Different Lots for Different Shots: Some More Lethal Than Others

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Dr. Zelenko: “Some of the lots were 5,000% more lethal than others, or think of it as 50x. So let’s say one vial killed one person. Another vial killed 50 people. That’s in terms of lethality. If everyone would have gotten the same thing, it [would] be clear in a clear correlation that you’re being poisoned and no one [would have] taken it. But the most common question I got was, ‘Well, I know these people and they’re okay,’ and the answer is, ‘yeah,’ because not everyone got the same thing.”

Mel K & The Amazing Dr. Zelenko On Fighting & Detoxing The Evil Medical Agenda 4-4-22 – Full Video: https://rumble.com/vzocgn-mel-k-and-the-amazing-dr.-zelenko-on-fighting-and-detoxing-the-evil-medical.html

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