DeSantis: We’re Suing CDC Because ‘One Unelected Bureaucracy’ Doesn’t Have Authority to Close an Entire U.S. Industry

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A lone unelected bureaucracy should not, and does not, have the power to indefinitely shut down an entire industry – and “That’s why we’re suing” the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) said Wednesday.

From requiring summer camp kids to wear masks outdoors to promoting the agenda of teachers’ unions to devastating Florida’s cruise and tourism industries the CDC has exceeded its authority, DeSantis said at a press event in Satellite Beach, Florida, The Daily Wire reports.

The CDC’s politically-motivated overreach has implications for all U.S. industries, as well as all Americans, DeSantis warned:

“Think about the larger implication of this. Do you want one unelected bureaucracy to be able to have the power to indefinitely shut down a major industry in this country? They do not have that authority to do it. That’s why we’re suing them.

“But this has much larger implications than just cruise ships sailing or not. This has implications for potentially any industry and look, with all due respect to the CDC, I mean if you look at some of the stuff that they’ve done on school openings, where they’re basically doing the teachers’ union’s bidding, when they say these kids should be masked in summer camp outdoors. I’m sorry, that’s not science, that’s politics.”

Article Source: DeSantis: We’re Suing CDC Because ‘One Unelected Bureaucracy’ Doesn’t Have Authority to Close an Entire U.S. Industry | CNSNews

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