request

‘And guess what? Their DNA is now owned by a private company. It can be sold off with very little intellectual property protection or privacy protection and we don’t have legal and regulatory regimes to deal with that.’

‘We have to have an open and public discussion about… what the protection of healthcare information, DNA information, and your data look like because that data is actually going to be procured and collected by our adversaries for the development of these systems.’

23andMe has repeatedly stated that it does not sell off customers’ private information, but the DNA company is one of many that has provided information to police upon request.

US Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said the US rivals could use such DNA bio-weapons to target food supplies on a vast scale.

Ernst warned that biological weapons could be used to target specific animals that citizens, troops or cities depend on, bringing about scarcity and food insecurity to weaken people.

 ‘Food insecurity drives a lot of other insecurities around the globe,’ Ernst said.

‘There’s a number of ways we can look at biological weapons and the need to make sure not only are we securing human beings, but then also the food that will sustain us.’

Earlier this week, the Washington Examiner reported on just how easy it could be for privately-owned databases to be used to develop bioweapons such as the ones touted by Crow.

The publication explained how DNA belonging to a target – or the close relative of a target – could be stolen and used to form a biological weapon effective against that person only.

That technology could lead to highly-targeted assassination programs, and also make it much harder for killers to be tracked down.

Similar technology could be deployed against US agriculture by designing weapons which target only a certain breed of farm animal, or crop.

Read full story here…

Source: DNA Can Be Engineered To Kill Individuals, Families Or Entire Ethnicities

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