COVID-19 and its’ vaccines are murderous manmade weapons of mass destruction

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This premeditated genocide and crime against humanity is designed to depopulate and enslave vulnerable people.

This treachery has been planned for decades and involves media, academia, politics, and industry.

This war against God and His people is perpetrated by devolved pagans that worship Baal, peor and moloch.

These forces of evil manifest themselves through the manipulation and control of existing institutions that humanity has grown codependent on:

-Satanic corruption by existing religious institutions and sociopathic industrial oligarchs have become the pimps of corrupt governments, academia, and media.

This list includes but is not limited to clandestine satanic pimps of all major religious institutions and industrial oligarchs.

Some of the field marshals in this war against God are:

-grand satanic priest Obama
-degenerates Klaus Schwab, Soros, Gates
-Chinese communists
-venomous Rockefellers and Carnegie families
-demonic Bezos, Zuckerberg, musk, buffet
-sadistic Fauci, Bright, Baric, Woodcock, Daszak,
-prostitutes Macron, Trudeau, Biden, Morrison, Netanyahu, Benet, Johnson, Draghi, Ardern
-leaders of Pfizer, Moderna, Astro Zeneca, j and j
-stakeholders of UN, who, CDC, FDA, NIH, CNN, CNBC, NYT, Wash Post, Twitter, FB, YouTube, Instagram,
-editors of Lancet, NEJM, BMJ,
-leaders of Harvard, Yale, Hopkins, Oxford
-puppets of antifa, BLM, liberal left

This partial list of vermin is incomplete.

-For good to win, evil institutions and their leaders must fall

-new institutions that are God centered, humble, and merciful must rise

King David writes in psalms: Turn away from bad, do good, and live.

Source: Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD

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