Denver becoming overwhelmed after 40,000 spike in migrant population

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Welcome to Demoncrat run state of Colorado! They ask for it now they are getting it!

The sanctuary city has been struggling to stretch its limited resources to support the growing number of migrants in the city. Texas has transported thousands of migrants to sanctuary cities like Denver, to showcase the problems border states face when migrants flood their cities.

With overcrowded shelters and overrun hospitals, Denver state officials have begun enforcing a limit on the amount of time that migrants can stay in state-provided rooms to accommodate the daily influx of individuals, according to a report from NBC News.

Dr. Steven Federico, a pediatrician and chief of government and community affairs at Denver Health, told NBC News the hospital reached out to state and federal government agencies for assistance.

“I think it’s been an unheeded call so far in terms of who’s going to be responsible for the health care of this population,” Federico said. “In the meantime, it falls on safety net hospitals like Denver Health.”

The city’s medical institutions are draining staff and supplies on patients who can’t pay for their services, all while the city exhausts its other resources to combat the housing crisis for its new occupants. Consequently, this has created a rise in ‘tent cities’ throughout Denver.

“[There were] 200 plus tents around our business,” Samantha Menendez, co-owner of “One Shot Back” bar in Denver stated in an interview on Fox & Friends.

“There’s people right across the street that couldn’t even get to our door, so decline was pretty quick. The first three months, it was fine. After that, it was pretty aggressive for the decline of business,” Menendez continued.

Denver Mayor Mike Johnston predicts the city will have to use 10% of its budget to aid the increased stream of migrants. He also estimated that Denver will need an additional $100 million in order to accommodate the population overflow migrating north from Texas to keep the city’s housing, schools, hospitals afloat.

In an interview on America’s Newsroom, Johnston spoke about what he believes would provide a potential solution, saying, “When folks arrive in our city, we want them [to have] the ability to work.

If they have work authorization when they arrive, they can get to work and support themselves immediately, [they] don’t need federal or state support.”

A spokesperson for Johnston’s office released a statement that said the city is “straining” with the continued influx of migrants.

“Denver paused the discharge of migrant families on Nov. 17, 2023 and also welcomed families who had previously timed out to return to shelter. However, over the past two months, Denver has seen a dramatic uptick in arrivals and is currently sheltering 4,000 people.

This influx – the fourth significant surge in arrivals since late 2022 – is straining capacity and based on current projections, could force the city to cut as much as $180 million from its annual budget,” the statement said.


Source: Denver becoming overwhelmed after 40,000 spike in migrant population

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