Deaths among Triple Vaccinated increased by 495% in January

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Official data from Public Health Scotland confirms the vaccinated population have accounted for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths over the past two months. But a side by side comparison of those two months suggests the Covid-19 booster campaign has been a complete failure because the percentage of Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths have all gone down in the unvaccinated population whilst increasing drastically in the triple vaccinated population.

Nicola Sturgeon the First Minister of Scotland has insisted that mask wearing and vaccine passports will remain in Scotland despite Boris Johnson the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom scrapping both requirements at the end of January, and pledging to possibly scrap all remaining restrictions towards the end of February.

Mask wearing, as anyone with an ounce of intelligence should know, is of course completely pointless because the virus is small enough to penetrate the holes found in surgical masks and FFP3 masks. So the cloth masks sold by Dr Julia Grace Patterson (an unregistered doctor who is really a psychiatrist) and her EveryDoctor venture are just borderline idiotic.

But what’s fast becoming even more idiotic is the idea that a vaccine passport system is the way forward, because official Public Health Scotland data shows it is the vaccinated who are most likely to spread Covid-19, it is the vaccinated who are most likely to be hospitalized with Covid-19, and it is the vaccinated who are most likely to die of Covid-19.

Covid-19 Cases

Public Health Scotland (PHS) publish a weekly Covid-19 Statistical report containing data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths by vaccination status.

The following chart has been collated from data found in table 11 of the PHS Covid-19 Statistical Report published 12th Jan 22, and table 12 of the PHS Covid-19 Statistical Report published 9th Feb 22, and it shows the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status between 11th Dec 21 and 7th Jan 22, and between 8th Jan and 4th Feb 22.

Overall cases have dropped in the last month in all demographics significantly compared to the number of cases recorded between 11th Dec and 7th Jan 22, but in both months the vaccinated have accounted for the vast majority of cases.

The main difference between the two months is that the double vaccinated accounted for the majority of cases between 11th Dec and 8th Jan 22; recording 145,890 cases, but the triple vaccinated accounted for the majority of cases between 8th Jan and 4th Feb 22; recording 46,951 cases.

However, despite cases declining in all demographics over the past two months the data is still quite…

Continue reading the full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] Deaths among Triple Vaccinated increased by 495% in January with the Vaccinated accounting for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Cases, Hospitalizations & Deaths since December – The Expose

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