Critical race theory is just anti-White racism, repackaged to brainwash an entire generation into growing up as racist BIGOTS filled with hatred

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(Natural News) American Marxists are not much different than Western Marxists in that they, too, seek to tear down our existing republican-style democracy and replace it with their much more authoritarian model of government.

But instead of strictly following Karl Marx’s model of dividing populations by class, American Marxists are using our multiracial, multicultural society to divide us — after telling us for decades that “multiculturalism is our strength.”

And in particular, they push the lie that the problem with America is the majority white population through the teaching of “critical race theory,” which Scott Greer, author of “No Campus for White Men,” says is “the cultural battle of our time.”

“State legislatures across the country are seeking to ban it, parents battle with school boards over it, and several Republican politicians look to make a name for themselves as the ultimate opponent of CRT,” he writes in a column at American Greatness.

Greer credited investigator Christopher Rufo with blowing the whistle on the spread of CRT, which began in Corporate America and spread to federal agencies and the nation’s public school systems. Rufo first made his revelations on Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s program more than a year ago and has provided several updates since. In fact, Rufo has been credited with alerting then-President Donald Trump to the destructive curriculum, leading him to ban it throughout the federal government — though Joe Biden and his handlers are reinstating it.

“The battle against CRT is a positive development for the American Right and Rufo deserves credit for revealing these insidious practices to the public. But the mainstream anti-CRT movement has serious limitations, the most damaging of which is the hesitancy of its members to stress the primary target of CRT, which, of course, is white people,” Greer notes further.

The author went on to gently push back on Rufo somewhat, however, noting that while he does describe CRT as being “anti-white,” he always does so using “qualifiers.”

“But it is also anti-Asian, anti-rational, and anti-democratic. I think it is [a] much deeper problem—‘anti-whiteness’ is merely one element,” Rufo told Revolver News.

Yeah, but, as Greer correctly points out, it’s mostly anti-white.

He notes:

School children are not taught to check their “democratic” privilege. These lesson plans don’t say that all “rational” people are racist from birth. We are not told to repeat that our nation was founded on “Asian supremacy.” All of these efforts are directed against whites. …

Whites are the ones demonized and white society is seen as the great enemy to “social justice.”

Greer adds that whiteness is actually treated as a pathogen in CRT, and he provides examples.

Read full story here: Critical race theory is just anti-White racism, repackaged to brainwash an entire generation into growing up as racist BIGOTS filled with hatred –

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