COVID Insanity

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Some people are losing their minds over COVID, discarding established science and basic common sense in order to demonstrate and enforce their power over others. These sorts of things are not about promoting “public health” or following empirically-determined best practices, even though that’s how they’re framed and justified. They’re actually about agendas, signaling, and control. One might assume that the San Francisco school board’s destructive machinations are the most cartoonishly absurd acts being carried out by educational officials in the Bay Area recently, but the brain trust over at the University of California at Berkeley is giving them a run for their money. Cal students are basically inmates in a low-security jail at this point:

Berkeley’s administration has struggled to stand up for basic constitutional freedoms, and have allowed leftist agitators to bully them on who can speak on campus. But they will most certainly exert their authority when it comes to ensuring that young, healthy students never leave their rooms for non-approved activities during COVID. Sorry if you’re triggered by police officers marching through dorms, kids, but your compliance on this is mandatory. And the rules are just wild:

Read full story here:

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