CounterPunch editor calls for covid internment camps, forced medical kidnapping of the unvaccinated

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(Natural News) Paul Louis Street, author of Barack Obama and the Future of American Politics, wants people who refuse to get injected or wear a face mask for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) to be abducted and forced into internment camps.


Also a writer at the far-left rag CounterPunch, Street commented on a Facebook post recently that he wishes Congress would draft medical fascism legislation to separate “anti-vaxxers” from their families and enslave them in concentration camps.

“So, I am kidding not kidding here: when is someone going to draft legislation for internment camps and separate quarantined regions for Amerikaners who simply refuse vaccination and masks?” Street wrote.

“I’m sorry to have to say this but we get a big fourth wave because of this partisan and social Darwinian and individualist madness and I’ll draft the legislation myself. I am so not an anarchist and so much an authoritarian on this issue.”

Street went on to propose cordoning off “tens of thousands of acres” of “Western public lands” where “these people” – meaning people who refuse to wear a face diaper and reject experimental chemicals from the government – can be detained indefinitely.

“If they want to attain herd immunity through mass death, fine, that’s their choice,” Street callously added, “but maybe do in [sic] under lock and key in Covidiot Banustans under the coordinated control of the Department of the Interior, Homeland Security, CDC, Department of Defense, and Border Patrol.”

“Go ahead, call me a fascist, whatever,” Street concluded, “I can take it.”

The leftist “anti-fascists” have become medical fascists

At least Street acknowledges that he is a fascist, despite also apparently claiming to be a…

Read full story here: CounterPunch editor calls for covid internment camps, forced medical kidnapping of the unvaccinated –

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