Covid Case/Hosp/Death Rates now highest among Triple Vaxxed in Canada

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Despite the Government enforcing Draconian restrictions which have in turn coerced millions into getting the Covid-19 injections, since the turn of the year the country of Canada has experienced its largest wave of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths to date.

If only those “selfish” people who refused to obey the Canadian Government and its Medical/Scientific Advisors had actually done as they were told and got vaccinated, then maybe this would never have happened.

That’s what the mainstream media and Government of Canada will be telling the public anyway. But it’s not what the official data shows. This record-breaking number of cases, hospitalisations and deaths has actually been a pandemic of the fully vaccinated, and not just because the majority are vaccinated either.

Official Government of Canada data shows that the vaccinated population as a whole has accounted for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths from 21st February 2022, up to 17th April (the latest dataset). But it also shows the case/hospitalisation/death-rates per 100,000 population have been highest among the triple vaccinated during the same time frame.

So high that the data shows the triple vaccinated are on average 4 times more likely to be infected with Covid-19, 2 times more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19, and 3 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated.


The Government of Canada publishes a document titled – ‘Covid-19 Daily Epidemiology Update’ which can be viewed here.

The document contains data on cases, hospitalizations and deaths by vaccination status in ‘Figure5.’. Here’s the latest table showing cases, hospitalisations and deaths up to 17th April 2022 –


At first glance at these figures, it appears the Covid-19 injections have been incredibly successful. But the Government of Canada has been very clever in the way it presents these figures because it has chosen to show a tally that stretches all the way back to 14th December 2020, the first day a Covid-19 injection was administered in the country.


But thankfully we can look at the figures given in a previous report that has been archive in the ‘Way Back Machine’ and perform simple subtraction to calculate the true number of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status in this record-breaking wave.

The following table, taken from a previous ‘Covid-19 Daily Epidemiology Update’, shows the number of cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status across Canada between 14th December 2020 and 20th February 2022 –


Now we know those figures we can easily calculate the true figures by vaccination status between 21st February and 17th April 2022, a period of two months, and the following chart shows the true number of cases –


Over these two months, the Government of Canada recorded a total of 222,028 Covid-19 cases, and the vaccinated population accounted for 193,320 of them. The triple vaccinated made up 112,231 of these cases, and the double vaccinated made up 75,977. The unvaccinated only accounted for 28,708 cases.

This clearly shows the Covid-19 injections do not prevent infection. However, you may be thinking this is to be expected if so many people are vaccinated. But think again.

The population of Canada is 38.01 million. In the two tables above taken from the Government of Canada reports, they provide the number of people who have been vaccinated. Now the numbers obviously differ over a period of two months so we’ve taken the numbers and gone with the mid-point for each vaccination category, and we are left with as follows –

  • Unvaccinated: 13.06 million people
  • One Dose Vaccinated: 1.25 million people
  • Two Dose Vaccinated: 10.7 million people
  • Three Dose Vaccinated: 13 million people

Now that we know the population size of each vaccination status we can calculate the case-rates per 100,000 individuals. All we have to is divide each population size by 100,000; then divide the cases among each vaccination status by the answer to that equation.

13.06 million Unvaccinated / 100,000 = 130.6
28,708 Unvaccinated cases / 130.6 = 219.82 cases per 100,000

The following chart shows the vaccinated case-rates per 100,000 by vaccination status across Canada between 21st Feb and 17th April 2022 –


This data shows that the unvaccinated are the least likely to be infected, suggesting the vaccines increase a persons risk of infection. In fact, the data suggests the more doses of a Covid-19 injection you have, the more your risk of being infected increases.

The one-dose vaccinated are twice as likely to be infected with Covid-19 than the unvaccinated. The double vaccinated are 3x more likely to be infected with Covid-19 than the unvaccinated, and the triple jabbed are 4 times more likely to be infected with Covid-19 than the unvaccinated.

Unfortunately, things do not improve when it comes to hospitalisations either.

The following chart shows the number of Covid-19 hospitalisations across Canada by vaccination status between 21st Feb and 17th April 2022 –


Over these two months, the Government of Canada recorded a total of 12,769 Covid-19 hospitalisations, and the vaccinated population accounted for 9,576 of them. The triple vaccinated made up 5,541 of these hospitalisations, and the double vaccinated made up 3,585.

Here’s how those figures work out in terms of hospitalisations per 100,000 population by vaccination status –


The unvaccinated population are the least likely to be hospitalised with a rate of 24.45 hospitalisations per 100,000 population. Whereas the triple vaccinated population are the most likely to be hospitalised with a rate of 42.62 hospitalisations per 100,000 population.

This data shows that the triple jabbed are twice as likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19 as the unvaccinated. Is there any wonder Canada has recorded its largest waves of Covid-19 hospitalisations to date throughout 2022?

Things unfortunately get even worse when it comes to deaths.

The following chart shows the number of Covid-19 deaths across Canada by vaccination status between 21st Feb and 17th April 2022 –


Over these two months, the Government of Canada recorded a total of 1,416 Covid-19 deaths, and the vaccinated population accounted for 1,144 of them. The triple vaccinated made up 709 of these deaths, and the double vaccinated made up 435. The unvaccinated accounted for just 272 deaths.

Here’s how those figures work out in terms of deaths per 100,000 population by vaccination status –


This data actually shows that the partly vaccinated are the least likely to die, with the unvaccinated not very far behind at a rate of 2.08 deaths per 100,000.

Unfortunately though, the triple vaccinated are the most likely to die with a death-rate of 5.45 per 100,000; closely followed by the double jabbed who have a death-rate of 4.07 per 100,000.

This means that compared to the unvaccinated, the double vaccinated are twice as likely to die of Covid-19, and the triple vaccinated are 3x as likely to die of Covid-19.

In all, between 21st Feb and 17th April 2022 the vaccinated population accounted for 87 percent of Covid-19 cases, 75 percent of hospitalisations and 81 percent of deaths across Canada.

The question is why? Those with their head in the sand will argue that it is because a large number of people are vaccinated. Technically they are correct, but not for the reason they think.

The Government of Canada data suggests that there would have been less cases, less hospitalisations, and less deaths in 2022 so far if the vaccinated had remained unvaccinated.

Instead the country has suffered its largest waves of cases, hospitalisations and deaths since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2022.

See more here:

Source: Covid Case/Hosp/Death Rates now highest among Triple Vaxxed in Canada | Principia Scientific Intl.

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