COVID-19 Vaccines Causing An Alarming Uptick In Cancers | Dr. Ryan Cole

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In the laboratory, I’m seeing an uptick in cancers that I shouldn’t be seeing, at rates I shouldn’t be seeing, in age groups I shouldn’t be seeing. I’ve talked to colleagues around the world and they’re starting to verify it. But [health authorities] just basically marginalize you and say, ‘Oh, that’s out of the narrative, don’t look at that.’ My point of view is, if we have something novel and new, i.e. these gene injections to stimulate an immune response, we should take this approach as the French legal system… ‘guilty until proven innocent.’ Every adverse reaction, every odd pattern outside the normal after these shots should have triggered a red flag to say, we need to do an autopsy on that death that was proximate to their shot or, gosh, this patient that was healthy and well now is not so healthy and well… we need to investigate is this related to this new experimental modality that we’re putting on to a broad world population. 

Source: COVID-19 Vaccines Causing An Alarming Uptick In Cancers | Dr. Ryan…

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