Covid cases spiked until January 20 then magically dropped sharply immediately after

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It’s a miracle! After a sharp increase in Covid-19 cases starting the month before the 2020 election and continuing until a very specific date, there was a sudden and jolting plunge that immediately followed. That date was January 20, Inauguration Day, and people like Dave Rubin have questions.

Let’s cut straight to the lede. This is, with 100% certainty, a political move initiated by The Swamp and their cronies in mainstream media, Big Tech, and the CDC to pad their numbers. The goal: To bloat the numbers of coronavirus cases under President Trump while diminishing the number of coronavirus under President Biden. This is the setup for a sales pitch in which they prop up the Biden administration Covid-19 response and trash President Trump’s.

Coronavirus Cases in the US

There are several takeaways from this. First and foremost, it shows that the pandemic is being used as a control mechanism. They adjust the numbers in whichever direction they want them to go in order to support their agenda. Some will say that this is a conspiracy theory, but there is ample evidence that the theory is absolutely correct. Like I said, I’m 100% certain and I don’t deal with absolutes very often. Only Sith do that.

The second big takeaway is that we should be extremely upset by the narrative…


Read the full story here: Covid cases spiked until January 20 then magically dropped sharply immediately after

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