Covid – Vaccines – Did You Know?

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Did you know?

  1. The FDA did not approve Moderna or Pfizer mRNA gene therapeutics they dubbed “vaccines”. It simply authorized them. Fauci confirms.
  2. The clinical trials will be completed in 2023, and there are 12 vaccine companies working on profiting from vaccine sales.
  3. The FDA & CDC have not revealed to the public over 20 adverse effects, including Death, related to Covid19 vaccines, which were discussed in an October 2020 meeting. 2,602 deaths from  Covid19 vaccines are reported by the National Vaccine Information Center as at 4/8/2021, and one-third of the deaths occurred within 48 hours.
  4. The mRNA jab delivers a synthetic, inorganic molecule (medical device) that programs your cells to synthesize pathogens that your immune system will constantly have to fight off for the rest of  your life, otherwise known as an “immunodeficiency”, or Antibody Dependent Enhancement, which causes your immune system to become overwhelmed and more vulnerable to other diseases, also known as a cytokine storm.
  5. The mRNA jab does not prevent you from contracting Covid19 or from transmitting it. Dr. Steve Hotze elaborates. Fauci confirms. The CDC graph underscores that reality, proving vaccines are ineffective and vaccine passports are totally useless.
  6. The CDC inflated the death rate for Covid19 by instructing medical practitioners in its March 24, 2020 directive to ascribe the cause of death as Covid19 for all deaths.
  7. The CDC later admitted that 94% of deaths had underlying conditions. That means that of the 527,000 deaths reported as Covid19, only 6% were caused directly by Covid19, or 31,620.
  8. The survival rate for Covid19 is, therefore, roughly 99.9%. When using the state population as the denominator, the death rate is even lower, ranging from 36 to 247 deaths per 100,000.
  9. The CDC lumped pneumonia, influenza, and Covid19 into a new epidemic it called PIC in order to inflate Covid19 deaths.
  10. Hospitals are paid $13,000 for every Covid19 admission, and $39,000 for every patient that is put on a ventilator.
  11. The PCR tests do not detect SARS-CoV-2 particles, but particles from any number of viruses you might have contracted in the past, and that a lawsuit for crimes against humanity is being  launched by a German attorney for this fraud.
  12. There are class action lawsuits in the works, naming Anthony Fauci as defendant, amongst others.
  13. Therapeutics and profylactics, like Hydroxychloroquine, have been approved in WHO, CDC and NIH websites, but were intentionally kept out of the public eye in order to fast track vaccines.
  14. Front Line Doctors who try to explain the benefits of proven therapeutics are being silenced, and some have had their license suspended.
  15. Fauci and the CDC has flip-flopped on masks, contaminated surfaces, asymptomatic spread, testing, and has only recently acknowledged that herd immunity is achieved when antibodies are spread by those who beat the disease (the 99.9%).
  16. Injuries and deaths by mRNA jabs keep rising. VAERS reports 8,285 serious injuries as at 4/8/21. In the first quarter of 2021 there has been a 6000% increase in vaccine deaths from the same period a year ago.
  17. The CDC at one time recommended DDT for in home use, and used the same fear porn tactics to sell vaccines for H1N1.
  18. Documents prove that the media was to be the key player in the spread of fear porn leading up to the promotion of vaccines, that a VACCINATE WITH CONFIDENCE paper by the CDC exists, and that lockdowns are used as a carrot.
  19. The CDC owns the patent for the coronavirus that is transmitted to humans; a patent for a Covid19 test was filed in 2015, and Covid19 test kits were being shipped around the world in 2018.

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