Covid doesn’t even exist in fully normal Sweden, while deaths are skyrocketing in fully vaccinated Israel

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(Natural News) Remember back in the early days of the plandemic when it was widely reported that Sweden, which never imposed lockdowns or mask mandates, fared better than just about every other country in the world that oppressed its citizens? Well, the same thing is happening once again with the so-called “vaccines.”

Sweden has basically told the Branch Covidians to go to hell, and the result is that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is basically non-existent. Meanwhile in Israel, one of the most “fully vaccinated” countries in the world, the death toll is skyrocketing.

The latest data shows that the death rate in the “Promised Land” is going parabolic as Israelis get injected with two, three, and soon to be four Chinese Virus needles. In Sweden, on the other hand, where natural immunity reigns supreme, life is pretty much back to pre-covid normal.

How can this be if Fauci Flu shots are what is supposed to save us all from testing “positive?” The answer is simple: The shots are a fraud. Fortunately for Swedes, this is common knowledge. Unfortunately for Israel, Australia, the United States and other heavily compromised countries, it is a constant fight for health freedom with no end in sight.

On October 4, Sweden completely lifted the few minor restrictions it still had in place, which were minor compared to what other countries are doing. Life there is quite literally back to normal, and the data charts show that public health is better than ever.

Conversely, Israel, which has become a medical police state hell, is seeing hospitalizations and deaths soar to record highs.

Be like Sweden, not Israel

Just prior to when its final remaining restrictions were lifted, cases in Sweden were about…

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