Democrat Curses at Police Officer After Getting Pulled Over for Speeding

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Democrat Curses at Police Officer After Getting Pulled Over for Speeding

Top Democrat PULLED OVER by Police – Starts Yelling At Him!

( – It’s not uncommon for elected officials to get pulled over by police for speeding. It is unusual for people in positions of authority to behave as if they’re above the law directly to a police officer. Yet, Pompano Beach Vice Mayor Beverly Perkins decided to berate a cop in April in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, after a traffic stop for driving 15 to 20 miles per hour over the posted speed limit.

When the unidentified law enforcer informed Perkins he intended to issue a warning, the elected official behaved smugly and ignored pertinent questions from the officer. Then, she swore inappropriately, accused him of having other things to do than harass her, and sped away.

After city officials released the video of the interaction between the two, the vice mayor issued a public apology to anyone who might have perceived her interaction with the officer as disrespectful. But, notably, she didn’t apologize to the officer or the department.

The apology, which critics called half-hearted, didn’t sit well with some in the law enforcement community. An attorney for the Fort Lauderdale Police Union criticized the vice mayor for not behaving appropriately towards the officer, saying she was unprofessional, disrespectful, and rude.

The Local Fraternal Order of Police released a statement suggesting that Perkins offer a more appropriate apology instead of cursing at the officer and attacking him. They also recommended she ride along with the police to see how they serve and protect citizens daily.

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