Complete COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Athlete Injury/Death List To-Date: 779 Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 500 Dead

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It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening.

Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.

The so-called health professionals running the COVID vaccine programs around the world keep repeating that “the COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine and it is safe and effective.”

So in response to their pronouncement, here is a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of mainly young athletes who had major medical issues in 2021/2022 after receiving one or more COVID vaccines.

Initially, many of these were not reported. We know that many people were told not to tell anyone about their adverse reactions and the media was not reporting them.

They started happening and ramping up after the first COVID vaccinations.

The mainstream media still are not reporting most, but sports news cannot ignore the fact that soccer players and other stars collapse in the middle of a game due to a sudden cardiac arrest. Many of those die – more than 50%.

We also note that many posts in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, forums and news stories are being removed.

So now we are receiving some messages saying there is no proof of the event or of vaccination status. That is partly because this information is being hidden.

More people are writing to tell us that in many cases, we didn’t mention a person’s vaccination status.

There is a good reason for that. None of the clubs want to reveal this information. None of their sponsors want to reveal it. The players have been told not to reveal it. Most of their relatives will not mention it.

None of the media are asking these questions: So what should we do? Stop this now?

No, we will collect as much information as we can, while it is still available, because eventually, more information will come out, and we will be here to put it together.

Will it mean anything? We don’t know.

What we do know is that there is a concerted world-wide effort to make this information go away, so that fact alone tells us it must be collected, investigated and saved so other researchers can look at it to see if there are any useful patterns.

We really appreciate the athletes named in this list who have confirmed what happened to them so the truth can be known. They care about their fellow athletes, even if the clubs, their sponsors, media and politicians care more about money.

Prior Year Data

The International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, studied documents from international data banks from 1966 to 2004.

Those documents indicate 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under 35 years of age, an average of 29 athletes per year, the sports with the highest incidence being soccer and basketball. (NIH Document)

A study by Maron on sudden death in US athletes, from 1980 to 2006 in thirty-eight sports identified 1,866 deaths of athletes with cardiac disease, with a prevalence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

2005 to 2006 averaged sixty-six (66) deaths per year, with 82% of those occurring during competition or training.

Thanks to investigator readers for discovering these reports, and this story in Spanish. Momento Deportivo.

Military Death Increases

Thomas Renz, an American lawyer says that the U.S. military’s DMED (Defense Medical Epidemiology Database) database shows that in the first 10 months of 2021, that “All cause morbidity” increased 11 times (1100%) against the previous year.

Renz has information from DoD whistleblowers. The DoD is reportedly actively deleting data from the database, possibly to cover up the genocide that has been perpetrated on military personnel.

He also said they expect the numbers for 2022 to be up by 5000% – i.e. 50 times the previous year.

Good Sciencing Reports

Our ongoing updates to the chart in this post clearly shows the growth of adverse events on sports people.

One person said we were hiding things because we’re only showing “the barest” of 2022. Sorry about that, but we don’t have a crystal ball to see into the future.

The only things we expect are that a) some people will continue to be “surprised” about the number of athlete deaths over the coming months, and b) although it is February, injuries and deaths that happened in prior months will be continue to be discovered in the future.

We know that we do not have all of the cardiac arrest reports and we don’t have all of the deaths. The sports clubs are still hiding the cases where players did not die and did not make it into the news.

We suspect that many players that “suffered from a mystery illness” were told to go home, rest and suffer in silence.

Dates of First Vaccinations

The dates of first “available” vaccinations vary all over the world, in different states and different cities.

We have a small collection of data in a separate story and we know there were trials in the months before official rollouts, so just because a country started its rollout on a particular date, that doesn’t mean some people didn’t receive their vaccinations in the weeks and months earlier.

If we get definitive proof that someone was not vaccinated, we amend the record.

Officials and the media are now doing a great job of hiding all the useful information. They are also calling vaccinated people unvaxed if it hasn’t been more than two weeks after their vaccination, and if they are due for their booster and they don’t get it, they are labeled unvaxed. (i.e. the government and media are telling lies – it is a clever scheme, but it is still a lie.)

For example, Australia’s first human trials of a candidate COVID-19 vaccine was the Novavax NVX-CoV2373 in Melbourne by 26 May 2020.

There is no documentation showing who took part in the trials The Therapeutic Goods Administration approved the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine on 25 January, the Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccine on 16 February, and Janssen vaccine on 25 June. Phase-1a started on 21 February 2021 and phase-1b of the roll-out began on 22 March.

The Philippines began phase 3 COVID-19 vaccine trials in early November 2020.

Phase 3 is the point at which thousands of people are vaccinated, prior to consideration for approval for rollout, and people were being vaccinated in the previous months.

Clubs Hide Vaccination Information Now

Here is a demonstration of how sports clubs do not want the injuries of deaths of their players to be associated with the COVID vaccines.

It tells the story of why they will not report which of their players has been vaccinated and when.

Sunderland FC manager Lee Johnson suggested that the COVID vaccines may have caused the heart issues for his goalkeeper, Lee Burge. The club then sacked the manager.

Form your own conclusions as to why the club would sack the manager who cares about his players.

Definite Proof of Vaccination

The so-called fact-checkers are trying to say that because we don’t always have definitive proof of vaccination, then 100% of the data we’re collecting is worthless. Well, good news, fact-checkers, you are not only wrong, you are idiots.

While historically there have been a relatively small number of athlete deaths each year that weren’t from old age or cancer, there has never been anything like what is happening since the COVID vaccination trials started.

And they know it, but they don’t care. We will continue to gather as much information as possible about every person who dies. These are real people, not just numbers.

As we said elsewhere, we’re collecting data. Other people can use this data and add to it, if they can, to research whatever they want.

We won’t de distracted from that, even if families, clubs, governments and the media hide information from us. We don’t want to hurt families, but families can’t hide real data because that could harm other people.

According to governments, 90-95% of populations all over the world are now vaccinated, so the fact-checkers have a problem. If that is true, then just about everyone is vaccinated.

If it isn’t true, then governments are lying, possibly for the purpose of coercing those who don’t want their vaccinations, for various reasons.

We will publish as much data as we can find, and from time to time, we and readers will discover information that wasn’t found earlier, and it will be added.

Where Are The Fact-Checkers?

Readers are writing to us asking for comparisons from previous years. Some say without that, these results mean nothing.

That’s not true because if we had seen this in previous years, it would be well known and others would have documented it. We are starting to work on this – it is a lot of work.

Where are the fact-checkers? Where is the mainstream media?

Some have piles of money from Bill Gates. Why are they not proving us wrong by all piling on and showing the documented Athlete deaths from 2019, 2018, 2017 and the previous decade?

They are nowhere to be found because this number of athlete deaths is abnormal and they know it.

They have money from people who don’t want journalists poking around. So that’s why they don’t try to thoroughly Fact-Check these reports or show previous year numbers.

Follow this link to see Gates Foundation handouts to some media that could do it. For example, NPR in the USA received $24 million.

The Gates Foundation also funded many investigative journalism centers, with around $38 million. Could that be why journalistic curiosity suddenly stopped being a thing?

A few weak attempts at “debunking” this data have started to come out, but they cherry-pick a small number of the entries.

Repeat This After Reading Each Line

“The COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine. The COVID vaccine is safe. These injuries and deaths are normal.”

March 2022 – (Note reverse date sort)

  1. 15/03/2022 Majorca, Spain Dead
    Cedric Baekeland (28), amateur road racing cyclist from Belgium, went to Majorca to train with his team, but whilst there suffered an overnight cardiac arrest and died. News Story
  2. 13/03/2022 Victoria, Australia
    Dean Wallis (52), former Essendon professional Aussie rules football player, suffered a cardiac arrest and is now recovering in hospital. News Story
  3. 13/03/2022 Florida, USA
    Nelly Korda (23), world No 2 woman golfer diagnosed with a blood clot in her arm. She is receiving treatment. News Story
  4. 13/03/22 Zimbabwe Dead
    Cuthbert Kwangwari (63) KC Soccer Academy coach played football for Gaths Mine and most recently was a coach for KC Soccer Academy in Zimbabwe. He collapsed while conducting a training session and died. News Story News Story2
  5. 12/03/2022 Italy Dead
    Andreas Palla (32), SV Prato allo Stelvio former semi-professional ice hockey player in Italy, became ill while playing the final of an amateur tournament. He was taken to hospital but died during the night. News Story
  6. 09/03/2022 Mississippi, USA
    Deion Sanders (54), former American Footballer and Basketball player and more recently American Football head coach at Jackson State University, had two toes amputated, following blood clots. News Story
  7. 09/03/2022 Nigeria Dead
    Justice Christopher (40), Footballer had played football for several clubs and for Nigeria in the World Cup. He retired from football in 2007 and he seemed “full of life and showed no sign of health challenge” the day before his sudden death. News Story News Story2
  8. 09/03/2022 Scotland Dead
    John Paul (28), Cyclist represented Scotland at the 2014 Commonwealth Games, won the world junior sprint crown in 2011. Died. No further details available. News Story
  9. 08/03/2022 Australia
    Stewart McSweyn (25), Runner was unable to finish a 5,000 metres race in Melbourne, Australia 8th March 2022 due to breathing problems and will now be sent for respiratory and cardiac tests.“He’s fine at cruising pace, but when he goes at a really hard pace it’s different.” McSweyn recently had his COVID booster shot and entered the race in suburban Box Hill in an attempt to prove his fitness for the world indoor championships in Belgrade beginning on March 18 2022. News Story
  10. 07/03/2022 Tennessee, USA Dead
    Eric Robertson (28) Basketballer played basketball at high school and college in the USA, as well as professionally in England. He was most recently a school teacher in Knoxville. He died unexpectedly while playing basketball. News Story News Story2 News Story3
  11. 07/03/2022 Morocco
    Badr Benoun (28) Al Ahly footballer out of action for two months, due to “severe complications from the coronavirus, despite testing negative.” News Story
  12. 07/03/2022 Colorado, USA
    Louie Traub (41), Snowboarder now suffers from heart inflammation after a moderna vaccination. He gave the following news in a Twitter post … “I’m 41 and on now heart medication thanks to Moderna. I used to be healthy, teach snowboarding and climb Colorado’s 14,000-foot peaks. Now, it’s hard climbing up a flight of stairs thanks to vaccine side effects” News Story
  13. 06/03/2022 France Dead
    Jérôme Garens (39), Saint-Aubin Rugby Union player and coach had just played a match against Mézin. He had a cardiac arrest and died in the locker room. News Story
  14. 05/03/2022 Iowa, USA Dead
    Gabbie Jonas (24) Drake University Softball player. He died unexpectedly at the age of 24. No further details are available. News Story News Story2
  15. 04/03/2022 Thailand Dead
    Shane Warne (52), Australian cricket captain spin-bowler and one-day international was found unresponsive in his villa, due to a suspected cardiac arrest. Resuscitation attempts failed. He was twice vaccinated, and was diagnosed with COVID in August 2021. He was triple vaccinated. That also means he got COVID after being vaccinated at least once. Readers are saying his twitter feed showed that he received a booster on January 14th, but there are now no tweets from that date, so if they did exist, someone must have removed them. The day he died, he commented on the loss of Rod Marsh, former Australian wicketkeeper. News Story News Story2 News Story3
  16. 04/03/2022 Australia
    Cam Bairstow (31), Adelaide 36ers Basketballer. Star player for basketball team Adelaide 36ers, was rushed to hospital mid-match after a heart scare – an irregular heartbeat. After a medical checkup, he was cleared to continue playing. News Story
  17. 03/03/2022 Italy Dead
    Matteo Pietrosanti (15), Footballer was at football training with his mother looking on, when he suddenly collapsed due to a cardiac arrest. Received heart massage for at least twenty minutes, but he died. News Story
  18. 02/03/2022 England Dead
    Sam Polledri (24) Rugby Union playing brother of Italy international Jake, collapsed suddenly from a suspected cardiac arrest and died. News Story
  19. 02/03/2022 Belgium
    Tim Declercq (32), road-racing cyclist, faces a battle back to full fitness after missing weeks of training, having been diagnosed with pericarditis. News Story
  20. 01/03/2022 Miami, Florida, USA Dead
    Diego Barrio (19), Cattolica footballer in Rimini, was found dead at home. Cause of death unknown. News Story News Story2
  21. 01/03/2022 France Dead
    James Théodore (22), C’Chartres Rugby rugby union player in France, collapseddue to a cardiac arrest while training. News Story
  22. 01/03/2022 California, USA Dead
    Katie Myer (22), Stanford Footballer. Goalkeeper and captain for the Stanford women’s football team, was discovered dead in her dorm at Stanford University. No further explanation is given, other than she died “unexpectedly”. “All students coming to campus are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. In addition, booster shots are required.” News Story News Story2 News Story3
  23. ??/02/2022 Chile Dead
    Juan Pablo Diaz Noemi (44) Freediver spent a lot of time diving in Thailand, but died in his sleep, at home in Chile. News Story News Story2
  24. 24/02/2022 Queensland, Australia Dead
    Rod Marsh (74), former Australian cricket wicketkeeper collapsed due to a cardiac arrest in Queensland. He was transported to a hospital in Adelaide, where he died on 4th March. News Story
  25. 22/02/2022 France
    Gael Monfils (35), Tennis player (quarter-finalist at Australian tennis Open) says he will not play in the Davis Cup after suffering health complications since his third Covid-19 booster. News Story
  26. 22/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Antonio Cuorvo (45), well known in the local amateur football scene but he died suddenly. No further details are available. News Story
  27. 21/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Giuseppe Gallina (19) Footballer collapsed due to a cardiac arrest in a football match. Resuscitation attempts failed and he died. News Story
  28. 21/02/2022 Honduras
    Percy Castro (26), Arsenal de Cantarranas Footballer collapsed mid-football match at Juan Ramón Brevé stadium against Juticalpa FC, unable to breathe properly. Doctors said it was caused by an “unfortunate” blow (perhaps they mean accidental blow) from an opponent. News Story
  29. 21/02/2022 Minnesota, USA Dead
    Tobiloba Taiwo (18), Basketballer collapsed while playing basketball at the Minnesota University Recreation and Wellness Center with friends. He was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. The vaccine is required for all students. News Story News Story2
  30. 20/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Mauro Franceschini (39), youth football coach for many years. He died suddenly from a cardiac arrest. News Story
  31. 18/02/2022 Poland
    Artur Sobiech (31), Lech Poznań footballer felt ill at the winter training campand left early. Diagnosed with “heart problems” requiring a 2 month break from sport. News Story
  32. 17/02/2022 Argentina Dead
    Mery Cárdenas (Age), female Rio Grande Rugby and Mami Hockey TDF Provincial League player suddenly died. Further details awaited. News Story
  33. 16/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Sergio Satriano (35), Real Battipaglia football player, Italy, passed away suddenly last night. News Story
  34. 16/02/2022 China
    Irene Cadurisch (30), Swiss biathlete competing in the biathlon relay in the winter olympics collapsed during the race. She was later reported to be recovering in the Olympic village after suffering from ‘circulatory problems.’ Everyone at the Olympics is vaccinated. News Story
  35. 15/02/2022 Canada Dead
    Kenny Ejim (27), Hamilton Honey Badgers professional basketball player was found lifeless in a hotel. Cause of death has yet to be released. News Story
  36. 15/02/2022 Spain
    Jasper Cillessen (32), Valencia Football goalkeeper for Spanish football team Valencia, “has undergone surgery to remove an unexplained blood clot from his calf, as the club admit they do not know where it came from.” News Story
  37. 14/02/2022 Malaysia Dead
    Unnamed (Age), Football referee collapsed in the middle of the field after 19 minutes of play. Paramedics confirmed his death. A post-mortem classified it as “sudden death.” In Malaysia, 79% of the population is fully vaccinated and 81% have received at least one dose according to government figures. News Story
  38. 13/02/2022 Spain Dead
    Ángel Brioso (41), Corme FC footballer collapsed due to a cardiac arrest at half-time during a game. He complained of feeling unwell and collapsed in the changing rooms. Team members tried to resuscitate him without success. Paramedics pronounced him dead at the scene. News Story
  39. 13/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Andrea Pelati (53), motocross rider and Regnano Moto Club director in Italy. On 13th February 2022, he went to the track with his 16 year old son to practice, but collapsed with a sudden cardiac arrest in the car park. All attempts to resuscitate him failed. News Story
  40. 13/02/2022 China
    Ingrid Tandrevold (25), Norwegian star biathlete pulled out of the winter olympics after collapsing at the finish line of the women’s biathlon 10km pursuit. Tandrevold does have a history of heart issues, but that did not stop her making the Olympic team. She ultimately finished 14th after skiers continued to pass her, and had to be carried away by members of her coaching team. The next day she said she was feeling better and “I’m not allowed to compete more in these Olympics so I will go home to Norway,” News Story
  41. 12/02/2022 Italy
    Nicola Basile (39), Avis Capaci Futsal player in Sicily, collapsed to the ground possibly due to an aneurysm during a match and is now in serious condition. He underwent two head surgeries. News Story
  42. 12/02/2022 New Mexico, USA Dead
    Ishan White (21), former New Mexico State men’s basketball player died. The junior college transfer spent the summer and early fall of 2021 with the New Mexico State program, but never played for them. It is reported that he was “medically disqualified.” News Story
  43. 12/02/2022 Mexico Dead
    Unnamed (Age), Footballer was playing a football match in Polígono CTM park, Merida, Mexico, collapsed during half-time. Paramedics were unable to resuscitate him and he died. News Story
  44. 10/02/2022 Poland
    Tomasz Galas (22), Tarnovia Tarnów Footballer collapsed with a cardiac arrest in the match between Wisłoka Dębica and Tarnovia Tarnów, in Poland. He crouched down, then collapsed by falling over backwards. After several resuscitation attempts on the pitch, and after a dozen or so minutes an ambulance took him to the hospital where his condition has stabilized. News Story
  45. 10/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Unnamed (68), cyclist was found unconscious. He was taken to hospital but died. News Story
  46. 09/02/2022 Poland
    Mateusz Mak (30), Stal Mielec Footballer out for months due to heart inflammation. He said … “Unfortunately, in the coming months I will not be able to help the team on the pitch. After the last match with Górnik Zabrze I felt bad and was hospitalized. After the tests, I was diagnosed with a slight inflammation of the heart muscle. I now have a rest and more research. Take care of yourself and do not underestimate any signs of illness. See you soon.” News Story
  47. 09/02/202 Poland Dead
    Michał Kapias (22), swimmer from Gliwice died. No further details are available. News Story
  48. 09/02/2022 England
    Connor Taylor (20) , Stoke City Football team defender withdrew from a match as he didn’t feel well. Symptoms: his heart was racing and beating irregularly. The same thing happened to him in December 2021. He may need heart surgery. News Story
  49. 08/02/2022 Illinois, USA Dead
    Cameran Wheatley (17), Senior basketball player collapsed due to a seizure during a basketball game at Chicago Agricultural High School. He was taken to hospital but died. News Story
  50. 08/02/2022 Texas, USA Dead
    DeVonte Mumphrey (15), Texas high school basketball player collapsed during the second quarter of a game against Mount Enterprise. News Story News Story2
  51. 08/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Roberto Callegari (54) Mountain Biking carabiniere died on 8th February 2022, almost certainly of a cardiac arrest while cycling. News Story
  52. 08/02/2022 Peru Dead
    Johan Montero Villanueva (32) Gym, died very suddenly while performing an exercise routine in the Gym. News Story
  53. 08/02/2022 Mexico Dead
    Victor “N” (30), Footballer collapsed with a cardiac arrest whilst playing football in the Tres de Junio ​​neighbourhood, Pijijiapan, Mexico. News Story
  54. 07/02/2022 Portugal Dead
    Nuno Moreira Faria (40), GCD Silva Escura Futsal goalkeeper, from Maia, Portugal, died after feeling unwell during training. News Story
  55. 07/02/2022 California, USA Dead
    Fernando Alaniz (49), high school teacher / basketball coach collapsed and died suddenly at school. It was during a prep session and no students were present at the time of the incident. School staff attempted to render aid until medical professionals arrived. He died a short time later. News Story
  56. 06/02/2022 California, USA Dead
    Kyle Mullen (24), former Yale and Monmouth American football player collapsed and died a few hours after completing the first phase of the Navy SEAL’s selection process. Another candidate was hospitalized following the training. Neither was engaged in active training when they were taken ill. News Story News Story2
  57. 06/02/2022 Germany
    Unnamed (AGE), Football players. A district league football match between Dortmund and Schwerter was abandoned, after several players collapsed on the pitch from both sides, in the first half More details awaited … News Story
  58. 06/02/2022 Ireland Dead
    Conall McGuinness (19) Glynn Barntown Gaelic footballer, student, Wexford, Ireland, died suddenly on Sunday. He was studying at Queens University, but used to play for GAA club Glynn Barntown. News Story
  59. 06/02/2022 France
    Maxime Fleury (29), Union Sportive Football collapsed due to a cardiac arrest in the middle of a football match near Bayeux, France. He is now in a coma in hospital. News Story
  60. 06/02/2022 Argentina Dead
    Dimitri Teslenko, (61), Russian Mountaineer suddenly collapsed with a cardiac arrest on Mount Aconcagua in Argentina at 6,100 metres above sea level, 10 days into an organized expedition. Members of the group performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), but he had no vital signs. News Story
  61. 05/02/2022 Italy Dead
    Assare Seare (30), Ghanaian Folgore Maiano midfield footballer playing in Italy collapsed with a cardiac arrest on the football pitch, just prior to the game starting. Help arrived but resuscitation attempts failed and he died. Autopsy ordered. News Story
  62. 05/02/2022 Massachusetts, USA Dead
    Preston Settles (15), basketball player. His parents went to watch their son play in a basketball game when he suddenly collapsed due to a cardiac arrest. People performed CPR until the emergency crew arrived. At the hospital, it was touch and go for a week, but eventually his heartbeat was stabilized, but he is still on life support and they say he has a long road ahead. All the kids in this league are fully vaxed, from dozens of schools, and many have recently been boosted. In some towns, 91% of all 5-11s are jabbed. Sadly, his family announced he died on Monday 28th February. News Story
  63. 05/02/2022 Germany
    Boubacar Barry (25), Türkgücü Munich right-back for German football team, will not be available for several weeks having been diagnosed with heart muscle inflammation. Two from the same club, on the same day. News Story
  64. 05/02/2022 Germany
    Mergim Mavraj (35), Türkgücü Munich central defender for German football team will not be available for several weeks having been diagnosed with heart muscle inflammation and impaired lung function.Two from the same club, on the same day. News Story
  65. 04/02/2022 England UK Dead
    Steve Finney (48), Ullswater United Football coach and former Carlisle United footballer died suddenly. No further details are available. News Story
  66. 03/02/2022 Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Ron Frederick (40), American Football. A day after getting his dream coaching job at Southmoreland High School, Ron Frederick died unexpectedly. News Story
  67. 02/02/2022 Congo Dead
    Kasonga Augustin (Age), US Tshinkunku Footballer. US Tshinkunku announced the unexpected death of its striker Augustin Kasonga, who died on 2nd February 2022 following a cardiac arrest. News Story
  68. 02/02/2022 Greece Dead
    Alexandros Lampis (22), Ilioupoli FC Footballer. Collapsed with cardiac arrest in the 5th minute of the match against Ermionida. Staff did not have a defibrillator and the ambulance took 20 minutes to arrive. News Story News Story2
  69. 01/02/2022 Australia
    Ingi Doyle (AGE), triathlete, suffered multiple organ failure after 2 doses of Pfizer covid vaccine. “14 days after my second jab all hell broke loose.” It’s a long road to recovery, but at at least she can now walk again. Read the linked stories for more details. News Story News Story2
  70. 01/02/2022 England
    Paul Smyth (24), Leyton Orient and Northern Ireland striker sustained a collapsed lung and spent a night in hospital. The manager confirmed “he won’t be with us for a little while.” News Story
  71. 31/01/2022 Romania Dead
    Valentin Gherebe (43), former hockey player was found dead in his apartment after having a booster vaccine. Mother blames vaccine for killing son. She said “My mother asked you not to get vaccinated for the third dose.” His decomposed body was found on 31st January 2022, nut he had died some days earlier. News Story
  72. 30/01/2022 Liverpool, UK
    Kieran Prescot (17), Parkdale Sidac Celtic Under 18s footballer collapsed with suspected arrhythmia and cardiac arrest after training. Was resuscitated by staff doing CPR and taken to Whiston hospital, placed in an artificial coma for 24 hours before being brought around. News Story
  73. 31/01/2022 France
    Unnamed (14), Footballer at Saint-Vincent de Brissac college, near Angers (Maine-et-Loire), had a cardiac arrest on Monday, January 31, 1:30 p.m., on the soccer field. In cardiorespiratory arrest, he was quickly rescued by a nearby volunteer firefighter, assisted by a defibrillator. He was transported to Angers hospital. News Story
  74. 30/01/2022 Germany
    Keanu Staude (25), 1860 Munich Football midfielder is out for at least a month after a diagnosis of inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis). Symptoms: complained of feeling unwell after the match vs. Viktoria Köln on January 30th 2022. In November 2021, 1860 Munich club director Günther Gorenzel boasted about the team’s 100% vaccination rate. News Story News Story2
  75. 30/01/2022 France Dead
    David Tong Tjouen (28), Cameroonian karateka, had a brilliant career, with multiple national team medals in juniors and seniors, plus several individual medals. He died suddenly. News Story
  76. 29/01/2022 Spain
    Rafa Marín (19), Real Madrid Castilla centre-back footballer collapsed with his hand on his chest, fell to the ground with obvious signs of suffocation and chest pain, and retired from the match. News Story
  77. 29/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Adriano (32), Footballer suffered a cardiac arrest on a football field, was taken to a Health Unit, but had already died. Family said he showed no signs of illness. News Story
  78. 29/01/2022 Australia
    Jakub Mensik (16), junior Tennis player at the Australian Open. “Worst attack of cramp ever” as he collapsed on court and was taken off in wheelchair. News Story
  79. 29/01/2022 Colorado, USA Dead
    Ashley Gearhart (37), Bodybuilder died in her sleep according to a statement posted online by her younger sister. News Story
  80. 29/01/2022 Malaysia Dead
    Sakri Ramli (54), keen cyclist, died in his sleep due to a cardiac arrest. He had “2 doses and a booster”. This was reported to us directly, along with a Facebook post. News Story
  81. 28/01/2022 Illinois, USA Dead
    Adam Holder (48), Basketball coach. Long time sports coach at Aquin School, died suddenly of a cardiac arrest. News Story
  82. 28/01/2022 England UK
    Lee Burge (29), Sunderland Footballer ruled out of action for five weeks due to an ‘inflamed heart’. Sunderland team manager, Lee Johnson, suggested the Covid jab could be behind the heart problem. News Story
  83. 28/01/2022 France Dead
    Guy Laporte (69), former international rugby player suffered a cardiac arrest and died. News Story
  84. 28/01/2022 Denmark Dead
    Michel Corbalan (23) Karate, collapsed and died “after a short illness.” He was European champion for U21 in 2018 and number seven at the senior World Cup, while in the same year he was nominated for the Politics Fund of the Year. Michel was a fantastic fighter, excellent athlete and a unique role model. News Story
  85. 28/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Ivo Santos (39) Futsal, suffered a cardiac arrest after playing futsal. He was taken to hospital but died. He used to play amateur football for various local teams. News Story
  86. 28/01/2022 Malaysia Dead
    Mohd Sobri (31), football referee, took a fitness test but collapsed due to cardiac arrest and died. Had his “second vaccination in Jun 2021 & received dose 3 a few weeks” before dying. This was reported to us directly, along with a Facebook post. News Story
  87. 27/01/2022 Dubai, UAE Dead
    Alfie Nunn (35) footballer collapsed suddenly with a cardiac arrest during a football match in Dubai. He had played for several clubs in England but moved to Dubai several years ago. News Story
  88. 27/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Francesco Michalette (57) local club Cyclist kept himself fit as a regular club cyclist, but while cycling he collapsed and died. News Story
  89. 27/01/2022 Kansas, USA Dead
    Ted Anderson (53), successful high school Basketball coach over three decades died of a suspected cardiac arrest at home after he coached his team to a win earlier that night. News Story
  90. 27/01/2022 Dubai Dead
    Viggo Sorensen (17), Danish golfer suffered a severe medical event and cardiac arrest and entered a coma. Doctors said the coma was irreversible and Viggo died on Sunday evening. News Story News Story2
  91. 27/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Luciano Tonello (70), Skiier and Entrepreneur Luciano Tonello, collapsed and died after a “sudden illness” on the ski slopes. News Story
  92. 26/01/2022 France Dead
    Alan Mellouët (26) Étoile Sportive de Pleyber-Christ Footballer suddenly collapsed on the pitch due to a cardiac arrest at the end of training and died despite rapid intervention.
  93. 26/01/2022 Portugal Dead
    José Eduardo Santos (55), Cycling, a Trek Segafredo mechanic collapsed and died during a bike ride. He had worked with the team since 2011, one of those loyal mechanics the riders could rely on to keep their working tool in perfect condition. News Story
  94. 26/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Daniel Santos (36), Motorcycle Racer was found the next day, on the route between Ubajara (CE) and Luís Correia (PI), next to his motorcycle, which had no damage or accident marks. The cause of death will be investigated in an autopsy, but the first suspicions are of a sudden cardiac illness. The last day of the 2022 Cerapió Rally was cancelled. News Story
  95. 25/01/2022 Dominican Republic Dead
    Ediobal Agramonte (30), Basketballer suffered a sudden cardiac arrest in the middle of a basketball game with friends and died. News Story
  96. 25/01/2022 North Carolina, USA
    Unnamed (AGE), Basketball Player at Allen Jay Preparatory Academy were warming up for practice when a boy suffered a medical emergency. “As a coach, I’ve never experienced in 20 years a medical emergency of this magnitude,” said Scott Van Newkirk, a science teacher and basketball coach at the school. He called 911 and began chest compressions while Athletic Director Montrez Shaw ran to get the AED in the school’s main office. “I had to do CPR. The 911 operator talked me through it, counted with me, kept me calm, made sure I was focused doing it right,” Van Newkirk explained. In less than two minutes, Shaw returned with the device and applied the machine’s pads to the athlete’s chest. They were successful and the boy is recovering. News Story
  97. 24/01/2022 Hungary Dead
    Szilveszter Csollany (51), six-time medalist at the European gymnastics championships, Hungary’s “Sportsman of the Year” in 2000 and 2002. Was vaccinated, then hospitalized with COVID-19 since early December and spent several weeks on a ventilator, then died. News Story News Story1 News Story2 News Story3
  98. 23/01/2022 Oklahoma, USA Dead
    Nathan Rogalski (17), Deer Creek High School baseball pitcher for The Antlers, and Oklahoma State recruit, was sent to OU Medical Center to have a drain put in his head to clear the pressure, but died from a sudden illness. No other details given. News Story News Story2
  99. 23/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Carlo Alberto Conte (12), runner was in a cross-country race in the Fiamme Oro of Padua in Vittorio Veneto, in the Treviso area, when he staggered then collapsed with a cardiac arrest. Resuscitated by the race staff and the ambulance doctors on the spot, for half an hour alternated in heart massage, until the heart started beating again. He was taken to Ca’ Foncello hospital in Treviso by helicopter for treatment, but he died. He had regularly passed sports fitness examinations for competition. News Story News Story2
  100. 23/01/2022 France Dead
    Unnamed (28), Freediver died while snorkelling around the rocks off Marseille, France. His diving partner raised the alarm but despite the rapid arrival of firefighters and sea rescuers, he could not be revived. News Story
  101. 23/01/2022 Spain
    Unnamed (31), Basketball was playing in a match between Xerixia Club Baloncesto de Jerez and AB Oliva in the Francisco José Rivera Montero pavilion in Jerez de los Caballeros. He was unwell and passed out after suffering a cardiac arrest. He was resuscitated and stabilized by a health team at the event and then taken to the ICU of the University Hospital of Badajoz for treatment. News Story
  102. 23/01/2022 Oman Dead
    Munther Al-Harassi (30), Al-Rustaq club footballer collapsed and died on the field due to a cardiac arrest, a month after Mukhaled Al-Raqadi, died during the warm-up before a match. Munther was the son of the former player Ali bin Saeed bin Masoud Al-Harassi. News Story
  103. 23/01/2022 Spain Dead
    Josep Maria Pijuan (42), veteran runner taking part in the Llanera Trail mountain race in Spain has died. It occurred after 12 kilometers. News Story
  104. 23/01/2022 Chile Dead
    Germán Eduardo Clop (30) retired professional football player (retired 2015) died in his sleep. He studied physical education teaching and continued as a physical trainer. News Story
  105. 22/01/2022 South Africa Dead
    Unnamed male (47), runner collapsed and died while running on the contour path just below Devil’s Peak on Table Mountain. The search and rescue service group suggested he suffered a heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest. Post Mortem ordered. News Story
  106. 22/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Francesco Paderni (49), Tennis player had a cardiac arrest after returning home from the “Tennis club” where he had played for two hours. When a doctor arrived, it was too late to save him. News Story
  107. 22/01/2022 Algeria
    Adam Ounas (25), Napoli Footballer can no longer play. A medical examination detected an anomaly in the heart, the coach said, but also “this does not mean that he has a problem”. It means he is not allowed to play football for Algeria and they blocked his return to competition. News Story
  108. 22/01/2022 Argentina Dead
    Fernando Morales Sequeira (48), Football collapsed with a cardiac arrest and died suddenly on the football field. No further details are available. News Story
  109. 22/01/2022 France
    Anthony Jullien (23), a member of the AG2R Citroën cycle racing team is not currently available until further notice due to a heart rhythm disorder which requires investigations by a cardiologist. News Story
  110. 21/01/2022 Florida, USA Dead
    Bud Jeffries (48), Weightlifter collapsed while doing light training outside the house. His wife attempted resuscitation until the ambulance arrived, but he died. Cause of death is not yet known, suspect pulmonary embolism (blood clot). News Story
  111. 21/01/2022 New York, USA Dead
    Clark Gillies (67), former New York Islanders Ice Hockey legend and four-time Stanley Cup champion died. He played 14 NHL seasons with the Islanders. No cause of death given. News Story
  112. 21/01/2022 Argentina Dead
    Cecilia Teri (42), Gym. Went to gym class, was not feeling quite right so she did some lighter exercises. She suddenly collapsed from cardiac arrest and died instantly. A coroner stated that the death occurred due to a sudden heart attack. News Story News Story2
  113. 21/01/2022 Texas, USA Dead
    Jim Forbes (69), Basketball coach, one of the greatest figures in the history of El Paso sports, died due to “complications from COVID-19.” Texas mandated vaccinations for all students in early August. Andress High School has been holding COVID vaccinations since 22/09/2021. News Story News Story2 News Story3 News Story4
  114. 21/01/2022 Austria
    Aleksandar B (23), Fitness trainer did not want to be vaccinated, but was coerced into it, so he could work, according to Austrian Prof. Missliwetz, who presented him as a “vaccination victim.” To continue working in sports facilities, he decided to get vaccinated after all. After the first shot, he constantly suffered from dizziness and nausea. Then he was hospitalized 12 hours after the second shot. The diagnosis: heart muscle inflammation and 48 percent heart failure. “Before that I was fit, everything was great.” He is now not allowed to do any sport for 6 months – a disaster for him as a fitness trainer. News Story
  115. 20/01/2022 Australia
    Richard Gasquet (35), Tennis player at the Australian Open. Won the first set then lost all games in the second and third. He abandoned the match and dropped out. Symptoms: generally tired and unable to compete, he preferred to stop and not take risks for the rest of his season. News Story
  116. 20/01/2022 Dominican Republic Dead
    Endy Vladimir Maldonado (27), basketballer suddenly collapsed with a cardiac arrest and died while playing basketball. No further details are available. News Story
  117. 20/01/2022 Spain Dead
    Alberto Torrecilla (Age), Deportivo Avance youth team footballer collapsed from a sudden cardiac arrest and died. News Story News Story2
  118. 18/01/2022 France Dead
    Jordan Michallet (29), Rouen Rugby Union player died suddenly. There is a suggestion of suicide. No further details given. News Story News Story2
  119. 18/01/2022 Switzerland
    Sarah Atcho (26), professional sprinter now suffering from pericarditis. First symptoms appeared after her booster vaccination in December 2021. She said On December 27, I felt a tightness in my chest and I got dizzy when I went up the stairs. After a few more dizzy spells, a cardiologist diagnosed pericarditis. News Story
  120. 18/01/2022 France
    Jade Hamaoui (21), female Montbrison Basketballer. Medical examinations revealed that she now has a heart condition that prevents her playing basketball at club level. Her career has ended. News Story
  121. 18/01/2022 England Dead
    Jamie Vincent (46), former footballer died suddenly due to cardiac arrest. played with Huddersfield Town, Portsmouth, Walsall, Derby County, Millwall and Yeovil Town, and Swindon Town, where he helped win promotion to League One in 2007. Former Crystal Palace player Grant Watts wrote: “Gutting to hear this morning that one of my old ex-Palace team-mates Jamie Vincent has passed away suddenly with a cardiac arrest. Thinking of his family at this very sad time.” News Story
  122. 18/01/2022 Argentina Dead
    Patricio Guaita (22), Comunidad Rural Footballer began pre-season training for his club when he began to feel unwell after physical exercises. He was helped by medical personnel, but died a few hours later. News Story
  123. 18/01/2022 Minnesota, USA Dead
    Katie Novak (31), fitness trainer, died suddenly while taking a nap. Her family suspects heart-related issues. She was “fully vaccinated.” News Story
  124. 17/01/2022 Melbourne, Australia
    Unnamed (AGE) tennis ballgirl at the Australian Open collapsed on court during a match, with the two players involved racing to her aid. Some people said it was extreme heat, but it appeared to be only 28 degrees. News Story News Story2
  125. 17/01/2022 Italy
    Marco Da Graca (21), Juventus striker diagnosed with heart problems after vaccination. Was also positive for covid at the end of the year. Needs heart operation. Juventus head coach Massimiliano Allegri confirmed on January 11th in a press conference that all players were vaccinated except goalkeeper Wojciech Szczęsny. News Story News Story2
  126. 16/01/2022 Germany
    Unnamed (AGE), Austrian SV Lehen men’s curling player collapsed onto the ice and was resuscitated for a long time, then taken to hospital. No further details given. News Story
  127. 16/01/2022 Spain Dead
    Unnamed (38), cyclist was found lying on the Rota greenway at Hijuela de María, Spain after a cardiac arrest. Resuscitation attempts failed. He was identified as a nearby resident who played sports. News Story
  128. 16/01/2022 USA Dead
    Maurice Grooms (50), Strength & PE instructor, teacher and coach at Stewarts Creek High School was found dead of a cardiac arrest near his car in the school’s parking lot. News Story
  129. 16/01/2022 Greece
    Braian Angola (27), Colombian AEK Athens Basketball player underwent detailed scans after reporting feeling unwell, revealing myocarditis. He is out of the game indefinitely. News Story
  130. 16/01/2022 Germany Dead
    Kerim Arslan (†29), Cologne footballer collapsed at home from a cardiac arrest hours after training and died. Symptoms: pain in his arm and chest, then collapsed and died. News Story
  131. 16/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Ruben Michel (29), physical education teacher and personal trainer suffered a cardiac arrest and died. News Story
  132. 15/01/2022 Brazil
    Mateus Cavichioli (34), América Mineiro MG footballer. A routine club medical detected a heart problem, but previous medicals showed no problems. Diagnosed with artery obstructed by blood clots. Received his first covid-19 vaccination in September 2021. News Story News Story2
  133. 15/01/2022 Malaysia Dead
    Lim Thian Meng (47), badminton player bent down to pick up a shuttlecock, passed it to a friend, and then collapsed on the court. Resuscitation failed and died there. News Story
  134. 15/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Lucas Dias de Novaes (18), Gym, collapsed suddenly while working out in the gym. He was taken to hospital, but died. News Story
  135. 14/01/2022 Canada Dead
    Sean Rice (49), pair skater died unexpectedly at the age of 49. An autopsy was ordered to ascertain cause of death. News Story
  136. 14/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Mariana Merlo do Nascimento (27), award-winning Mountain biking cyclist from Espírito Santo felt ill in the afternoon and was referred to the Hospital Sílvio Avidos, where she died around 8 pm. Her body was taken to Victoria, where an autopsy will determine the cause of death. News Story
  137. 14/01/2022 Canada
    Alphonso Davies (21), Bayern Munich footballer. Canada Soccer says Davies has been ruled out of Canada’s three World Cup qualifiers in January and February 2022. Diagnosis myocarditis confirmed by Bayern manager Julian Nagelsmann. In November 2021, Bild revealed Bayern Munich had five unvaccinated players, Davies wasn’t one of them. A December report confirmed all Bayern Munich players were vaccinated. News Story News Story2 Received Booster
  138. 14/01/2022 Gabon
    Axel Meye (26), Ittihad Tanger forward Axel Meye have been ruled out for heart lesions. News Story
  139. 14/01/2022 Gabon
    Mario Lemina (28), Nice (Ex-Southampton) midfielder ruled out for heart lesions. News Story
  140. 14/01/2022 Gabon
    Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang (32), Arsenal striker missed Gabon’s Africa Cup of Nations draw with Ghana after scans revealed heart lesions following a bout of Covid. News Story
  141. 14/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Jader Cezario de Oliveira (21), footballer collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and died during a recreational football match with friends. They said he was healthy as far as they were aware. News Story
  142. 13/01/2022 Sopore, Kashmir Dead
    Mohammad Rashid (28) Fitness / gym, a medical student, collapsed from a cardiac arrest and was taken to Srinagar hospital where he died. This is second such incident in Kashmir valley in the last 24 hours. A Kashmiri girl Batchelor of Medicine student from central Kashmir’s Budgam district collapsed and died of cardiac arrest in Bangladesh. News Story
  143. 13/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Lucio Meneghetti (53), key member of the Virgilian running group for some years. He had heart problems and passed away at the age of 53. His brother Marco died at the age of 57. News Story
  144. 13/01/2022 Italy
    Jean-Daniel Akpa Akpro (29), Vaccinated Lazio midfielder suffered from severe pneumonia. Breathing capacity reduced to 50%. All Lazio players were vaccinated at the request of the team’s president, Claudio Lotito. Carried out at the end of July in Auronzo di Cadore (Belluno), thanks to an agreement between Lotito and the Veneto Region. Venetian governor Zaia declared: “a duty of hospitality and pleasure,” reported by “La Repubblica”, Pfizer vaccinations took place in the PalaTre Cime gymnasium. News Story
  145. 13/01/2022 USA
    Greg Kowalewski (47), Ice Hockey player collapsed from a cardiac arrest during a match. A doctor (a fellow player) resuscitated him, assisted by a defibrilator. News Story
  146. 13/01/2022 Germany Dead
    Nico (14), dancer collapsed and died in Germany, without warning, the day before a dress rehearsal in his parents’ apartment. News Story
  147. 12/01/2022 Malaysia Dead
    Serbegeth “Shebby” Singh (61) Former Malaysian national footballer died unexpectedly due to a cardiac arrest while cycling. He received his booster shot five days before, on January 7. News Story
  148. 12/01/2022 France
    Robin Cann (19), UC Briochine National 3 Cyclist started suffering from cardiac arrhythmias that make him feel uncomfortable during exertion. Doctors advised him to have a heart operation. “It’s not a big deal, I hope to be able to start riding quietly this summer before resuming competition next season” News Story
  149. 12/01/2022 Chile
    Aaron Astudillo (21), Deportes Melipilla Footballer suffered chest pain and cardiac arrest symptoms during a friendly match. He received rapid emergency care and is said to be recovering. News Story
  150. 12/01/2022 USA Dead
    David Sadowski (58), Motor Racing, winner of the 1990 Daytona 200 and 1990 AMA 600cc Supersport National Champion, died from a cardiac arrest at his home in Austell, Georgia. His girlfriend Janet Godfrey said medical personnel told her they think he suffered a massive heart attack. News Story
  151. 12/01/2022 Romania Dead
    Mugurel Stancu (52), Footballer collapsed due to a cardiac arrest while playing football with friends. Ambulance arrived quickly, but resuscitation failed and he died. News Story News Story2
  152. 11/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Amir Abou Aiana (18) footballer collapsed to the ground with a cardiac arrest on the football pitch. Resuscitation was attempted and an ambulance was called. He died shortly after arriving at hospital. News Story
  153. 11/01/2022 USA Dead
    Clint Arlis (34), Batavia All-Time great wrestler died, no details released. News Story
  154. 11/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Pedro Henrique Oliveira da Silva Souza (15), Revelation footballer collapsed following a football tournament, struggling for breath. He received hospital treatment but later on he suffered a cardiac arrest and died. News Story
  155. 11/01/2022 Tenerife, Canary Islands Dead
    Mateo Hernandez (18), Dimurol Salesianos Tenerife Football goalkeeper died suddenly and unexpectedly. News Story
  156. 11/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Isaías (17), Flamengo de Piauí Footballer in Teresina told his teammates as they ran that he felt discomfort. He slowed down, then walked to the bench, where he collapsed. Medics tried to resuscitate him, but he died. It was his third time training with the team. News Story News Story2
  157. 11/01/2022 Chile
    Luciano Aued (34), Universidad Católica football player in Chile complained of chest pain and will undergo a series of tests. Further details awaited. News Story
  158. 10/01/2022 Croatia Dead
    Filip Turk (22), FC Zaprešić Footballer. Another young Croatian football player died suddenly, he was only 22 years old: ‘Good luck up there, somewhere among the stars. We will meet again … “ News Story News Story2
  159. 10/01/2022 USA Dead
    Deon Lendore (29), Athlete (sprinter) was driving on a highway when he crossed over the center stripe and side swiped another vehicle. He continued driving, drifted across the center stripe again and crashed head-on with another car. Lendore died at the scene. News Story Vaccination Story
  160. 10/01/2022 Dubai
    Nicolas Colsaerts (39) Belgian golfer was found to have swollen ankles, liquid in one of his lungs and blood clots. He posted on Facebook that he was diagnosed with primary membranous nephropathy, or kidney disease. “In fact, my body attacks my kidneys, which causes, among other things, a significant leak of proteins”. News Story
  161. 09/01/2022 France Dead
    Grégoire Garrouteigt (21), Anglet Olympic Rugby Union player died following a six-month battle with unspecified disease. News Story
  162. 09/01/2022 Spain Dead
    José Manuel Camano (48), Cyclist. Guardia Civil police officer collapsed and died suddenly just one kilometre from his home. He had been cycling and was found collapsed on the side of the road. The cause of his death has not yet been determined. News Story
  163. 09/01/2022 Chile Dead
    Renato Bastías (38), Triathlete suffered a cardiac arrest while in the water during the opening of the 2022 Ironman season in Chile (Ironman 70.3 Pucon). He received immediate medical treatment and was taken to a nearby hospital but died. News Story News Story2 News Story3
  164. 09/01/2022 Northern Ireland Dead
    Jamie Hoye (23), Oxford Sunnyside FC footballer died at home unexpectedly on 9th January 2022. No further details given. News Story
  165. 09/01/2022 Victoria, Australia Dead
    Harley Balic (25), Australian rules footballer. Former Fremantle and Melbourne midfielder Harley Balic has died, aged 25. The death is not treated as suspicious. Note that in October 2021, it was announced that “All AFL and AFLW players will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by mid-February or they will be barred from playing and training.” News Story News Story2
  166. 08/01/2022 Qatar
    Othman Coulibaly (32), Al-Wakrah Sport Club Football player suffered a cardiac arrest during a football match and is receiving medical care. News Story Youtube Video
  167. 08/01/2022 Kansas, USA Dead
    Nathan Cunningham (17) American footballer & wrestler collapsed and died suddenly on at his home. News Story
  168. 07/01/2022 USA
    Steve Stricker (54), Golf – Winning Ryder Cup captain says he’s lucky to be alive after suffering a ‘mystery illness’ that put him in hospital for weeks, twice, and his immune system was down. He was vaccinated. Symptoms: bad cough, sore throat in mid-October then inflammation around the heart. His doctor prescribed amoxicillin – then his throat started to close up, lips, glands, and tongue got puffy. 103-degree temperature. He went to hospital two weeks before Thanksgiving and his liver numbers started getting worse, white blood cell count was high. I was fighting something, but they couldn’t find out what it was. My liver was going downhill. I got jaundice. I was yellow and peeing out Pepsi-colored pee. He tested negative for COVID, but his heart was jumping out of rhythm. He was in and out of the hospital twice. Months later, he can’t do activity, has inflammation around the heart, lost 25 pounds, lost muscle and his skin is saggy. He is still unable to eat solid food 3 months later. Move to mid-October. News Story
  169. 07/01/2022 Slovakia
    Miroslav Strbak (32), Mixed Martial Arts fighter collapsed with cardiac arrest in training. He had no health risks. He is said to be in a stable condition in hospital. News Story
  170. 07/01/2022 Switzerland
    Fabienne Schlumpf (31), Swiss marathon record holder and Olympic athlete diagnosed with myocarditis shortly after being vaccinated with the COVID-19 booster shot, by her own admission, no COVID infection. Schlumpf finished 12th in the marathon race at the recent Olympic Games in Tokyo, and is now unable to compete for the foreseeable future. News Story News Story2 News Story3
  171. 07/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Everton Brilhante (39), former São Carlos football player collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and died. He played professionally and amateur in São Carlos. News Story
  172. 07/01/2022 Bangladesh Dead
    Tuku Zamil (50), Distance runner. At the Chattogram City Half Marathon, he collapsed due to a cardiac arrest at the finishing line. He touched the finish line after completing his 21-kilometer run and showed the victory sign, expressing his joy. All of a sudden, he complained of acute chest pain and collapsed on the ground. News Story
  173. 06/01/2022 Netherlands Dead
    Marcel Reinders (56), GP and club doctor of professional football club Telstar. Collapsed and died unexpectedly while jogging on sand dunes. News Story
  174. 06/01/2022 Uganda Dead
    Herbert Afayo (21), Lugazi Footballer collapsed with a cardiac arrest on the pitch at the Geregere Safi Playground in Lugazi, Buikwe District. He was resuscitated and taken to the local hospital but died before reaching the hospital. A postmortem concluded the cause was cardiac arrest. He suffered a bout of malaria weeks before the match. News Story
  175. 06/01/2022 Luxembourg Dead
    Mathieu Léonard (44), Jogger / Footballer suffered a stroke while out jogging and died. News Story
  176. 06/01/2022 Scotland
    Kash Farooq (26), world-ranked former British bantamweight boxing champion, has retired from the ring suddenly at the age of 26 due to “unforeseen circumstances.” News Story News Story2
  177. 06/01/2022 Belgium Dead
    Didier Ceulemans (37), FC Marbaisien footballer died suddenly just a month after learning he was sick. The cause was said to be cancer. News Story
  178. 06/01/2022 Serbia Dead
    Filip Samardzic (34), Former Red Star and Partizan volleyball player died suddenly. Diagnosis pneumonia. News Story
  179. 05/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Claudio Brighenti (47), Toscolano Maderno Sailing Club champion sailor and coach collapsed with cardiac arrest while conducting a debriefing session. He died in the arms of his brother. News Story
  180. 05/01/2022 Australia
    Nikoloz Basilashvili (29), Georgian tennis player (No. 22 in the world) began struggling to breathe early in his ATP Cup match in Sydney against Stefanos Tsitsipas, play was cancelled. Basilashivili was serving 4-1 down in the first set when play was suddenly halted. The Georgian tennis star was overheard saying: “Every shot I’m out of breath.” His hand gestures suggested he was feeling tightness in his chest. Australia’s vaccination rules mandate all ATP Cup players to be fully vaccinated. News Story
  181. 05/01/2022 Northern Ireland Dead
    Oisin Fields (30) Gaelic Footballer collapsed and died while playing football with his friends and his death has sent shockwaves across his local community. News Story
  182. 05/01/2022 Brazil
    Lucas Santana (18), São Bento football midfielder collapsed on the pitch in the 17th minute of the second half of the Copa São Paulo match against EC São Bernardo at Baetão stadium. Taken to hospital by ambulance. After head and spine tests, Lucas was released by doctors, told to avoid physical activity for 24 hours. News Story
  183. 05/01/2022 Spain Dead
    Manuel Sánchez (26), Footballer dedicated his time to football and worked at a football school in Spain. He died unexpectedly. No further details available. News Story
  184. 04/01/2022 Australia Dead
    James Kondilios (23), Ultra-healthy world-class powerlifter, was fully-vaccinated with no underlying health conditions, according to the Department of Health, died suddenly. News Story
  185. 04/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Vincenzo Di Grande (40), Piacenza Water Polo coach collapsed and died suddenly in Piacenza. Mandatory vaccinations were ordered for water polo players starting January 2022. News Story News Story2
  186. 04/01/2022 Uruguay Dead
    Marcelo De León (43) runner suffered a cardiac arrest whilst competing in the San Fernando 10km race. Resuscitated and transferred to hospital but died on Sunday 9th. News Story
  187. 03/01/2022 Guatemala Dead
    Marcos Menaldo (25), Guatemalan Deportivo Marquense star centre back defender collapsed with a cardiac arrest in training at the Marquesa de la Ensenada Stadium in San Marcos on Monday shortly after complaining of breathing difficulties. He received CPR and was transferred to the Hospital de Especialidades where he died. News Story2
  188. 02/01/2022 Italy
    Antonio Cassano (39), former Real Madrid Footballer twice vaccinated, was taken to San Martino polyclinic in Genoa for a few days of treatment including Remdesivir antiviral and was sent home to continue treatment. News Story
  189. 02/01/2022 Italy Dead
    Leonardo Della Nave (46), Enduro motorcyclist from the hamlet of Osteria Nuova, in the municipality of Bagno a Ripoli was riding his motorcycle on a path in a wood with friends, when he suddenly collapsed with a cardiac arrest. Resuscitation attempts failed. News Story News Story2
  190. 02/01/2022 Brazil Dead
    Monique Janaína Piske (32), MMA fighter suffered a cardiac arrest at home in Guaramirim, in the North of Santa Catarina, and was found dead by her parents. News Story
  191. 02/01/2022 Wyoming, USA Dead
    Beau Thomas (18), Cowboys American Football, former Kentucky Wesleyan College football player and 2021 Wyoming High School graduate. Cause of death not given. The school athletic director said “So many other schools have reached out which is very much appreciated in support, unfortunately because many of them have gone through the exact same things that we’re going through today.” News Story
  192. 02/01/2022 Puerto Rico Dead
    Miguel “Monchy” Torres (42), basketball coach and part of the Puerto Rico National Youth Men’s Program. Died suddenly. News Story
  193. 01/01/2022 Ireland Dead
    Niall Sammon (AGE), Caltra GAA Gaelic footballer died. Possibly soon after a booster vaccine. “Niall played football from an early age with Caltra and was a member of successful under-age League, Championship and Minor winning teams, captaining Caltra to a Minor B Championship in 2014.” The club advertised walk-in COVID 19 vaccine and booster clinics at the Ballybrit Racecourse, Ballybrit, Galway throughout the year, notably December and January. News Story
  194. 31/12/2021 Sweden Dead
    Erik Karlsson (23), elite Högby IF team runner collapsed with a cardiac arrest in the final kilometre of the Sylvesterloppet race in Kalmar, Sweden. Taken to hospital by ambulance but died on Tuesday 4th January after they tried to wake him from a coma. News Story News Story2
  195. 31/12/2021 Russia Dead
    Vadim Khamuttskikh (52), Volleyball three-time Olympic medallist, died new year’s eve. His Beijing teammate, Maxim Mikhailov spoke of unexpected and shocking news after recently seeing a healthy and happy-looking Khamuttskikh. News Story
  196. 31/12/2021 Germany
    Lanny Gare (43), Selber Wölfe Ice Hockey player suffered a stroke a few hours after the match against Lausitzer Füchse. News Story
  197. 31/12/2021 Germany
    Jonas Dobler (30), Skier qualified for the 2022 winter olympics by racing in Oberstdorf, but in the middle of the competition he reported a “high pulse.” He then prematurely ended the mass start race. At the olympics, he pulled out of one race before the start. News Story
  198. 30/12/2021 New Mexico, USA
    Derek Martinez (18), St. Michael’s High School multi-sports star athlete, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in September. His college baseball ambitions ended. News Story
  199. 30/12/2021 Senegal Dead
    Alioune Badara Wade (28), Dakar University Club Football striker with Senegalese second division club Dakar University Club. He collapsed during training with cardiac arrest and could not be revived. News Story
  200. 30/12/2021 Split, Croatia Dead
    Robert Boljat (50), Workers’ Football Club youth football coach and fitness trainer of many years standing, collapsed with cardiac arrest while playing football with friends. News Story
  201. ??/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Michał Krowiak, (24) Ekoball Stal Sanok footballer died suddenly in December 2021. No explanation of the circumstances or date given. Funeral 4th January 2022. News Story
  202. 29/12/2021 Australia
    Matty John (Age unknown), Bodybuilder suffered stabbing heart pain two days after Pfizer vaccine, diagnosed with pericarditis. At least 79,000 Australians suffered severe adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines. News Story News Story2
  203. 29/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Domenico De Siano (25), Basketballer and Forio Basket masseur, died yesterday after a month in the La Schiana Hospital in Pozzuoli, due to suffering a cerebral ischemia due to blood clots in the brain. The young man had a great passion for sport and was an athlete. News Story
  204. 29/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Michele Lo Conte (29), Footballer died in bed from a cardiac arrest. Vaccinated with his second COVID vaccine dose in July 2021 and prepared for a booster. News Story
  205. 29/12/2021 Iraq Dead
    Ahmed Daham (56), Al-Masafi Football coach collapsed and died of a cardiac arrest while giving a technical conference to the players of the Al-Masafi club, which he currently coaches. News Story
  206. 28/12/21 Naples, Italy Dead
    Hugo Maradona (52), former professional footballer and coach collapsed suddenly with a cardiac arrest in Naples. Resuscitation attempts by 118 Emergency Medical Services failed and he died, a year after his brother Diego. Hugo hosted a training camp with Qormi FC for U9 to U15 in Malta a few weeks earlier in December. Hugo’s vaccination status is unknown, but considering that he traveled to Malta at a time the island was more than 83% vaccinated, it is likely he was vaccinated before travlling there. News Story
  207. 28/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Michal Gurajdowski (40), WL League Football Referee and parkrunner died suddenly and unexpectedly. No cause of death given. He was involved in games played by the Lech Faith Association for nearly 10 years as well as in other tournaments. News Story
  208. 27/12/2021 USA Dead
    Daniel ‘Crunch’ Broussard (53), Flag Football, Basketball, and Softball player and American Football referee served as an official for more than 30 years, died Monday at the age of 53 after showing signs of a stroke. A friend noticed his mouth was crooked, while they were talking, and called the ambulance. News Story
  209. 27/12/2021 Scotland, UK Dead
    Bryce Murray (21), Footballer / Bodybuilder suddenly died at the age of 21. The circumstances are not available. News Story
  210. 27/12/2021 Canada
    Gawain Harding (54), American Football coach’s heart stopped beating several times during the night of December 26-27 2021. “They had to use the defibrillator four times on me…. Each time, I came back alive and left.” Stents were inserted by doctors to keep open two arteries that were blocked. News Story
  211. 26/12/2021 Illinois ,USA Dead
    Zachary Icenogle (19), basketballer and volleyball player at Carthage College in Kenosha, WI, and previously a Plainfield Central High graduate. The vaccinated freshman died in his sleep – cause of death withheld. First responders attended, but he could not be revived. Carthage College required vaccinations for all students, faculty, and staff. News Story College Mandate
  212. 26/12/2021 Philippines Dead
    Lawrence Chongson (57), Former University of the East Red Warriors Basketball coach, passed away this Sunday, following a cardiac arrest. News Story
  213. 25/12/2021 India Dead
    Thottiyanda Somanna (23), Thottiyanda Family Hockey player collapsed with a cardiac arrest during a hockey match in Kodagu. He was taken to hospital, but died on the way. News Story
  214. 25/12/2021 Algeria Dead
    Soufiane Lokar (30), Mouloudia Saida footballer collapsed with cardiac arrest during a match. Medical staff tried to resuscitate him but he died. Vaccinations in Algeria began in January 2021. He was married only one week. News Story
  215. 25/12/2021 France Dead
    Gillen Lusson (26), former captain of SCO Angers Handball died suddenly. No further details are available. News Story
  216. 25/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Filippo Allorio (15), Downhill Skier. The hypothesis so far, is that he had a cardiac arrest, falling off the skiable track, hitting violently against a pile of ice. Autopsy ordered. Covid “vaccination” statistics are in the url link. News Story News Story2
  217. 24/12/2021 Australia Dead
    Terry Morrison (70), ex-Rugby Union. Morrison was a former All Black winger and New Zealand national 200m sprint champion, making him one of the fastest All Black players in history. He suffered a cardiac arrest whilst surfing on Christmas Eve and could not be resuscitated. News Story
  218. 24/12/2021 Belgrade, Serbia Dead
    Nemanja Mirosavljević (25), former Grafičar player – and youth coach since summer 2021 – had a cardiac arrest. He died after 7 days in a coma. News Story
  219. 24/12/2021 France Dead
    Jérémie Bilhac (28), ES Cœur Hérault Footballer. No details are available of the demise of Jérémie Bilhac but at his funeral the world of football was widely represented – young people with whom he trained or shared his passion, clubs, the president of the Hérault Football District and, of course, members of the ES Cœur d’Hérault, of which his father Jacques, is president. News Story
  220. 24/12/2021 Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Melody Bauroth-Sherman (17), track and field, cross country. The High school student died suddenly. No further details are available. News Story
  221. 22/12/2021 UK Dead
    Ian Matos (32), Olympic diving star was vaccinated 4 August 2021 (posted his own picture on Instagram with the caption “Moment of pure joy!” In October, he was hospitalized with a throat infection. He spent two months in hospital and he died after a sudden deterioration in his health when the infection spread to his lungs and stomach. News Story News Story2
  222. 22/12/21 Egypt Dead
    Ahmed Amin (24), Rabat & Anwar footballer. After taking part in team training, Ahmed went to the locker room where he collapsed with a sudden cardiac arrest. The club medical team tried to save him and took him to the nearest hospital. As they arrived at the hospital, the doctors said the player had already passed away. News Story
  223. 22/12/2021 Turin Dead
    Adrien Sandjo (18), U19 Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta regional team footballer collapsed on the pitch with a cardiac arrest, declared brain dead after six hours of observation in Molinette hospital. His organs were removed for donation, as decided by the family. News Story News Story2
  224. 22/12/2021 Oman Dead
    Mukhaled Al-Raqadi (29), Muscat FC football player collapsed with cardiac arrest during the warm-up for a match. He was taken to hospital but they were unable to save him. News Story
  225. 22/12/2021 Singapore Dead
    Poh Lip Meng (52), Singapore national pisol shooter collapsed during a jog. He was taken to hospital but was pronounced dead. News Story
  226. 22/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Marcin Bukowski (40), former Bronia Radom professional footballer in Poland. He died at the age of 40. No further details available. News Story
  227. 21/12/2021 Croatia Dead
    Marin Čačić (23), NK Nehaj Footballer suddenly collapsed with cardiac arrest during training. He was rushed to a hospital where heart failure was diagnosed. He was in a coma but died after two days in hospital. News Story News Story2 News Story3dead
  228. 21/12/2021 France
    Kévin Gourdon (31), La Rochelle Rugby Union player retired from playing rugby after the discovery of a heart problem. “This is brutal and sad news, but my health is a priority” News Story
  229. 21/12/2021 Netherlands Dead
    Kawa Leauma (32), Ordizia Rugby League player died from head injuries after falling from the terrace of a shopping centre in Amsterdam. Possible floor collapse, waiting for more details. News Story
  230. 21/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Żora (Heorhiy) Korolyov (34), outstanding dancer died suddenly. Official cause of death inflammation of the heart muscle. News Story News Story2
  231. 21/12/2021 Pakistan
    Abid Ali (34), Central Punjab Cricketer, Pakistan opening batsman suffered from chest pain midway through a match and was taken to hospital and said to be in a stable condition. Diagnosed as Acute Coronary Syndrome, a term used to describe a range of conditions associated with sudden, reduced blood flow to the heart, one of which is a heart-attack. News Story
  232. 21/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Miroslav Copjak (58), Piast Cieszyn Football coach died suddenly at the age of 58. No further details are available. News Story
  233. 20/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Michal Rokicki (37), 200 and 400metre swimmer who represented Poland in the Olympics, died suddenly from a cause yet to be announced News Story
  234. 20/12/2021 Nebraska, US Dead
    Kimera Bartee (49), Detroit Tigers former player and current first base coach suddenly collapsed and died while visiting his father in Omaha, Nebraska. The club manager said they had 100% player participation in the COVID vaccine. In spring 2021, the club had incentives for staff and fans to get the vaccine. The club manager said “the faster we get vaccinated, the safer we are and the more likely we are to be able to play continuously throughout our schedule.” On 6th September, reliever Joe Jimenez and bench coach George Lombard tested positive for the virus and had symptoms, even though both were vaccinated and the manager was surprised! What was he told about the vaccinations and what did he tell his team about the risks? News Story News Story2 News Story3 News Story4 News Story5
  235. 20/12/2021 Spain
    Jamie Doyle (18), Northern Ireland boxer is fighting for his life in Spain after collapsing due to a blood clot on the brain, while on holiday. He underwent two surgeries to help relieve the swelling. He is expected to remain in an induced coma for 4-6 weeks due to the severity of his condition. News Story
  236. 19/12/2021 Donegal, Ireland
    Unnamed Setanta (U21) Hurling payer collapsed on the pitch. The Donegal county U21 hurling final was abandoned at half time. News Story
  237. 19/12/2021 Spain
    Oscar Cabrera (26), Cantbasket Basketball player during a match, Oscar took the ball but collapsed face-first before he could make a pass. He can be seen twitching in the video. He was transferred to hospital. News Story Video
  238. 19/12/2021 Netherlands Dead
    Suliman Abdeselam Mohamed (35), Moroccan Mixed Martial Arts fighter based in the Netherlands, died suddenly at the age of 35. The cause of his premature death not given. News Story
  239. 19/12/2021 Croatia Dead
    Goran Sobin (58), Legendary former Yugoslav basketball player suffered a cardiac arrest and died. News Story
  240. 18/12/2021 Florida, US Dead
    Jordan Young (27), Iowan mixed martial arts rising star, 6 foot 4 heavyweight with American Top Team MMA died, his boxing coach Derik Santos announced Saturday. News Story
  241. 18/12/2021 Caen, France Dead
    Damien Zemmouri (37), JS Fleury boxer died suddenly as a result of a “ruptured aneurysm.” A club manager said “I saw him four days before, and he was in great shape” News Story
  242. 18/12/2021 Philippines
    Joseph Uichico (59), Bataan Risers Basketball coach suffered a cardiac arrest following a workout. After an emergency angioplasty on Saturday evening he is now in stable condition. News Story News Story2
  243. 18/12/2021 Spain
    Lucas Ocampos (27), Sevilla and Argentina national team striker collapsed with severe chest pain and respiratory problems in added time in Sevilla-Atletico Madrid game. Carried from the field on a stretcher. News Story
  244. 18/12/2021 Missouri, USA Dead
    Lauren Michele Way (37), Raymore-Peculiar School District coach for softball, basketball, soccer and track, and physical education teacher died unexpectedly. News Story
  245. 17/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Karol “Seta” Setniewski (14), Znicz Pruszków footballer, team captain, best in school, complained of a headache the day after a football match, so he was taken to the hospital. Surgery was unable to reduce the swelling of the brain and he did not wake up from the coma. Karol is one of two Znicz Pruszków footballers who died this year. News Story
  246. 17/12/2021 Zirl, Austria Dead
    Leo Forstenlechner (12), Gunners Ice Hockey player had a “respiratory arrest” at home and then spent a few days in hospital and died. Facebook (snapshot taken)
  247. 17/12/21 Los Angeles USA
    Donald Parham (24) Los Angeles Chargers (NFL) tight end player collapsed in mid-air while taking a flying touchdown catch. He had received two Covid-19 vaccines and a booster. His arms were shaking as he was wheeled off. It appears clear that his left arm locked up before his helmet hit the ground – that seems to be why he didn’t handle the recovery well. The Chargers report he suffered a concussion, but the video tells a different story, a fraction of a second before his helmet touched down and his head suddenly threw back. The key to seeing this is to watch the action from the sideline, one frame at a time. News Story
  248. 17/12/2021 England
    Abu Ogogo (32), Southend United Football midfielder diagnosed with pericarditis -inflammation around the heart muscle. Head coach Kevin Maher said “Abs initially had a dead leg and he got another knock on that, but since then he’s reported a few problems with his chest. He went for a check-up at hospital last week and he’s out for a period now, probably about a month or so.” The report also mentions that “A dead leg could also be the result of a widely reported adverse reaction from the vaccine where a blood clot impairs blood flow to a major limb.” News Story
  249. 17/12/2021 British Columbia, Canada Dead
    Unnamed (25) Ice Hockey goaltender suffered a cardiac arrest on the ice in a match at the city-run Richmond Ice Centre. Resuscitation attempts including with a defibrilator failed and he died. News Story
  250. 16/12/2021 Spain Dead
    Izan Edward (7), Beniopa Sports Union footballer suffered a blackout a few minutes after finishing a training session at the Roís de Corella football field. Coaching staff tried to ressuscitate the boy with a defibrillator. An ambulance took him to hospital where he died. Spain has been rushing to vaccinate children 5-11. News Story Child Vaccination
  251. 16/12/2021 Spain Dead
    Dani Chabrera (29), Lokomotiv Tashkent football goalkeeping coach in Uzbekistan. He returned to Spain but became ill and died. News Story
  252. 16/12/2021 Murcia, Spain
    José Javier Ros (aka Monas) (22), UCAM Murcia footballer withdrew from the rest of the season after being diagnosed with pericarditis. News Story News Story2
  253. 16/12/2021 New Zealand Dead
    Taniela Moa (36), Section Paloise, former Tonga international rugby union player, who played mostly in New Zealand and France, died suddenly. No cause of death News Story
  254. 16/12/2021 Rhode Island, USA Dead
    Meaghan McGonagle (41), Cranston High School East boys and girls Volleyball coach and business teacher. Cranston Mayor Ken Hopkins said “This is a young woman, 41 years old, in good health, that had the early vaccinations” but she “had been hospitalized for about a week prior to her death.” News Story News Story2
  255. 16/12/2021 Colorado, USA
    Miles Juneau (31), professional Mountain Bike Racer diagnosed with pericarditis. “2 days after the 2nd dose, I experienced heart pain at the onset of exercise that left me sitting on the ground holding my chest.” News Story
  256. 15/12/2021 Russia Dead
    Alexander Frolov (63), Sarmations Ice Hockey player was on the sidelines during a match in the Russian amateur Night Hockey League (NHL) when he suddenly fell ill and collapsed. Died on the way to intensive care unit, with an apparent heart problem. News Story
  257. 14/12/2021 Zinswiller, Alsace, France Dead
    Aurélie Hans (21), female football goalkeeper (since she was 12) suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and died Tuesday, December 14. Daughter of Laurent Hans, player and then manager of various clubs in Northern Alsace. News Story
  258. 14/12/2021 Miami, Florida, USA Dead
    Andres Melendez (20), Cleveland Guardians minor league Baseball player died unexpectedly – no further details available News Story
  259. 14/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Gabriele Marletta (17), Gymnast and athlete felt ill whilst running during an Exercise Science class. His teacher had given him heart massage, then two doctors used a defibrillator. Gabriele was taken to hospital and put into intensive care, where he stayed for 6 weeks. Everyone hoped he would make it. but on 31/01/2022 Gabriele’s heart stopped beating. His father said “Gabriele has always played sports and underwent regular electrocardiograms, he has never had heart problems.” News Story
  260. 13/12/2021 England
    Maxwell Harrison (21), International ballroom dancer developed pericarditis (inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart muscle) five days after his second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, and was hospitalized. Top cardiologists said his heart condition was a result of the Pfizer vaccination. News Story
  261. 12/12/2021 Reims, France
    An unnamed footballer (34), playing for Olympique FC de Reims suffered a cardiac arrest mid-match. He was resuscitated on the pitch and then taken to hospital by ambulance. News Story
  262. 12/12/2021 Australia Dead
    Kane van Diermen (35), Sydney Convicts RUFC Rugby Union. Circumstances of death not announced News Story
  263. 12/12/21 France
    Martin Terrier (24), Rennes striker was substituted after chest pains in game against Nice. News Story
  264. 12/12/21 Italy
    Piotr Zielinski (27), Napoli midfielder went to the sideline, 19 minutes into the game against Empoli, struggled to breathe, pointing to his neck and chest. Whole team received booster 18-19 December. News Story News Story2 News Story3 News Story4
  265. 12/12/2021 Águias do Moradal-Pedrógão, Portugal
    Edgar Marques (20), Pedrógão de São Pedro football player collapsed halfway through the second half of a match. Transported to the Amato Lusitano Hospital in Castelo Branco. News Story News Story2
  266. 12/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Stefano Forgione (42), U.S. Balconevisi former amateur footballer, was struck by a sudden illness and died. News Story
  267. 12/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Andrea Navoni (48), Vespa Basket Basketballer was struck down by a sudden illness and could not be saved. No further details given. News Story
  268. 12/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Marco Bozza (43), Jogger loved to run every day, but collapsed from a cardiac arrest while running and died on Sunday. News Story
  269. 12/12/2021 Australia Dead
    Daniel Ferguson (33), Irish former Donaghadee FC player. After 10 years in Australia, Ferguson was to return to his home town, Donaghadee, in Northern Ireland, so must have been vaccinated to fly, but just days before his return, he died. No details given. News Story
  270. 12/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Maurizio Ruozi (51), cyclist and amateur sportsman was running a marathon, but suddenly collapsed with a cardiac arrest after 28 kilometres. He was taken to hospital, but died. News Story
  271. 11/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Roberto Valastro (42), runner, a Siderno police officer was jogging on the beach in Locri when he collapsed and died of a cerebral aneurysm, the second death in the ranks of the Calabria State Police within a few days. News Story
  272. 11/12/2021 Brisbane, Australia Dead
    Sulamai Aukuso Lavea (48), NZ origin Rugby League player died of a cardiac arrest at the second level of the Springwood Stairs of Death during training News Story Stairs
  273. 11/12/2021 California, PA, USA Dead
    Branson King (23), California University of Pennsylvania Ice Hockey player died suddenly. No cause of death News Story
  274. 11/12/21 Norwich, England
    Victor Lindelof (27), Manchester United defender went down clutching his chest and pointing to his heart, complained of chest pain and racing pulse. His wife confirmed (many times) they were both vaccinated. News Story
  275. 11/12/2021 New Jersey, USA Dead
    Lauren Anderson (41), elite softball pitcher, one of the greatest softball players in New Jersey history, died. No cause of death given. News Story
  276. 10/12/21 Serbia
    Ricardo Gomes (29) Cape Verde native footballer playing for Serbian club FK Partizan collapsed during training , 45 days after his COVID vaccination. Coach Stanojevic said “The situation is serious.” Gomes, the coach, Bojan Ostojic, and Quincy Menig were vaccinated on the same day. News Story
  277. 09/12/21 USA Dead
    Matt Scherer (38), former Oregon Ducks pro runner died, no cause of death so far News Story
  278. 07/12/21 Croatia Dead
    Pavel Karpf (52), former Swiss football goalkeeper for FC Luzern was on his sailing boat in Croatia on Tuesday when he suddenly collapsed and died three days later in hospital. News Story
  279. 07/12/21 Melbourne, Australia
    Jake Lever (25), Melbourne Demons star player (AFL) appeared weak as he dropped to the ground during his first training session in pre-season. He had 20 minutes of medical attention. News Story
  280. 07/12/2021 Illinois, USA Dead
    Jacob Look (17), Brimfield High School Basketball suffered a cardiac arrest n his parents’ hot tub and was found unconscious. Taken to hospital in a critical condition. All efforts to save him were in vain. An autopsy revealed the cause of death was cardiac arrest followed by drowning. News Story
  281. 07/12/2021 Panama Dead
    Francisco D’Meza (AGE), Footballer and urban music singer suddenly collapsed and died while playing football. News Story
  282. 07/12/2021 Tennessee, USA
    Mackenzie Dyson (21), star softball player. After receiving her second dose of covid vaccine, she had a very scary adverse reaction and lost control of her left leg. She then started having terrible migraines, dizziness, nausea, speech issues and extreme confusion. She then lost her ability to stand up because her leg was shaking uncontrollably and would give out on her. After countless visits to the doctor and multiple tests, doctors concluded this was a reaction to the vaccine. A month later she still cannot walk properly. News Story News Story2
  283. 06/12/21 France Dead
    Xavier Ziani (49), French professional volleyball player and coach at Charenton-le-Pont died with a cardiac arrest. News Story
  284. 06/12/21 Tamworth, England Dead
    Rob Woodward (36), Stonydelph Juliors FC U10 coach/manager. Double vaccinated. “It is with great sadness that the club announces that Rob Woodward our U10 Cougars manager passed away suddenly yesterday.” Club Facebook
  285. 05/12/21 Birmingham, Alabama, USA Dead
    John Wolfe (20), 3-time state tennis champion in high school (Briarwood High School, Alabama) died. News Story
  286. 05/12/21 Tehran, Iran Dead
    Navid Khosh Hava (30), former Iran U23 football team defender died of cardiac arrest News Story
  287. 05/12/21 Italy Dead
    Fabio Pedretti (24), from Gardone Valtrompia, collapsed and died while running the Uno di Monticelli, a night trail running event on the hills of Franciacorta in Monticelli Brusati. In the final km of the 20 km race he collapsed and could not be resuscitated. News Story
  288. 05/12/2021 Brazil Dead
    Diego Correia (31), amateur runner was running 10K in Santos, on the coast of São Paulo and suffered severe chest pain that radiated to the upper limbs when he was near the Barão de Paranapiacaba do Samu base, on Avenida Ana Costa. He went to seek help from the unit and was treated in an advanced life support ambulance, where an electrocardiogram was performed. Was resuscitated after being treated for cardiorespiratory arrest and then sent to hospital. At the hospital, after three hours of treatment, he progressed to a aquicardia, followed by cardiorespiratory arrest. Minutes before starting the race, Correia used his social networks to celebrate participating in the event. Rules of the event recommend a rigorous prior medical evaluation and the performance of exercise testing for all participants. News Story
  289. 05/12/2021 Spain Dead
    Carlos Daniel Monteverde (58), Runner (and Professor) collapsed with sudden cardiac arrest while running in the the Córdoba marathon’s 10,000 metres race. Not far from the start he collapsed and received medical assistance, but half an hour later he was dead. The weather was moderately cool. Although he had a history of high blood pressure and was on medication, he was an amateur rugby player and presented a physical fitness test and medical certificate, a mandatory requirement for all runners. News Story News Story2
  290. 04/12/2021 Carlisle, England
    Bobby Dixon (n/a), Carlisle City footballer collapsed in the early stages of a Cumberland County League game against Gosforth and was taken to the Cumberland Infirmary for tests News Story
  291. 04/12/21 Beverwijk, North Holland Dead
    Wouter Betjes (14), student hockey player collapsed walking to the dugout after a catch-up game Bloemendaal JC3 against Overbos JC1. Club doctor tried to resuscitate him at the ground, continuing in the ambulance and at hospital in Amsterdam but they were not successful and he died. News Story
  292. 04/12/21 USA
    CJ McCollum(30), Portland Trailblazers basketball Guard diagnosed with pneumothorax (collapsed lung), that can be caused by injury or disease. He may never play again. McCollum finished near the top of HoopsHype’s shooting guard rankings on August 31. News Story
  293. 04/12/2021 Italy Dead
    Roberto Tusi (38), Risorta San Martino Football coach of the local team, Risorta San Martino was on his way home after a match when he felt ill and collapsed due to a cardiac arrest in his car. He was taken to hospital, but died. News Story
  294. 04/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Dawid Akuła (21), Football and Academy of Physical Education student in Wrocław, Poland, studying physiotherapy. He collapsed and died playing a football match. Like fellow student, Joanna Krudys, who died the same day, Akuła had to be vaccinated in order to study. News Story
  295. 04/12/2021 Poland Dead
    Joanna Krudys (21), Academy of Physical Education student in Wrocław, Poland, studying occupational therapy died the same day as fellow student Dawid Akuła and had to be vaccinated in order to study. Her family confirmed that she was vaccinated, while Akula’s family did not. News Story
  296. 03/12/2021 Brazil Dead
    Vinicius Freitas (20) Macaé Esporte FC footballer. Miniguinho, as he was known at the club, defended Macaé in recent seasons, in the U-20 category and was the victim of a cardiac event News Story
  297. 03/12/21 England
    Mark Simpson (AGE), Knaresborough Town West Riding County FA striker collapsed and had heart palpitations in the dressing room at half time. He felt better after sitting out the rest of the game, but when he went to drive home, it started happening again. News Story
  298. 03/12/21 Germany
    Ugur Tezel (24), FC Carl Zeiss Jena player collapsed during their game against Berliner AK and was replaced. Same game as Kwabenaboye Schulz collapsed. News Story
  299. 03/12/21 Germany
    Kwabenaboye Schulz (23), FC Carl Zeiss Jena player collapsed after the final whistle in their game against Berliner AK, the same game as Ugur Tezel. They had 4 games in 11 days after quarantine. Team appears to be blaming it on Coronavirua, not the vax. News Story
  300. 03/12/21 Adelaide, Australia
    An unnamed Adelaide Crows football player went to hospital diagnosed with pericarditis (heart inflammation) two weeks after his first Pfizer. Percarditis destroys heart cells. The Adelaide Crows inexplicably did not release his name, citing “privacy” but it will soon be obvious because he will be out for at least 3 months. News Story
  301. 03/12/2021 Germany Dead
    Marcel Pielage (39), SC Grevener Bezirksliga football coach suffered a stroke. No further details are available. News Story
  302. 03/12/2021 Egypt Dead
    Adham Al-Selehdar (53), Al-Majd Al-Iskandari Football coach suffered a cardiac arrest after a late goal by his team. He effusively celebrated in the 93rd minute, but collapsed on the pitch. Resuscitation attempts on the field and immediate transfer to a hospital were not enough and he died before reaching the hospital. News Story
  303. 03/12/2021 Italy
    Ismaël Bennacer (24), AC Milan football player lost his balance, felt dizzy and was unable to walk normally. He received treatment and missed training. In February 2022, it was reported he is available to play again. News Story News Story2
  304. 02/12/2021 Austria Dead
    Florian Hueter (33), Swarco Raiders Tirol American Footballer died. No cause of death given. Hueter began his football career in Carinthia with the Carinthian Black Lions and switched to the Tyrolean Swarco Raiders in 2007. News Story
  305. 02/12/21 Egypt Dead
    Adham El-Selhadar (53), Egyptian football manager collapsed and died on the sideline of a match after his team scored a winning goal. News Story
  306. 02/12/21 Italy Dead
    Romina De Angelis (43), female volleyball player who collapsed while playing padel (a racquet sport like tennis) with friends. Suspected aneurism. News Story
  307. 01/12/21 Melbourne Australia
    Ben Madgen (36), South East Melbourne Phoenix basketballer in hospital with pericarditis after 2nd Pfizer. Tweet
  308. 01/12/21 Belgium Dead
    Keanu Breurs (19) KVK Svelta Melsele U23 football player and youth coach died suddenly Wednesday morning. Cause of death not given News Story
  309. 01/12/21 Russia Dead
    Arina Biktimirova (19), taekwondo champion died suddenly at home. Won a gold medal, as champion at the European Taekwon-Do ITF Championships in Crete, in November. Her coach said “We also fail to understand what may have happened to her health. Arina had no chronic diseases. Before each competition, the athletes are not only checked, but they do thorough examinations and analysis and Arina, when she was checked before going to the European championship, was completely healthy. And what happened is also a shock for us.” News Story News Story2
  310. 01/12/21 USA Dead
    CJ Hunter (52), died of unspecified causes. News Story
  311. 01/12/21 Scotland Dead
    Siobhan Cattigan (26), female Scotland rugby international who won 19 caps for Scotland, died. Cause of death not given. News Story
  312. 30/11/21 North Carolina, USA Dead
    Fatimah Shabazz (22), a key N.C. A&T volleyball player, died of complications from an aneurism. Was Cincinnati Northwest HS 2016 co-conference player of the year. Earned a degree in pre-physical therapy. News Story
  313. 30/11/2021 California, USA Dead
    Stan Kwan (54), American Football coach spent 30 years coaching, retired from San Francisco 49ers in 2020. De died in his sleep. Friend and former colleague Nick Ferguson shared with Twitter that Kwan “passed in his sleep due to a heart attack at age 54.” News Story
  314. 30/11/2021 Montenegro Dead
    Mirko Vlahović (48), Montenegrin former kickboxer and winner of medals at world and European championships, died at the 48th World Championships in Belgrade. News Story
  315. 30/11/2021 England Dead
    Andrew Parker (43), Football Referee took up refereeing at a very early age and held a lifelong passion for football. He was a keen supporter of Stevenage FC and Tottenham Hotspur. He had not been unwell, but suddenly died in his sleep.
  316. 29/11/2021 Oklahoma, USA
    Connor Doyle (17), Mustang High School student baseballer collapsed from a cardiac arrest during a morning workout, resuscitated by coaches and first responders. News Story
  317. 29/11/2021 New Jersey, USA Dead
    Darvin Henderson (31), former Ewing High school American football player, then coach and generous philanthropist died suddenly. No further details available. News Story News Story2
  318. 29/11/2021 Pakistan Dead
    Umair Siddiqui (45), Squash player suffered a cardiac arrest and died in the rest period whist practicing on court. News Story
  319. 29/11/2021 Italy Dead
    Daniele Sansone (35), former Calerno Calcio Football player and coach was very healthy, but he was found lifeless in bed. News Story News Story2
  320. 29/11/2022 Italy Dead
    Giada Furlanut (14), female Volleyball player collapsed at school and was taken to hospital. She died on 4th December 2021. “The mother informed that the Giada was vaccinated … the second dose was taken in August.” News Story
  321. 28/11/21 Russia Dead
    Valentin Rodionov (16), Russian Dynamo Moscow ice hockey player collapsed on the sideline after colliding with a protective board at the side of the ice, but died a week later. The head coach said “he passed [a medical examination]. He was an absolutely healthy, strong guy, cheerful, full of strength and energy.” News Story
  322. 28/11/2021 Zimbabwe Dead
    Ronald Mudimu (33), Triangle United Football goal keeper and vice-captain of his team earned national caps at junior level, in U17 and U20 teams, suffered a stroke, was bed-ridden for a month and died in hospital. News Story
  323. 28/11/2021 Belgium
    Arnaud Marlier (24), Mazy Footballer collapsed due to a cardiac arrest at the end of the match and could not breathe. Has since recovered. News Story
  324. 28/11/2021 Belgium
    Romain Colson (Age) AS Hermalle Football player collapsed during a match. At the end of January 2022, Romain was given the green light to restart training. No more information available yet. News Story News Story2
  325. 28/11/2021 Germany
    Maik Wiggershaus (28), FC Wetter Football Captain collapsed during the match. He was taken to hospital and into intensive care. Waiting for updates. News Story
  326. 27/11/21 Prague, Czech Republic Dead
    Daire Ni Heldhin (29), Dundalk Young Ireland GAA female Gaelic footballer became unwell during a city break with pals in Czech Republic. Taken to hospital and died that morning News Story
  327. 26/11/21 Mali Dead
    Guimbala Tounkara (34), AS Police and former midfielder for Djoliba and USC Kita, died after a cardiac arrest, shortly after an AS Police training session. He went home, and then to a friend’s shop, but collapsed with a cardiac arrest and died before reaching hospital. News Story
  328. 24/11/21 Victoria, Australia
    Paul Dimattina (47), Former Western Bulldogs (Australian Rules Football) midfielder in intensive care after adverse reaction to Pfizer Covid booster. And now he has COVID symptoms. News Story
  329. 24/11/21 Philippines
    Roider Cabrera (30), Filipino professional basketball star (Terrafirma team) collapsed with cardiac arrest in the locker room after a tournament at Ynares Sports Arena, Pasig City (twin victories over Meralco and Barangay Ginebra San Miguel). Update: angioplasty 02/12/21 a day after cardiologist found a heart blockage. Remains unconscious, but has finger movements and trying to open his eyes. News Story News Story2
  330. 24/11/21 USA
    Charlie Wyke (28), Wigan striker collapsed in training the day after his 1st Pfizer. This story says he did not have a COVID vaccine, but that contradicts what he said. Sadly, he may have wiped his twitter account clean, which is where we think he admitted getting it (it may have been Fleck – still under investigation). News Story
  331. 24/11/21 UK Dead
    Leon Taylor (36), Darlaston Town footballer suffered from “an illness” and died the next day. News Story
  332. 24/11/21
    Adama Traore (26), Sherrif Tiraspol winger collapsed on the pitch clutching his chest in game with Real Madrid News Story
  333. 24/11/21 Italy Dead
    Unnamed cyclist (15) collapsed and died in his father’s arms News Story
  334. 23/11/21 Japan Dead
    Riuler de Oliveira Faustino (23), Brazilian footballer (J.FC Miyazaki, Shonan Bellmare), cardiac arrest. News Story
  335. 23/11/21 UK
    John Fleck, (30), Sheffield United star footballer collapsed during the game with Reading, transported to hospital, released News Story
  336. 23/11/2021 Italy Dead
    Christian Sportolloni (41), Asd Cogliatese Calcio Football coach died suddenly from a cardiac arrest whilst driving his car. The car skidded and then hit the one coming in the opposite direction. The impact would not have been particularly violent, but Sportolloni was found by rescuers in cardiac arrest. Ambulance, medical car and helicopter arrived quickly and transferred him to hospital but he died. News Story
  337. 22/11/21 USA
    Duggar Baucom (61), Citadel Basketball Coach collapsed on sideline vs. Duke. Transported to hospital. News Story
  338. 22/11/2021 France Dead
    René Richard (66), former CO Cléon Football player and president devoted almost half of his life to CO Cléon Football. He died suddenly of a cardiac arrest. News Story
  339. 21/11/2021 Germany
    Lukas Greb (34), SV Mardorf footballer suddenly collapsed with ventricular fibrilation at half-time during a match with SV Schönstadt. Resuscitated by a nurse who happened to be there, followed by an ambulance with a defibrillator. He was in hospital for two and a half weeks, the first three days in an artificial coma. Doctors did many tests but found nothing. You are healthy. Have a healthy heart, a doctor told him. Still in rehab weeks later, there was no sign of a cause. News Story
  340. 21/11/21 France Dead
    Bruno Macedo (22), FC Nueil-les-Aubiers reserve team player collapsed and died suddenly Sunday morning at his home. News Story
  341. 21/11/2021 France Dead
    Oscar Kuau Suta (37), Saint-Gilles Rugby player. “He was vaccinated, had his Health Pass, but his condition deteriorated rapidly, he had been in a coma for 11 days, on artificial respiration.” Oscar finally died in hospital on 21st November 2021. News Story
  342. 21/11/2021 Mauritius Dead
    France Jonas (56), international footballer for Mauritius, suffered a stroke and died. News Story
  343. 20/11/2021 USA Dead
    Aaron Vasquez (14), Basketballer finished practicing with his travel league team at Grant Elementary School, in Dumont NJ, and stayed to play ball with his younger brother, but suddenly collapsed. A coach (hospital medic) began CPR. Dumont Volunteer Ambulance Corps took Aaron to Hackensack University Medical Center, where he was later pronounced dead. News Story News Story2
  344. 20/11/21 NSW, Australia
    Stephanie Gard (), Equestrian Athlete pericarditis, unable to feel her legs from the knees down, and unable to walk a few days after Pfizer COVID Vaccine News Story
  345. 20/11/2021 Italy Dead
    Stefano Marconi (55), Fratta Todina karate instructor, collapsed and died suddenly whilst training. News Story
  346. 19/11/21 USA
    Cooper Teare (22), world class runner, collapsed during the 2021 NCAA Cross-Country Championships while competing for the University of Oregon. Covid booster two weeks earlier. He complained about problems with his heart and doctors worked to bring down his heart rate. News Story
  347. 19/11/2021 France
    Mathilde (16), Gymnast ‘can no longer walk’ after being vaccinated against Covid-19 so she could continue doing gymnastics. “My spine burns me constantly,” said Mathilde, adding that the doctors told her the cure could take two months or two years. News Story
  348. 18/11/21 Dead
    Héctor Vilellas Soro (27), Aragonese athlete suffered cardiac arrest while contesting the Behobia-San Sebastian. He was immediately evacuated to the hospital in the capital of Gipuzkoa, where he died. News Story
  349. 18/11/21 NY USA Dead
    Carmyne Paschall Payton (15), a sophomore basketball player at Copiague High School, Long Island, New York, was running laps when he suddenly collapsed and did not get back up. First Responders tried to resuscitate him, but failed. Carmyne’s father, Arthur Payton, told NBC New York that his son had “no prior health issues,” sharing: “He made the first cut for the boys basketball team. This was the second day of tryouts.” News Story News Story
  350. 18/11/21 Finland Dead
    Kim Suominen (52), player and coach at Turku Ball Club, passed away unexpectedly. News Story
  351. 18/11/2021 France Dead
    Ouladzislau Chastakou (24), expert Swimmer had a sudden cardiac arrest and drowned in France, during a scheduled and supervised military training activity. Despite the intervention of the medical team present on the spot and the rescue services, he could not be resuscitated. News Story
  352. 17/11/2021 Serbia Dead
    Aleksandar Krsić (30), FK Radnicki football player from Ratkov collapsed with a cardiac arrest during training He died in the ambulance en route to Novi Sad Clinical Centre. News Story
  353. 17/11/21 Italy Dead
    Michele De Vecchi (25), mountain runner was jogging with a friend in the Prosecco hills collapsed with a cardiac arrest and died on the trail. News Story
  354. 17/11/21 Panama Dead
    Adonis Villanueva (27), Panamanian Club Deportivo del Este midfielder may have hit his head in a game. (2 different stories) Later, after arriving at home, collapsed with a stroke. He died in hospital several days later on November 23. He woke up shortly before he died and a doctor asked him to move his hand, which he did. News Story News Story2
  355. 17/11/21
    Sarah Gigante (21), Olympic road cyclist and reigning Australian time trial champion had a severe reaction to COVID-19 vaccine, severe chest pains in July after the Tokyo Olympics and repeated hospitalizations in August, in Girona, Spain. Diagnosed with myopericarditis News Story News Story2
  356. 15/11/21
    Julio Lugo (45) Dominican former Boston Red Sox shortstop died of a cardiac arrest in his sleep. No Vax status discovered yet. (Houston Astros, Tampa Bay Devil Rays, Boston Red Sox), World Series champion (2007) News Story News Story2
  357. 15/11/2021 France Dead
    Pascal Joly (62), Jockey collapsed with a cardiac arrest in the middle of a trotting race. News Story
  358. 15/11/2021 Poland Dead
    Marcin Pater (46), former Wisła Krakó Football player died suddenly. Looking for more information. News Story
  359. 15/11/2021 Ivory Coast Dead
    Doukouré Karamoko (28), Mouna FC footballer in Ivory Coast, collapsed suddenly due to a cardiac arrest in his first training session with his new club. News Story
  360. 15/11/2021 Poland Dead
    Zbigniew Korszun (48), former Lechia Zielona Góra professional footballer, died suddenly. No further details available. News Story
  361. 14/11/2021 France Dead
    Julie Le Galliard (31), French boxing champion in 2015. Suffered from an immune-suppressive blood disease after full vaccination. Media reported her death was a result of coronavirus. News Story
  362. 14/11/21 Athens, Greece Dead
    Stevan Jelovac (32), Serbian basketballer, playing for AEK Athens, collapsed during individual practice. In hospital was diagnosed with a stroke and died on December 5th. News Story
  363. 14/11/21 Australia
    Michelle Goszko (44), Aussie cricket great, in ICU after stroke at 44. She is fully vaccinated. News Story
  364. 13/11/2021 Basel Switzerland
    Ömer Türkes (Age), FC Basel football U-14 coach collapsed with cardiac arrest on the sidelines of a match against Zurich and was resuscitated. The club confirmed was stable on Saturday evening. News Story
  365. 13/11/21 Uruguay
    Sabrina Soravilla (25), Uruguayan Nacional player diagnosed with a career-ending heart condition 7 months after receiving her first Sinovax COVID vaccine News Story
  366. 13/11/21 Connecticut, USA Dead
    Jarosław Pacoń (49), Polish footballer (Stal Stalowa Wola) last played for Olympia Stamford SC, in Stamford, Connecticut. He started his football career in Stal Gorzyce in the early 90s, played for Stal Stalowa Wola in 1993-96 and moved to the USA, where he lived for 20 years before he died unexpectedly. News Story
  367. 13/11/21 Bulgaria Dead
    Ivo Georgiev, 49, Bulgarian footballer (Debrecen, Korabostroitel, national team), heart failure. News Story
  368. 13/11/21, Denmark
    Luther Singh (24) FC Copenhagen footballer hospitalized with a ‘mysterious illness’ News Story
  369. 13/11/2021 France
    Kenny Liveze (19) Judoka suffered a stroke and was taken to hospital for treatment. The young judoka from Guadeloupe, has already been European and World Cadet Champion in 2019 and bronze medalist at the European Juniors 2020. He is gradually resuming training. News Story
  370. 13/11/2021 Quebec, Canada Dead
    Jean-Arthur Tremblay (63), Canadian long distance runner runner suddenly collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and died. He was a Raid team captain and an active member of the Ukatak Raid, between Charlevoix and Saguenay in five days, a 400-kilometre event combining mountain biking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and dog sledding. News Story
  371. 12/11/21 USA Dead
    Dejmi Dumervil-Jean (22), former (2018) Louisville football player died News Story
  372. 12/11/2021 France Dead
    Jean-Yves Artu (61), former jockey collapsed due to a sudden cardiac arrest. There were no warning signs. News Story
  373. 11/11/21 Paraguay Dead
    Jony López (16), Sol del Este Club football player suddenly collapsed due to a cardiac arrest, in a training break, while drinking water. He was taken to a care center, but they could not resuscitate him. The Sol del Este Club is at Km 12 of Ciudad del Este (Eastern City), Paraguay. Vaccinations started in February 2021, but vaccination rates are low due to lack of supplies. News Story
  374. 11/11/21, Germany Dead
    Jörg Heinle (40) former striker and coach of Spvgg Detter-Weißenbach (Bavaria), an anesthesia nurse at the Franz von Prümmer-Klinik Bad Brückenau and family man died suddenly News Story
  375. 10/11/21
    Murphy Jensen (53), Grand Slam Champion recovering after sudden cardiac arrest while playing tennis at a pro-celebrity charity event in Colorado. Hit his head in the collapse and has fractures at the base of his skull. News Story
  376. 10/11/2021 Brazil Dead
    Julio César Oliveira (49), martial arts master suffered a stroke due to an aneurysm and died after 15 days in hospital. News Story
  377. 09/11/2021 New York, USA
    Keaton Parks (24), New York City FC, MLS player had surgery to remove a blood clot from his leg News Story
  378. 08/11/21 Houston, TX USA Dead
    Willis Forko (37), Liberian-American former footballer (Real Salt Lake, Bodø/Glimt, national team) died suddenly. News Story Obituary
  379. 08/11/21, USA Dead
    Pedro Feliciano (45) New York Mets Pitcher died of a cardiac arrest in his sleep. No Vax status discovered yet. News Story
  380. 08/11/21, Paraguay Dead
    Nelson Solano (21), March 1 F.C footballer from the Cándida Achucarro neighborhood of San Antonio, collapsed due to a cardiac arrest after the end of the match after playing all the first half and part of the second with no symptoms or strange behavior. Solano, son of the coach, watched the rest of the game from the bench and then entered the field to celebrate the victory with his teammates, when he collapsed on the grass. He was transferred in a patrol car to a hospital but he died. He was playing in a tournament of the Football Union of the Interior. Vaccinations started in February 2021, but vaccination rates are low due to lack of supplies. News Story
  381. 08/11/21 UK Dead
    Tom Greenway (38), Champion jockey died News Story
  382. 08/11/21 USA Dead
    Kim ‘Alarm’ Kyeong-Bo (20), a rising star in the Overwatch League playing flex support for the Philadelphia Fusion, died. News Story
  383. 08/11/21 Houston, TX, USA Dead
    Jamarcus Hall (16) Houston High School football player died on the same day the Hilltoppers football team was scheduled to play at Senatobia in the first round of the Class 4A playoffs News Story
  384. 08/11/2021 Germany Dead
    Ludwig Schmidt (56),TSV Lauf Footballer and Tennis player was involved in football all his life, but collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and died in Germany whilst playing tennis. News Story
  385. 07/11/2021 Italy Dead
    Jajov Adenan (30), Macedonian footballer and lumberjack. Relatives said he experienced fatigue and nausea after the 2nd Pfizer vaccine. After playing soccer with friends, he felt sick, lost consciousness, and collapsed on a bench, between the first and second half, 3 days after the vaccine. Resuscitation failed. He was previously listed in “no information” due to his name being spelled “Jiob Adnan” from a Hebrew translation. News Story
  386. 07/11/21 Utah, USA
    Eric Turner (41), fitness model and bodybuilder suffered a spontaneous coronary artery dissection. His second COVID vaccine was in mid-may, according to his own posts. Like Doctor Lutchmedial, he said nasty things about people who preferred Ivermectin over experimental vaccines. News Story Thank you Heidi
  387. 07/11/21 Russia Dead
    Aliya Khambikova, 21, Female Russian volleyball player. Died of unstated illness (not COVID) News Story
  388. 07/11/21 Norcross High School, Georgia, USA Dead
    Isaiah Banks, 16, Norcross High School football player died at home of a medical condition unrelated to football. News Story
  389. 07/11/21, Germany
    Unnamed football player collapsed in Landesliga Staffel 2 NRW FC Arpe/Wormbach against BSV Menden (NRW) without opposing influence. News Story
  390. 07/11/21, Germany
    Unnamed Referee collapsed in 20th minute of a women’s game in Thüringen. News Story
  391. 07/11/21, Germany
    Unnamed vaccinated football player suffered a stroke during a district cup match, with one-side paralysis, transported to hospital by ambulance. News Story
  392. 07/11/2021 Denmark
    Benjamin Rud Jensen (25), Vordingborg Footballer collapsed on the field at the end of the FC Nakskov and Vordingborg IF match. Resuscitated and then taken to Nykøbing Falster hospital for further observation. Symptoms: chest pain, bad headaches and dizziness. News Story
  393. 06/11/2021 Galicia, Spain
    Ezequiel Martínez Canosa (20), Fisterra footballer collapsed during a match. He said heart problems run in the family, and that more tests were needed to know what really happened. Vaccination status unknown. News Story
  394. 06/11/21 Primorsky Territory, Russia Dead
    Victor Plakhuta (35), Powerlifter. Victor’s sister said he was generally fit and healthy. Cause of death given as bilateral pneumonia, but according to friends, Victor died two weeks after coronavirus vaccination. News Story
  395. 06/11/21 Brazil Dead
    Luíz Antônio dos Santos, 57, Brazilian Olympic long-distance runner (1996), cardiac arrest. News Story
  396. 06/11/21, Scotland
    Jamie Hamilton (19) Hamilton Accies defender left the field with chest pains. News Story
  397. 06/11/2021 Dead
    Shawn Rhoden (46), Mr. Olympia 2018 bodybuilder, dead from cardiac arrest News Story
  398. 05/11/2022 Belarus Dead
    Alyaksandr Fedarovich (48), former BATE Borisov Belarusian professional footballer who played as a goalkeeper. No details of his death are available. News Story
  399. 05/11/2021 Argentina Dead
    Carlos Mario Brummich (60+), Yeti Gutiérrez basketballer collapsed during a tournament match and the hospital was unable to save him. News Story
  400. 05/11/21 Belarusia Dead
    Konstantin Wajgin (or Vaygin or Vaigin), 57, Belarusian biathlete and coach. News report only refers to death, not cause. News Story
  401. 05/11/21 Italy
    Daouda Peeters (22), Belgian footballer, Juventus midfielder. Diagnosed with neuropathy, sensory disorders and motor difficulties. News Story
  402. 05/11/21 Spain
    Caroline Graham (26), FC Barcelona women’s footballer. Complained of a rapid heartbeat and chest pains during a game and replaced. cardiac arrhythmia News Story
  403. 05/11/21, USA Dead
    Dusan Pasek (36), @bratislavaCAPS CEO, 2 days after Boris Sádecký. We suspected all along that Pasek may have killed himself because he convinced his while team to get vaccinated, and the vaccine killed his friend and star player, Boris Sádecký. News Story
  404. 04/11/2021 Provo, Utah, US
    Richard Harward (26), Brigham Young Cougars basketball player (#42) will miss the rest of the season due to a “cardiovascular issue.” Harward was vaccinated 2 weeks prior. News Story
  405. 04/11/2021 France
    Gabriel (16) Basketballer from Haute-Garonne, France suffered severe chest pains at school, 2 days after his first dose of COVID vaccine on September 11 2021. He was told “it would pass.” “Two days later, still in high school, it started again. He said it was like his heart was being crushed. He was told to breathe, that it didn’t matter.” His health improved but, forty-eight hours later, he was in pain at home. He was bent and grabbed his chest. He has a cardiac arrest. Two days later, it happened ahain and was diagnosed with myocarditis. As he is very athletic, his basketball club required a health pass and he was banned from sport for a month. He was advised not to have more vaccinations. He is unable to leave France, even though he was to travel for sport. News Story
  406. 04/11/2021 Pennsylvania, USA
    Dick Dodds (62), longtime ice hockey coach, suffered a cardiac arrest while teaching a class for adults. He started to feel ill and left the ice to go into his office alone, but collapsed. He has since started cardiac rehabilitation, which entails performing some exercises while his heart is being monitored. News Story
  407. 04/11/2021 Poland Dead
    Adrianna Piller (42), Polish biathlete who won medals at the world championships. She died unexpectedly. News Story
  408. 03/11/21, USA Dead
    Jordan Tucker (late 20s) former Longridge Town FC Captain died suddenly.
  409. 03/11/21, Austria Dead
    Boris Sádecký (24), vaccinated Slovakian @bratislavaCAPS ice hockey star died after collapsing on the ice during a match in Dornbirn, Austria. As of September 25, over 80 percent of the league’s players had received COVID shots. News Story News Story2 News Story3
  410. 03/11/2021 Latvia Dead
    Ingus Eiduks (61), Latvian skier and coach died. His daughter said her father was double vaccinated. He coached his children to be multiple Latvian champions. News Story News Story2
  411. 02/11/2021 Poland Dead
    Robert Marcyś (44), former Żak Kielce jodoka, died while training with a group of judo veterans at the club. No further details given. News Story
  412. 02/11/2021 Italy Dead
    Andrea Cursio (42), former professional Pordenone footballer collapsed and died in the office where he worked. He had always been involved with football and continued coaching after his playing career ended. News Story News Story2
  413. 01/11/21, Wales Dead
    Logan Luker (17), rugby player Youth Captain at Penygraig RFC died suddenly News Story
  414. 01/11/2021 Montana, USA Dead
    Jedd Hoffman (15), Park City High School wide receiver and linebacker, collapsed with seizure-like actions. An assistant coach administered CPR and used a defibrillator. Hoffman was rushed to hospital at St. Vincent Healthcare in Billings, where he died a week later. News Story
  415. 01/11/21, Sogndal, Norway
    Emil Palsson (28), Icelandic midfielder playing for Sogndal (Norwegian club), collapsed due to cardiac arrest during their game against Stjordals-Blink in the 12th minute, resuscitated, then flown to Haukeland Hospital for further examination and treatment. News Story
  416. 01/11/21, Italy Dead
    Vittoria Campo Italian soccer player collapsed with cardiac arrest, died in hospital. Her brother Alessandro (25) died 1/9/2021. News Story
  417. ??/11/2021 Switzerland
    Lara Gut-Behrami (30), Swiss World Cup alpine ski racer had extreme difficulty breathing and suffered repeated seizures for several weeks since the vaccine in October. She only trained five times in November 2021. On 30 November she still had difficulty breathing. On 11 December, she won a race, but on 17th, a positive COVID PCR test will keep her out for four races. News Story News Story2
  418. ??/10/21, Tennesee, USA
    Shelby Grace Allen (17), Dyer County Bowling Team member in Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, Memphis, after developing Guillain-Barré Syndrome. News Story
  419. 31/10/2021 France
    Unnamed (42), Ourville-en-Caux footballer collapsed with cardiac arrest in the locker room after a match between Ourville-en-Caux and Yvetot. Resuscitated and airlifted to Rouen CHU hospital. News Story
  420. 31/10/2021 Minn., USA
    Unnamed (Age?) female Ice Hockey player, a high school senior student in Blaine, collapsed with cardiac arrest on the ice during a hockey match at the Super Rink. Resuscitated by a college student EMT on her second day in the job. Taken to Coon Rapids Mercy Hospital, released the next day. News Story
  421. 31/10/2021 Poland Dead
    Krystian Kozek (17), MKS Wisłok Strzyżów football goalkeeper and manager. “Today the whole Wisłok mourned. We lost a member of our soccer family. With great regret, we announce the tragic death of our Friend, Manager, Goalkeeper and the always smiling good man.” No details of the circumstances were available Krystian is one of three young Polish footballers who died this year. News Story
  422. 31/10/21, Spain
    Sergio Aguero (33), Argentinian Barcelona star striker suffered chest pains and collapsed in match, now being treated for heart problems. Also known as Kun Agüero) December 15 update – Sergio Aguero announced he was forced to retire by a “heart condition.” News Story
  423. 30/10/21, Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Blake Barklage (17), a tennis player at La Salle High School in Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania. Collapsed and died with a sudden cardiac arrest, after his team’s victory in the PCL. La Salle Covid Policy: Vaccines encouraged, Magnus confirmation, No quarantine or contact tracing for vaccinated students, Unvaccinated strongly encouraged to wear a mask, No unvaccinated students may travel beyond local events (Maximum 2.0 hr radius), includes student athletes. Note: Blake’s name was misspelled Barkley in a news story. News Story
  424. 30/10/21 Tunisia Dead
    Doudou Faye (35), Senegalese basketball player suffered cardiac arrest. The Tunisian basketball championship paid tribute to one of its eminent members. News Story
  425. 30/10/21, Germany
    Benedikt Kirsch, captain of SpVgg Bayreuth (Bavaria) collapsed on the pitch. Julian Pietsch from VfB Schloß Holte 2 resuscitated him. News Story
  426. 31/10/2021 Argentina Dead
    Jorge Casas (56) lifelong marathon runner participated in an event in Capilla del Monte collapsed and died unexpectedly. News Story
  427. 29/10/2021 India Dead
    Puneeth Rajkumar (46), Fitness and Powerstar actor had always been a strong advocate of health and fitness, regarded highly for his physique and fitness ethic. He encouraged others to get the covid vaccine and shared a photo of himself being injected. He was taken to the doctor, complaining of intense fatigue after visiting the gym. He was then rushed to hospital, where he later died. News Story News Story2
  428. 28/10/21, Balochistan Dead
    Mohammad Islam (30), Raziq football player collapsed mid game, pronounced dead at hospital News Story
  429. 28/10/21, New Jersey USA, (New Zealand rugby player), (28)
    Tevita Bryce (28) Montclair Norsemen rugby player collapsed during game from 2 heart attacks and a stroke caused by a blood clot, heart stopped for 28 minutes News Story News Story
  430. 28/10/21, Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Jayson Kidd (12) collapsed during basketball practice at school and later died. News Story
  431. 28/10/21, Germany Dead
    Levent Selim (48), Hertha BSC co-trainer, died suddenly and unexpectedly while on vacation. Club URL News Story Twitter
  432. 28/10/21, Germany
    Unnamed football player suffered cardiac arrest (NRW) Dersum. Rescusitated by Josef Stefens and Jürgen Koop News Story
  433. 27/10/2021 North Carolina, USA Dead
    Calvin T. Rockward III (38), physical fitness. A highly-trained special forces operative suffered “a sudden unexpected medical event during training” and died during a physical fitness training exercise at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, USA. News Story
  434. 27/10/2021 Italy Dead
    Mirco Adani (53), expert cyclist over many years of mountain biking in Italy. His body was found after suffering a cardiac arrest while out cycling. News Story
  435. 26/10/21 Derbyshire, England Dead
    Jack Gallagher (20’s), Gresley Rovers footballer (United Counties Premier League North). Clubs across the area paid tribute to the young footballer. No cause of death. News Story
  436. 25/10/2021 Liège, Belgium Dead
    Michaël Englebert (37), Ortho footballer suffered a cardiac arrest in the locker room after playing a match. He was resuscitated, but died the next day in hospital. News Story
  437. 25/10/21
    Halil Elitok (25), SG Gahmen midfielder collapsed on pitch due to cardiac arrest News Story
  438. 24/10/21 USA Dead
    Carl Madsen (71), NFL official died in his car, stalled in a lane on I-65, after working the Kansas City-Tennessee game News Story
  439. 24/10/21, Germany
    Elly Böttcher (17) from Rostocker FC collapsed in away game in Hohen Neuendorf of the women’s Regionalliga Nordost without opposing influence News Story
  440. 24/10/2021 Italy Dead
    Mario Mingarelli (69), school PE teacher, footballer and coach of many football teams. On his last day, having been to two football matches, he returned to home, where he began to experience symptoms of illness and was rushed to hospital, where he died. News Story
  441. 24/10/2021 Italy Dead
    Bruno Taffarel (56) was hiking in the Italian Alps when he collapsed on an uphill stretch. Immediate resuscitation attempts failed and he died. News Story
  442. 24/10/2021 South Korea Dead
    Something Min (33), Fitness trainer died 3 days after his 2nd Moderna vaccine. His sister said that her young brother was in good health, with no underlying disease and who used to exercise every day due to the nature of his work. News Story
  443. 24/10/2021 France Dead
    Unnamed (43), Montgasconnaise Sports Union Football goalkeeper collapsed at half-time in the locker room. Resuscitation attempts for more than an hour failed and he died. News Story
  444. 23/10/2021 Spain Dead
    José Sáenz Guerrero (53), runner from the Cantabrian municipality of Santoña. Was participating in the Bilbao half-marathon race but collapsed, suffering three cardiac arrests and died just after the run ended. News Story
  445. 23/10/2021 Italy
    Francesco Ossato (20), Skateboarder arrived at the skate park to skate with friends. He collapsed due to a sudden cardiac arrest before doing anything strenuous. He was taken to hospital. Further details awaited. News Story
  446. 22/10/2021 California, USA Dead
    Marco Benitez (13), football player suddenly collapsed while playing football at school. He was transported to hospital but later died. His mother said he was a healthy teenager. The coroner’s medical report, said he had an undetected heart condition. News Story
  447. 21/10/21, UK
    Nathan Baker, Bristol city footballer, collapsed during the game. 2 fans were also treated for medical emergencies. News Story
  448. 21/10/21, NSW Central Coast, Australia
    Cienna Knowles (19) Australian equestrian star hospitalized due to blood clots. vomiting, fever, wet in sweat, heart palpitations, headache, sore muscles & joints like hell, blurry vision after Pfizer vaccine. News Story and instagram
  449. 20/10/21, Germany Dead
    Hans-Günter Kinnen (65), Weiler-Volkhoven tournament coordinator, youth manager, former player News Story
  450. 20/10/21, Italy Dead
    Ronald Biglione (26), Argentine Deportivo Club Independencia football player hospitalized with blood clots (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura) after 2nd vaccine. Died 5 Nov News Story
  451. 19/10/2021 Murcia, Spain
    Antonio López (32), Real Murcia football defender had cardiomyopathy, a heart condition that can lead to heart failure, forced him to retire from playing football. He will have an implanted defibrillator. News Story
  452. 19/10/21
    Megan Roth (34), Marathoner, running trainer and sub-elite runner. Suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed During the Boston Marathon. Onlookers performed CPR on her and saved her life. News Story
  453. 18/10/2021 Mexico
    Ronaldo Cisneros (24), Chivas footballer announced that his medical examination found a heart problem. News Story
  454. 18/10/21 New Zealand Dead
    Sean Wainui (25), Star NZ rugby player, died in a solo car crash into a tree, a week after getting vaccinated News Story
  455. 18/10/21 USA Dead
    Lexi Riggles (16), a Hanover College senior and 2018 Danville High School graduate who played basketball for the Panthers and Warriors, died unexpectedly. News Story
  456. 18/10/2021 France
    Ansou Sen (27), Pluvigner football club defender suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed in the middle of the Brittany Cup match. He was airlifted to hospital. News Story
  457. 18/10/2021 Texas, USA
    Alvino Santana (56), Kickboxer was instructing a class when he went into sudden cardiac arrest in the gym. A defibrillator and CPR were used to resuscitate him and he is recovering. News Story
  458. 17/10/2021 USA Dead
    Brian Gassaway (49), former UFC MMA fighter. No cause of death. News Story
  459. 17/10/21 Brazil Dead
    Adans João Santos Alencar (38), former Brazilian footballer for Bruski FC, suffered a sudden cardiac arrest in Blumenau in the Santa Catarina Championship. News Story
  460. 17/10/21, France Dead
    Badr Laksour (41), AS Rasteau midfield soccer player collapsed in the 43rd minute, at the Saint-Ruf stadium in Avignon. He held his chest and collapsed due to cardiac arrest. Players of the opposing team and a nurse tried to resuscitate him but he died. News Story. News Story
  461. 17/10/21 Italy Dead
    Haitem Jabeur Fathallah (32), Tunisian basketball player for Italian team Fortutido Messina collapsed with a cardiac arrest in a match against Reggio Calabria. Resuscitation started on the floor, with several doctors attending. Died in hospital. News Story
  462. 17/10/2021 Michegan, USA
    Tommy Kornieck (26), Marathon Runner collapsed with a sudden cardiac arrest during the Detroit Marathon. He received treatment on the spot and was taken to hospital. Implanted with a cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). News Story
  463. 16/10/21 Padua, Italy Dead
    Dr. Filippo Morando (37), soccer player in Padua, Italy. Collapsed with severe chest pain during a run. Resuscitated by others present, went to the hospital but was discharged. Died 5 days later. News Story
  464. 16/10/21, France Dead
    Christophe Ramassamy (54) AH player and former referee collapsed and died of a cardiac arrest during a match. News Story
  465. 15/10/21, Gold Coast, Australia, 14 years old
    Ava Azzopardi (14), female soccer player collapsed on the pitch kept in an artificial coma in hospital. Later recovered. News Story
  466. 14/10/21, Germany Dead
    Heinz Steinbach (76), referee collapsed and died during a game Kreisliga B match between SC Daisbach and FSV Taunusstein in Aarbergen (Hesse) News Story News Story2
  467. 14/10/21, Italy
    Unnamed AH footballer (53) suffered a cardiac arrest while training.
  468. 14/10/21, Italy
    Gianni Moscon (27), multiple cycling champion, to undergo an operation because of severe cardiac arrhythmia. News Story
  469. 14/10/21 UK Dead
    David Jenkins (31), Olympic silver medalist diver and British diving coach unexpectedly died. News Story
  470. 13/10/21, Brazil
    Fellipe de Jesus Moreira (18) professional footballer suffered a double heart attack. Released from hospital 3rd November. News Story
  471. 13/10/21, Mexico Dead
    Hector Manuel Mendoza (16) died of a cardiac arrest while training. News Story
  472. 13/10/2021 India Dead
    Kaizzad Capadia (49), fitness expert, vaccinated director of a fitness education company and celebrity trainer in India collapsed with a sudden illness and by the time he arrived at hospital, he was already dead. A rapid antigen test was done. “The test was positive for Covid-19 and the cause of death on the certificate was listed as due to coronavirus disease”. According to his relatives, Capadia had taken his first dose of Covid-19 vaccine. News Story News Story2
  473. 13/10/2021 France Dead
    Andréa Lombard (21), national gendarmerie rugby union team player suffered a stroke and was placed in an artificial coma. Died five days later. News Story News Story2
  474. 12/10/2021 Spain
    Ferran Duran (27), Maià footballer collapsed on the pitch then suffered multiple heart attacks before arriving at the hospital. An automatic defibrillator was implanted in his heart. News Story News Story2
  475. 12/10/21, Macedonia Dead
    Julija Portjanko (38), Ukrainian-born Macedonian handball player (Kometal Gjorče Petrov, Arvor 29, Macedonia national team). surprise death, in car with her husband, returning from Greece. News Story
  476. 12/10/21 Germany Dead
    Lukas Bommer (25), goalkeeper of HC TuRa Bergkamen, died suddenly and unexpectedly. News Story
  477. 12/10/21 Scotland, UK
    Ewan Fraser (30), Glasgow field hockey player collapsed with cardiac arrest, during a match News Story
  478. 11/10/2021 Russia Dead
    Igor Nikulin (61), Hammer thrower is the third Soviet Olympic hammer medallist to die in less than two months. This follows the deaths in September of double gold medallist Yuriy Sedykh and two-time bronze medallist Jüri Tamm. Vaccinated twice. News Story
  479. 11/10/21 Norway
    Daniel Aakervik (17), one of Norway’s greatest cross-country skiing talents suspended his season after a severe reaction to COVID vaccination. News Story
  480. 11/10/21, Germany
    Marcel Herder, Guest coach, collapsed on the edge of field Mühlwiese (Saxony) Resuscitated News Story
  481. 11/10/2021 North Macedonia Dead
    Julia Nikolic (38), Handball player for various clubs and 57 international matches for North Macedonia, died unexpectedly. News Story
  482. 10/10/2021 Italy Dead
    Alessandro Cabrio (59), Gaglianico 74 sports association Runner. He had covered about 17km of the planned circuit, only 4km from the end, when he collapsed with a cardiac arrest. News Story
  483. 10/10/21 Dead
    Simone Bedodi (40), Italian baseball player and coach of the Park Ranger baseball team. Died In his sleep. News Story
  484. 10/10/2021, Germany
    Unnamed female Fortuna Freudenberg player collapsed in the final minute of the match against Wacker Mecklenbeck in the Women’s Westphalia League. She collapsed without any opposing influence. News Story
  485. 10/10/21, Italy Dead
    Unnamed (59) long-distance runner from Biella collapsed with cardiac arrest during the second Su-Per Veglio Trail race. Resuscitation with defibrilator failed and he died there.
  486. 10/10/21, France
    Unnamed Saint-James player (40) collapsed with a cardiac arrest in the change room, after warming up before the game with Avranches. Saved with defibrilator by a firefighter-medic on the opposing team. News Story
  487. 10/10/21, Italy
    Pompeo Tretola (18), soccer player suddenly faints on the field, is revived by his teammate. News Story
  488. 10/10/2021 Sri Lanka Dead
    Gayan Shanaka (33), Sri Lanka Army Rugby Union frontline player in the Sri Lanka Army rugby team. Collapsed from a sudden cardiac arrest during training and died. News Story
  489. 10/10/2021 France
    Christophe Da Silva (Age), Saint Avé, Footballer was playing football with 35 minutes left in the match when he collapsed. The on-site defibrillator did not work, but fellow players managed to resuscitate him. News Story
  490. 09/10/21, England
    Ryan Bowman (29) Shrewsbury professional striker was treated with a defibrillator after half an hour of play with extreme heart problems. News Story
  491. 09/10/21, Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico Dead
    Alberto Olguin, PGA golf caddy for Manuel Torres collapsed on the course during PGA Tour Latinoamerica event due to a cardiac arrest. It was the second PGA caddy death (19 June). News Story
  492. 09/10/2021 Germany
    Patrick Schaaf (32), SG Barockstadt Fulda-Lehnerz Footballer. After playing on October 9th 2021, Patrick Schaaf had stabbing pains in his lungs when he inhaled. Diagnosis: pneumonia and pericarditis. Schaaf had apparently ignored an earlier infection. The result: three months sports ban. In late January 2022, he had the green light to start training again. News Story
  493. 09/10/2021 Italy Dead
    Riccardo Firrarello (29), Football player from the Vercelli area of Italy, played for various local football teams died suddenly. News Story
  494. 09/10/2021 Ecuador
    Joao Paredes (25), Mushuc Runa Footballer, a new player for the club, but “unofficially it is said that Paredes did not pass the medical tests … he was diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmia and fibrosis, for which he was recommended to retire.” On March 9th 2022, he is reported training with the reserves team. News Story
  495. 08/10/21 Dead
    Dean Chiazari (31), canoe rower. Died of a cardiac arrest. News Story
  496. 08/10/21, France Dead
    Benoit Sabard (49), SC Massay player suffered a fatal cardiac arrest during the game. This is the third death of the year at SC Massay, after that of Jean-Philippe Roux (73?), former president of the club and deputy mayor of the town, and that of Franck Martin, former player and former vice-president. News Story
  497. 08/10/2021 Zimbabwe Dead
    Dean Chiazzari (31), Canoer had been to the Fish River Canoe Marathon in Zimbabwe. At some point, he had a cardiac arrest and died. News Story News Story2
  498. 07/10/2021 Japan
    Kota Ibushi (39), Wrestler cancelled his participation in contests (July 2021) due to vaccine side-effects. Six months later, December 2021, he is still being monitored to determine when he can return to the ring. News Story News Story2
  499. 07/10/21, Italy
    Unnamed athlete from Colverde (17) collapsed with cardiac arrest while training.
  500. 07/10/2021 France Dead
    Gaëtan Binet (27) Jogger collapsed due to a cardiac arrest whilst jogging. He was training to be a dog handler. News Story
  501. 07/10/2021 France
    Mickaël De Oliveira (31), Footballer developed pericarditis shortly after receiving the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine. Mickaël said that he had only taken vaccine because of the recent introduction of the health pass: “I play soccer and I do improv theater – to continue – I needed the pass. Likewise, to have a normal social life. I would’ve never taken the vaccine if it wasn’t for the health pass.” News Story
  502. 06/10/21, Germany Dead
    Bern Bauer (61), Trainer DJK Concordia Ludwigshafen (Rheinland-Pfalz) News Story
  503. 06/10/21
    Florian Dagoury: World’s Top Static Breath-Hold Freediver diagnosed with Myocarditis and Pericarditis 40 days after second Pfizer vaccine – Instagram News Story
  504. 06/10/21 Dead
    George Peterson (37) AKA “Da Bull” Bodybuilder won the Classic Physique competition at 2019 Arnold Classic, died days before competing in a top bodybuilding competition. Suspected brain hemorrhage after receiving two doses of covid vaccine which was an Orlando Olympics requirement. News Story
  505. 06/10/2021 Ohio, USA
    Elias Abou Nassif (44), Gymnast was working out in the gym when he collapsed from a cardiac arrest. Three doctors, also working out at the gym, performed CPR on him for seven minutes and then used the gym’s automated external defibrillator (AED) on him to bring back a heartbeat. News Story
  506. 04/10/21, Germany Dead
    Alexander Siegfried (42) from VfB Moschendorf unexpectedly collapsed and died. News Story
  507. 04/10/21 Dead
    Hayden Holman (22), Sugar City, Idaho marathon runner. Collapsed during St. George Marathon in Utah. Initially revived. Died in the hospital. News Story
  508. 04/10/2021 France Dead
    Evan surname unknown (17), gymnast attended the Autun military high school, but collapsed suddenly during a gym session. News Story
  509. 04/10/2021 Poland Dead
    Małgorzata Gembicka (36), Swimmer was for many years the leading swimmer in Poland, but she died suddenly aged only 36. No further details are available. News Story
  510. 03/10/21 Dead
    Niels de Wolff (27), Belgian White Star Sombeke football club player, collapsed with cardiac arrest after a game with Warbrook team. Revived with CPR and defibrillator. Died in hospital three days later. News Story
  511. 03/10/21, Germany
    Timucin Sen (Hesse) Football player collapsed on pitch 10 Minutes before the end of the game. Resuscitated News Story
  512. 03/10/21, Austria Dead
    Ernst Scherr (64) ex-goalkeeper coach and talent scout unexpectedly died.
  513. 03/10/21 Canada
    Josh Archibald (28), Edmonton Oilers hockey forward out indefinitely due to myocarditis News Story
  514. 03/10/2021 Italy
    Öner Calik (35), Turkish origin football referee suffered a “medical emergency” during a match between VfB Waltrop II and Vinnum II, in the 20th minute. Symptoms: headaches and tingling in the arm. He was taken to the hospital by ambulance and the match was called off. No other information available. News Story
  515. 02/10/2021 Argentina Dead
    Jorge “Acero” Cali (49), former kickboxing world champion and boxing promoter, suffered a cardiac arrest at a hotel in La Pampa and died unexpectedly. News Story
  516. 02/10/2021 USA
    Trey Potts (20), Minnesota NCAAF sophomore running back in a game with Purdue, was taken to nearby hospital. He remained in two Indiana hospitals for a total of six nights, and missed the rest of the 2021 season. The team would not release details, other than it was a severe upper body injury, but there were no signs on the field that he had been hurt. Upper body could indicate a cardiac arrest. On 22 December, Potts predicted he would make a full recovery, but still did not disclose what happened, except that it was a very serious and scary injury. News Story
  517. 02/10/21 France
    Martin Lefèvre (16), Agneaux FC Football player collapsed during a Gambardella Cup match against FC Saint-Lô Manche, shortly before the half-hour mark. He attends Curie-Corot high school in Saint-Lô. His father said that his son has no heart problems, it was an inflammation of an artery in the brain, like a stroke … The club president said “He was paralyzed all over the right side, had lost his speech but remained conscious.” He remained in hospital for four days and transferred to the Centre for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation for Children and Adolescents (CMPR), in Flers (Orne) News Story
  518. 02/10/21 Holland
    Ceylin del Carmen Alvarado (23), Dutch, reigning European champion Cyclo-cross rider out of action due to ‘disturbed blood count’ News Story
  519. 02/10/21 Dead
    Jake Kazmarek (28) bodybuilder, Moderna vaccines 31st August & 28th September 2021 Died four days after vaccine News Story
  520. 02/10/21 USA Dead
    Major Wingate (37), American basketball player and former Tennessee basketball captain (Springfield Armor, Shanxi Zhongyu, Tofas Bursa) died unexpectedly. News Story
  521. 02/10/2021 Argentina Dead
    Nicolás Martínez (65), football player from the Veterans League collapsed due to a sudden cardiac arrest and fell heavily to the ground while playing a match. News Story
  522. 01/10/2021 Nashville, Tennessee, USA
    Todd Richards (54), Nashville Predators Ice Hockey assistant coach, had a heart attack or cardiac arrest News Story
  523. 01/10/21, Germany Dead
    Bruno Stein (15) goalkeeper from FC An der Fahner Höhe in Gräfentonna, Thuringia, died. News Story
  524. 01/10/21 Canada Dead
    Jacob Downey (18), Peterborough Petes hockey player in 2019-2020 season, passed away suddenly after medical emergency. Queens University requires all students be vaccinated. Jacob’s father says he doesn’t believe it had anything to do with his son’s death News Story
  525. 30/09/21, Germany
    Unnamed (17) footballer collapsed during the A 2 regional league game between SV Hoßkirch and TSV Sigmaringendorf. He suffered cardiac arrest and was resuscitated. News Story
  526. 30/09/21 Kostroma, Russia Dead
    Anna Kruglova (27), Russian national Taekwondo champion and a medallist in both European and World Taekwondo championships. No official cause of death, but it is reported that she suffered a heart attack then died, two days after covid-19 vaccine News Story
  527. 29/09/21, Germany Dead
    Dietmar Gladow (74), Team leader from Thalheim (Bitterfeld) suffered a fatal cardiac arrest before the game News Story
  528. 28/09/2021 USA Dead
    Antonio Elijah Hicks (16), American football at Citrus High School, Inverness, Florida collapsed with cardiac arrest while practicing with the school football team. He was rushed to Citrus Memorial Hospital, next door to the school, but later died. News Story
  529. 28/09/21, USA Dead
    Unnamed twice vaccinated teenager (16) collapsed while playing soccer and died a little later.
  530. 28/09/21, Italy Dead
    Antonello Campus (53), football coach for a Sardinia youth team collapsed and died in Sicily during practice with team. Resuscitation attempts failed. News Story
  531. 28/09/21, Germany
    Hoher Hagen (17), JSG soccer player collapsed during game and was revived in Hannoversch Munden News Story
  532. 27/09/21, Italy
    Unnamed rider (20) suffered a cardiac arrest at the end of a tournament.
  533. 27/09/21, Germany Dead
    Mr. Steidel, referee, suffered cardiac arrest in a game of Lauber SV (Bayern). Game abandoned. News Story
  534. 27/09/21, Venezuela Dead
    Guillermo Arias (31), Camaguán FC, Guárico state in a game with La Villa FC. He collapsed and died on the field. News Story
  535. 27/09/2021 Canada Dead
    Sean Harman (17), Ice Hockey player died with cardiac arrest two weeks after getting covid shot – so he could play hockey. Symptoms: suffered multiple health problems immediately after the jab, including myocarditis. News Story
  536. 27/09/2021 Belgium Dead
    Maïssa (Age), female Gymnast and high school student at Virgo Plus school in Vilvoorde collapsed with a suspected cardiac arrest just a short time into a gym class. She died a few hours later. News Story
  537. 26/09/2021 USA Dead
    George Hall (60), Ironman Triathlon athlete from Martinez, was swimming in the Savannah River in the 1.2-mile first leg of the race when he had a cardiac arrest. Augusta Fire & EMA tweeted later in the day that a water rescue member on a personal watercraft assisted in pulling Hall out of the water and began performing life saving measures. Hall was sent to Augusta University Medical Center and pronounced dead there at 8:41am. News Story
  538. 26/09/2021 Italy
    Unnamed (20), female Show Jumper had just finished the exhibition at the European equestrian center equestrian center of Masotti when she collapsed with a cardiac arrest. She was resuscitated for half an hour by the doctor and a defibrillator and taken to Pistoia hospital. She had two doses of the COVID vaccine. News Story
  539. 26/09/21, Germany Dead
    Benny Taft (33) football player and coach of SVU Unterferrieden (Bavaria) suffered cardiac arrest in an away game on 26th September. Was resuscitated, called the team to thank them for their fast action saving his life, but died on Sunday 27th News Story
  540. 25/09/2021 Greece
    George Vagiannidis (20), Panathinaikos footballer was paralyzed after receiving J&J COVID-19 vaccine, doctors have no answers. News Story
  541. 25/09/21 Mexico Dead
    Leticia Rico Gonzalez (51), vaccinated triathlete. Collapsed and died of a cardiac arrest during Cozumel triathlon competition in Quintana Roo. Resuscitation attempts unsuccessful, pronounced dead at hospital. News Story
  542. 25/09/2021 California, USA Dead
    Estefania Arroyo (18) Water Polo team player and college student died suddenly. In December 2021, Santa Barbara County Coroner’s office said the investigation into the cause of death of Arroyo remained pending and refused comment. The college implemented a “vaccine” mandate … “Students and employees on campus must provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or undergo weekly testing.” News Story News Story2
  543. 24/09/2021 Philippines Dead
    Jerome Yenson (24), Baseballer, on national baseball team that won the gold in the 2019 Southeast Asian Games. He also led Adamson University to a UAAP baseball crown in 2018. He was found dead with no further details released. News Story
  544. 22/09/2021 Estonia Dead
    Jüri Tamm (64), Hammer thrower. Born in Parnu in 1957, when Estonia formed part of the Soviet Union, Tamm took up athletics in 1972. By the late 1970s he was among the top 20 in the world. Two of his Soviet-era hammer-throwing friends died within a period of two months. Vaccinated twice. News Story
  545. 22/09/2021 Israel Dead
    Arik Alfasi (49), Basketball coach, former Israeli national team assistant coach was twice vaccinated, then caught COVID – his condition worsened, was placed on life support and died. He had no co-morbidities and did not smoke.
  546. 22/09/21, Germany
    Nicky Dalibor (36), (Saxony-Anhalt) collapsed and was resuscitated on the pitch News Story
  547. 22/09/21, Wisconsin USA
    Tom Felton (34), collapses during golf game News Story
  548. 21/09/21
    Antoine Méchin (31), French triathlete suffered pulmonary embolism following Moderna vaccine News Story
  549. 21/09/21, Germany
    Helen Edwards, At the women’s World Cup qualifier between Germany and Serbia in Chemnitz, the English linesman suffered heart problems and was carried off the pitch News Story
  550. 21/09/21, Augsburg
    Unnamed assistant referee of a Kreisliga Augsburg game in Emersacker, collapses with heart problems News Story
  551. 20/09/2021 Poland Dead
    Krzysztof Steliga (32), former MMKS Podhale Nowy Targ Ice Hockey player and former basketball player died in his sleep. No further information is available. News Story
  552. 19/09/2021 Serbia Dead
    D.J. (16), Footballer collapsed 30 seconds before the end of a match between the cadets of FK 011 and Rad Barajevo football clubs. fell to his knees, the coach a few meters away asked if he was okay, told him to leave the pitch. D.J. started to get up, took two steps and fell onto the grass. His pulse returned briefly during resuscitation but he died. News Story
  553. 19/09/21, Germany Dead
    Dirk Splisteser volleyball trainer from SG Traktor Divitz collapses dead on the sidelines within one hour News Story
  554. 19/09/21, France
    Unnamed FC Nantes soccer player (19) suffered cardiac arrest during training
  555. 18/09/21, Canada Dead
    Francis Perron (25), University of Ottawa Gee-Gees defensive linebacker died suddenly after a game in Toronto. The University of Ottawa earlier launched its mandatory vaccination policy, “anyone who intends on coming to campus for any reason must be vaccinated.” News Story
  556. 18/09/21, Germany
    Kingsley Coman (25) from FC Bayern Munich had a heart operation after an arrhythmia. News Story
  557. 17/09/2021 Visakhapatnam, India Dead
    Murtaza Lodhgar (aka Murtu bhai) (45), Mizoram Colts Cricketer. On an after-dinner walk he suddenly felt enormous chest pain and fell on the road News Story
  558. 17/09/21
    John Stokes (21), NCAA Tennessee State University golfer had myocarditis four days after his second Pfizer dose. Spoke out against vaccine mandates News Story
  559. 16/09/2021 Greece
    Giannis Nakos (33), Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Greek martial art champion. He said My life was ruined after the Pfizer vaccine. Serious problems began seven days after the first vaccine. In the gym, he suddenly lost control of his legs, shaking all over, had bradycardia and a tendency to faint. He immediately contacted his cardiologist, who first asked him if he had been vaccinated. His condition does not allow him to play sports, nor to continue his life smoothly. News Story
  560. 16/09/2021 Austria
    Raul Marte (19), SC Austria Lustenau midfield footballer diagnosed with pericarditis, forced to take a break of several months, will not play for SC Austria Lustenau this calendar year. News Story
  561. 16/09/21
    Imogen Allen (24), female equestrian, champion show jumper may never ride again. Hospitalized with a severe reaction to Moderna Covid vaccine with two massive blood clots on her lungs two weeks after her first vaccination. News Story
  562. 16/09/21, India Dead
    Avi Barot (29), Saurashtra cricketer suffered cardiac arrest, died – News Story
  563. 14/09/2021 Russia Dead
    Yuriy Sedykh (66), Hammer thrower. The Russian track and field federation said Sedykh died early Tuesday after a heart attack. Vaccinated twice. Story
  564. 14/09/21, USA Dead
    Parys Haralson (37) former star player at Justice at Madison Central, then Tennessee and in the NFL died suddenly and unexpectedly at home in Jan Jose, California. News Story
  565. 14/09/2021 Wales Dead
    Paul Jones (49), Rugby Union player and former Wales B rugby union international, died suddenly. Paul also played in the second row for Llanelli, Newport, Caerphilly and Leeds. News Story
  566. 13/09/2021 France Dead
    Gilles Jakiela (54), Team Bousies Cycling semi-professional and manager died suddenly of a cardiac arrest. News Story
  567. 13/09/2021 Minesota, US Dead
    Mike Elhard (39), Marathon runner went out training for the Chicago marathon but failed to return home. He collapsed and died a half mile east of his home, not long after going out. News Story News Story2 Hennepin Medical Examiner
  568. 13/09/2021 Waseca, Minnesota, USA
    Brad Wendland (48), Waseca Bluejays high school football team head coach had a cardiac arrest on the sideline of Friday’s game against St. Peter News Story
  569. 13/09/21, Germany
    Anil Usta, Turkish national playing for Vfb Schwelm (Ennepetal) collapsed on field with heart problems News Story
  570. 13/09/2021 Louisiana, USA Dead
    Kevione Tronasha Faulk (19), American Football coach and student staff member at Louisiana State University (LSU), collapsed and died suddenly. One link explains that whilst students can opt out of LSU’s COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate, the same option is not available to staff. News Story News Story2 News Story3
  571. 13/09/2021 France Dead
    Unnamed (Age), Motocross competitor in the Vire motocross championship suffered a cardiac arrest and died the next day. News Story
  572. 13/09/2021 Ukraine Dead
    Vladimir Salo (19), Table Tennis player and student died just six hours after receiving the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine. He got his shot around 14:30 pm and was playing table tennis with friends shortly afterwards. In the evening, his condition suddenly worsened and he began to convulse. Doctors were called and performed CPR for about an hour but it wasn’t enough to save him. He died at 20:30 pm. News Story
  573. 12/09/2021 Vienna, Austria Dead
    Unnamed (40), Runner (half-marathon) collapsed during the 38th Vienna City Marathon half marathon. Taken to the general hospital, died there Sunday afternoon. News Story
  574. 12/09/21, France
    Dimitri Liénard (33), FC Strasbourg midfielder collapsed during game against Lyon. Symptoms: saw stars, was dizzy. News Story News Story2
  575. 11/09/21, Netherlands Dead
    Sebastiaan Bos (19), Laren ice hockey player passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. News Story
  576. 11/09/21, Denmark
    Abou Ali (22) collapsed with cardiac arrest during a game in Denmark News Story
  577. 11/09/21, Italy Dead
    Andrea Astolfi (45), sporting director of Calcio Orsago (Italy) suffered a cardiac arrest after returning from training and died with no previous illness
  578. 11/09/21, France Dead
    Frédéric Lartillot (49) Ain / France: suffered cardiac arrest in the locker room after a friendly match News Story
  579. 10/09/21, Germany
    Lucas Surek (24) from BFC Chemie Leipzig collapsed from myocarditis. News Story
  580. 09/09/21, Italy Dead
    Christian Blandini (20), a University of Catania volleyball “rising star” died of a sudden cardiac arrest. A university statement described the industrial engineering student’s “sudden death.” Catania requires students to have a Covid-19 “Green Pass” showing vaccination. News Story
  581. 09/09/21, Germany
    Unnamed player from Birati Club Münster suffered cardiac arrest in a regional league game against FC Nordkirchen II Eriksen. Game canceled News Story
  582. 08/09/2021 USA
    Oscar De La Hoya (48), boxer scheduled to fight in Las Vegas but withdrew after being diagnosed with Covid-19. Said he is getting better after three days of hospital treatment. Despite being fully vaccinated, I have contracted Covid and am not going to be able to fight next weekend, he said in a hospital video on Twitter in which he still had breathing difficulties. News Story
  583. 07/09/21, Great Britain Dead
    Dylan Rich (17) soccer player collapsed on the field and died of a double heart attack during a game in England.
  584. 07/09/2021 Italy
    Emilio Marinaro (19), AC Mantova Football goalkeeper can no longer play due to a cardiac issue No more information available. News Story
  585. 06/09/21 Germany
    Paul Zipser (27), Bayern Munich basketball forward complained of dizziness near the end of the German League semifinal series against MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg. Neurological exam revealed a brain haemorrhage. Emergency surgery was successful. Source reported he had J&J vaccine. News Story
  586. 05/09/21 PA, USA Dead
    Jalen Leavey, 19, former Philadelphia High School football player. Collapsed and died unexpectedly after a college game. News report says death due to natural causes, from a previous medical condition. News Story
  587. 05/09/21
    Florian Ploner (22), handball player for SC Ferlach collapsed during game. Symptoms pointed to a cardiac arrest or stroke. News Story
  588. 05/09/21, Germany
    Unnamed Referee collapsed during game. SC Neuburgweier – FV Ettlingenweier II (Baden-Württemberg) News Story
  589. 04/09/21, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, UK (29), Dead
    Dave Hyde (29) Henley Football Club Rugby player collapsed and died after match, suffering two cardiac arrests News Story
  590. 04/09/21 Dead
    Jens De Smet (27), footballer collapsed on field, died of cardiac arrest News Story
  591. 04/09/2021, France
    Diego Ferchaud (16) from ASPTT Caen suffered a cardiac arrest in Saint-Lô News Story
  592. 03/09/2021 Italy
    Pietro (13), Janus Nova football player collapsed with cardiac arrest in the middle of training at the Viale dello Sport facility in Saccolongo (Padua). Resuscitated with a defibrillator. News Story
  593. 03/09/21 Columbia SC, USA Dead
    David Patten (47), three-time Super Bowl champion with Patriots, died while riding his motorcycle – he suddenly “went left of center” and struck on an oncoming Chevrolet sedan. News Story
  594. 02/09/21, Tokyo Paralympics
    Belgian wheelchair tennis player Joachim Gerard (32) collapsed with heart problems at Tokyo Olympics. News Story
  595. 02/09/21, Belgium
    Greg Luyssen (22), Professional Cyclist ends cycling career after heart failure News Story “I was in the chasing group during the Kortemark Race when I suddenly became unwell,” he says. “I felt a huge pressure in my chest and it was so bad that I had to leave the race. I was taken to hospital and diagnosed with heart failure. I already had fever a number of times for no apparent reason after my second Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine, but I had never thought about the relationship. Further tests have shown that my heart muscle is affected and that my body now reacts poorly to intensive activity.”
  596. 01/09/2021 France
    Désirée Bakabadio (25), female USLG Cherbourg-en-Cotentin Basketball captain has heart inflammation and will be unavailable for the rest of the season. The team reports several “medical glitches.” News Story News Story2
  597. 01/09/2021 France Dead
    Gérard Lambert (66), high-level basketball player and French youth teams physiotherapist, collapsed suddenly from a cardiac arrest and died. He was also a skier. News Story
  598. 01/09/21
    Greg Van Avermaet (36) former Olympic road champ quits Cycling World Cup after COVID vaccine News Story News Story2
  599. 01/09/21 Australia Dead
    Cameron Dale(29), Australian sailor, died after suffering a ‘catastrophic’ stroke. He was youngest solo sailor to circumnavigate the globe. News Story
  600. 31/08/2021 Poland Dead
    Bogdan Kłosowicz (Age) Sanovia Lesko youth team football coach. He died unexpectedly. News Story
  601. 29/08/21, Germany (unknown age)
    Unnamed Germany C-League Dillenburg a player from Hirzenhain collapsed, game cancelled News Story
  602. 29/08/21, USA Dead
    Donadrian Robinson (Donnie) (17), Columbia High school footballer died News Story
  603. 25/08/2021 USA
    Luke Willson (31), Seahawks American Football tight end retired a day after signing with Seahawks. “This off-season I … spent numerous days in the hospital with a severe pericardial effusion.” News Story
  604. 25/08/21 France Dead
    Unnamed (35) Czech ultramarathon runner died during a warm-up event ahead of the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc after a fatal fall on a high-altitude mountain path. He fell during the night after setting off with more than 1,000 other runners from the Italian ski resort of Courmayeur on Tuesday afternoon along the 145-kilometre course of the TDS race to Chamonix in France. The most common cause of death in mountain races is cardiac arrest, according to a study, but this was the first death in an Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc event since their start in 2003. A Sanitary Pass was mandatory after July for participants requiring one of: proof of full vaccination, a recent negative COVID-19 test or a certificate of COVID-19 recovery. No bib without a Sanitary Pass. News Story News Story2
  605. 25/08/21 New York, USA
    Vinny Curry (33), New York Jets defensive end will miss entire 2021 season. Diagnosed with a rare blood disorder in July and removal of his spleen, Twitter post. Planned to return mid-September but developed blood clots and started blood thinners – no physical contact for 3-6 months. News Story
  606. 25/08/2021 Poland Dead
    Dawid Słowakiewicz (37), former ice hockey striker of Podhale Nowy Targ, TKH Toruń, Naprzodu Janów and KH Sanok in Poland. Hed died unexpectedly. News Story
  607. 24/08/21, USA Dead
    Jack Alkhatib (18), Columbia High school footballer collapsed on the field and died News Story
  608. 24/08/21, Luxembourg
    José dos Reis (29) collapsed on the field and was resuscitated News Story
  609. 24/08/2021 Brazil
    Harlei Patente (33), Footballer had always been healthy and played football often. After taking the Pfizer vaccine he immediately started going downhill. Two months later he could not feel his left leg. He did not lose the leg completely but had a lot of muscle from his leg. He has no movement in his left foot. News Story
  610. 24/08/2021 Poland Dead
    Tomasz Hajduk (32), Orzeł Milcza footballer. He had been struggling with heart problems recently, was hospitalized and in a coma and died. News Story
  611. 24/08/2021 Poland Dead
    Gniewomir Herbst (19), MKS Koyama, Polish kickboxing champion but he died unexpectedly. News Story
  612. 22/08/21 Slovenia Dead
    Aidan Sharanovich (45) former Primorja striker also played in Slovenian league for Primoria. Suffered a severe cardiac arrest, resuscitated, died several days later. News Story
  613. 22/08/21, Venezuela Dead
    Alexaida Guedez (30), Venezuelan National Marathon Champion collapsed and died in a 5k race News Story
  614. 22/08/21, Italy
    Francesca Marcon (38), Italian volleyball player suffered pericarditis after 2nd Pfizer vaccine. shortness of breath and chest pains News Story
  615. 22/08/21, UK
    Pedro Obiang (29), ex-West Ham star suffered myocarditis 10 days post-vaccine News Story
  616. 22/08/21
    Fabrice N’Sakala (31), Besiktas defender collapsed on pitch during game News Story
  617. 22/08/2021 Belgium
    Christophe Grzegorzewski (49), footballer suffered a cardiac arrest during the warm-up for a football match. By February 2022, it was reported he had recovered, but has not restarted playing yet. News Story
  618. 22/08/2021 Poland Dead
    Kacper Zabrzycki (18), Kamienna Brody Football died unexpectedly. No further details available other than a discussion in which it was alleged he had a vaccination on 13 August. News Story
  619. 22/08/2021 Bosnia and Herzegovina Dead
    Edin Saranović (45), ex-Pogoń Szczecin professional football player and manager suffered a sudden cardiac arrest then died after several days in a coma. News Story
  620. 21/08/2021 Denmark
    Ahmed Daghim (20), Kolding IF Footballer collapsed during his warm-up for a match in Frederiksberg. He was taken to Bispebjerg Hospital. News Story
  621. 21/08/21 Neath Port Talbot, Wales Dead
    Alex Evans (31), Cwmllynfell RFC Rugby Union player felt unwell during the game and left the field, later collapsing. resuscitation attempts with defibrillator failed, and he died at the scene. News Story
  622. 20/08/21 Dead
    Orlando Gallucci (49), Personal trainer, bodybuilder and athlete died of cardiac arrest after the 2021 NPC Worldwide European Championships News Story
  623. 18/08/2021 Kenya Dead
    Yvonne Jelagat Morwa (27), Volare Sports Running Club. Just a few days after Kenya lost youth Olympic champion Gilbert Soet Kwemoi, Morwa also died after a short illness. News Story
  624. 18/08/21, Belgium
    Jente van Genechten (25), footballer collapsed on field due to cardiac arrest News Story
  625. 18/08/21, Belgium
    Yarno Van Herck (vaccinated) suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond. Three young Belgian (Kempen) cyclists suffer heart issues following a race. Riders from Acrog-Tormans BC. Joppe Erpels from Arendonk ended up in intensive care, Xander Verhagen from Geel had problems at training and Yarno Van Herck suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond. News Story
  626. 18/08/21, Belgium
    Xander Verhagen (vaccinated) from Geel had problems at training. Three young Belgian (Kempen) cyclists suffer heart issues following a race. Riders from Acrog-Tormans BC. Joppe Erpels from Arendonk ended up in intensive care, Xander Verhagen from Geel had problems at training and Yarno Van Herck suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond. News Story
  627. 18/08/21, Belgium
    Joppe Erpels (vaccinated) from Arendonk ended up in intensive care after a race. Three young Belgian (Kempen) cyclists suffer heart issues following a race. Riders from Acrog-Tormans BC. Joppe Erpels from Arendonk ended up in intensive care, Xander Verhagen from Geel had problems at training and Yarno Van Herck suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond. News Story
  628. 17/08/2021 Brazil Dead
    Leandro Siqueira (34), amateur football player since childhood suffered a sudden cardiac arrest while training and died. News Story
  629. 16/08/21, Germany (62)
    Manfred Lehner (62) SV Niederpöring (Bayern) goalkeeping coach suffered cardiac arrest after training News Story
  630. 16/08/21, France (24)
    Samuel Kalu (24) Bordeaux pro footballer suffered cardiac arrest during a game News Story
  631. 15/08/21 Italy Dead
    Marco Tampwo (19), Atletico Fioghi footballer from Rome, died of a cardiac arrest. News Story
  632. 15/08/21,
    Jeremy Chardy (34), Veteran French tennis player, Former World No. 25, suspended his season after “Violent, near paralyzing pain” after Covid-19 vaccine in mid-August. News Story News Story2
  633. 15/08/21, Spain Dead
    Alena Hatvani-Kosinová (46), Czech female bodybuilder died after being rushed to hospital in Alicante, Spain. News Story
  634. 14/08/21, Kenya Dead
    Gilbert Soet Kwemoi (23), Kenyan Olympic Champion (China) collapsed in his home (after a short illness) and claimed he had a headache. He died on the way to Mount Elgon Hospital. News Story
  635. 14/08/21, USA Dead
    Dimitri McKee (17) Lee High School Football player passed out and died after practice, News stories attributed his death to heatstroke News Story
  636. 13/08/21 Tennessee USA Dead
    Azorean Tatum (16), high school football player suddenly collapsed at school, August 13, phoned his mother, had difficulty breathing, unable to stand up or walk on his own. Paramedics took him to Baptist Children’s Hospital. After 2 days, receiving no tests other than COVID test, he was released. He did not improve and on August 20 was taken to Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, where he passed away on Saturday, August 21. News Story
  637. 13/08/21, UK, Dead
    Roy Butler (23), Irish footballer Waterford FC dies with massive brain bleed after J&J vaccine. He suffered severe headaches and general malaise within one hour. By Saturday August 14, he was vomiting and having convulsions. His mother confirmed on facebook Roy only took the vaccine to go to Greece with friends. The tweet that reported this has been removed (we should have taken a snapshot!) News Story
  638. 13/08/21, France Dead
    Franck Berrier (37) former French professional footballer collapsed of a cardiac arrest while playing tennis. He retired in 2019 due to heart problems. News Story
  639. 12/08/21, New Zealand Dead
    Lee Moses (29) Palmerston North Marist football player died during training session News Story
  640. 10/08/21 Australia
    Chris Cairns (51), New Zealand cricketer suffered a massive heart attack and a ruptured aorta. He underwent heart surgery and was taken to a Sydney hospital for further vascular surgery. Six months later, 05/02/2022 it is reported he now has bowel cancer as well. News Story News Story2
  641. 08/08/21, Georgia, USA Dead
    Quandarius Wilburn (19), Football player collapsed during a Panthers conditioning practice and later died. He appeared to be in very good physical condition when he reported to his first college preseason camp. News Story News Story2
  642. 08/08/21 Dead
    John Meadows (49) Bodybuilder AKA ‘Mountain Dog’ died of ‘blood clot’ News Story
  643. 07/08/21 England Dead
    Elexis Brown (13), golf prodigy aged 13 died as she slept just hours after her parents found her sleepwalking. She was about to go to Ireland to play World Amateur Championship on the Sunday that she died. News Story
  644. 07/08/21, Belgium
    Rune Coghe (18), Belgian KFC Eendracht Hooglede footballer suffered cardiac arrest on pitch News Story
  645. 06/08/21, Germany
    Unnamed SpVgg. Oelde II District league player collapsed on field revived by his opponent, Julian Pietsch from VfB Schloß Holte 2. News Story
  646. 04/08/21, Kansas, USA Dead
    Tirrell Williams (19) Fort Scott freshman lineman died after collapsing with a stroke on field during practice News Story News Story2
  647. 04/08/2021 Tennessee, USA Dead
    Bobby Eaton (62), legendary professional wrestler “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton died in his sleep, the National Wrestling Alliance announced Thursday. He was 62. The cause is unclear but he had been hospitalized a month earlier after a fall. He died only one month after his wife died. News Story News Story2
  648. 02/08/21, Detroit USA Dead
    Stephen Sylvester (15), Detroit Central Catholic High School football and track athlete collapsed during conditioning practice and died 5 days later. News Story
  649. 01/08/2021 Thailand Dead
    Abel Wasan (25), Basketball player, had the AstraZeneca covid vaccine on 31st July 2021. He suffered a high fever and shortness of breath immediately after being injected. He went to his room to rest. The next day he died suddenly of “acute heart failure.” News Story
  650. 31/07/21 USA Dead
    Sofia Graham (27) bodybuilder prepared to compete at 2021 NPC North Americans and NPC USA’s. Died of cardiac arrest in her sleep News Story
  651. 31/07/21 USA
    Daniel Brito (23), the Phillies minor-league infielder had been hospitalized since collapsing on the field with a stroke. News Story
  652. 31/07/2021 South Korea Dead
    Lee Seul-hee (31), swimmer died four days after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on 29 July 2021. South Korean health authorities confirmed a causal relationship between her sudden death and the vaccine. She was vaccinated at the Suncheon University Vaccination Center. She suffered chest pains, dizziness and shortness of breath soon afterwards. Her symptoms gradually worsened until the 31st when she collapsed. She was rushed to a nearby hospital where she died on August 1st. The family confirmed her death and vaccination status. News Story
  653. 29/07/2021 Italy
    Riccardo Ladinetti (20), Cagliari Footballer diagnosed with cardiac irregularities requiring more tests. Suspended from professional activity including training for at least three months. News Story
  654. 28/07/21, Georgia, USA Dead
    Joshua Ivory (15) Football player collapsed and died during game. Coroner’s report said cardiac dysrhythmia triggered sudden cardiac arrest. News Story
  655. 28/07/21, Germany Dead
    Jascha Zey (16) U19 player of Eisbachtaler Sportfreunde (Rhineland-Palatinate) died suddenly and unexpectedly in hospital News Story
  656. 27/07/21 Iowa USA
    Leah Taylor (22) Iowa doctoral student and fitness promoter / bodybuilder hospitalized with myocarditis after her coerced Pfizer vaccination. The second Pfizer injection was likely between July 27 and August 22, based on context clues from her now-deleted Instagram account. After doctors told her to keep her heart rate down for six months, she wrote “I was diagnosed with myocarditis as a result of getting the COVID vaccine.” On 31st August she wrote, “I understand the fear and danger on both sides. Clearly. I mean look what the vaccine has done to my previously healthy, 22-year-old heart. I was extremely hesitant and scared to get the vaccine. My doctoral program pushed for all students to get it, and vaccination mandates for healthcare workers came out in my area. That is why I had to get the vaccine.”
  657. 26/07/21 Netherlands Dead
    Whitnee Abriska (19), female handball professional passes away after cardiac arrest while on vacation. News Story
  658. 25/07/21 Charles City, Iowa USA
    Carly Stevenson Wartburg College shot put and discus athlete collapsed and was rushed to hospital with blood clots in her lungs and heart. She had trouble speaking and breathing and then her heart stopped. She was resuscitated three times. She lost her balance, head control, hand and arm movements, and communication skills. News Story
  659. 25/07/2021 Italy Dead
    Christian Bottan (17) footballer collapsed and died whilst playing football. Resuscitation attempts failed. It was reported that he did have a heart condition but it did not prevent him playing football. He was recently vaccinated. News Story
  660. 24/07/2021, Little Rock, Arkansas Dead
    Devon DuHart (16) football player mysteriously died of a seizure in his sleep. He was not well after a recent practice. News Story
  661. 24/07/21, Germany
    Unnamed (unknown age) football player of TuS Hoberge-Uerentrup Bielefeld (NRW) collapsed on the pitch with cardiac arrest News Story
  662. 23/07/2021 Russia Dead
    Nikolai Chudaikin (36), Motorsport drifting driver. RDS Asia reported his death, on his birthday, was due to a well-known disease, that is, coronavirus. News Story
  663. 23/07/21, Germany Dead
    Tim B. (27) SV Hamberge football player from (Schleswig-Holstein) collapsed after returning from a football tournament and died News Story
  664. 22/07/21 Fethiye, Turkey Dead
    Michael Mitchell (65), former Mr. Universe bodybuilder and Bravehart actor died six days after a Pfizer booster on July 16th, having received 2 doses of Sinovac. The first experimental Sinovac Coronavac “inactivated virus” injection was February 22, and the second March 20. News Story with screenshots
  665. 22/07/21 New York Dead
    Unnamed boy (15), suddenly collapsed with cardiac arrest on soccer field while playing soccer at a local camp on July 22, 4 days after 2nd Pfizer injection. Died the next day. VAERS ID 1498080. News Story
  666. 21/07/21, USA
    Kjeld Nuis (31) Two time Olympic Gold Medalist and World Record holder speed skater developed pericarditis after Pfizer vaccine News Story
  667. 21/07/2021 Brazil Dead
    Brian Saes (15), Cyclist was out cycling with friends when he collapsed with a cardiac arrest. Died before reaching hospital. News Story
  668. 19/07/21 Dubai
    Santo Giuliano (33) Italian professional dancer said he suffered cardiac arrest 4 days after 1st Pfizer vaccine on 15 July News Story
  669. 19/07/21 UK Dead
    Maqsood Anwar (44), British cricket athlete from Wales. Had a cardiac arrest and died. Paramedics tried to revive him for 45 minutes, unsuccessfully. News Story
  670. 19/07/2021 Germany Dead
    Tim Braun (27), SV Hamberge Football was playing in a football tournament and at the end of the semi-final he felt unwell, but still made his own way home. He decided to have an hour’s sleep, but he never woke up. News Story
  671. 18/07/21 Portugal Dead
    Marilio Costa Leite (48), Portuguese professional long-distance runner. Died two days after receiving a Pfizer COVID vaccine. His body was found in a ravine. News Story
  672. 18/07/2021 France Dead
    Sébastien Houtteville (47), ES Torigni Cycling sports director. Around 1 p.m., during the pre-race meeting, he went into cardiac arrest after feeling unwell. A team from Smur attempted to resuscitate him, but he died. News Story
  673. 15/07/21 Dead
    Arthur Zucolini (29), former basketballer. Died of cardiac arrest while sleeping. News Story
  674. 14/07/21 Italy Dead
    Davide Bristot (18), volleyball player died 27 days after first Pfizer vaccine on 17 June. On 10 July, debilitating headaches started, and on 13 July he vomited twice while out with friends. The local hospital started an IV drip but released him an hour later. The next morning, his mother found him dead at the foot of his bed. Some media misspelled his name Bistrot. News Story News Story2
  675. 13/07/21 California USA Dead
    Nathan Esparza (16), Castaic High School football player collapsed and died after a cardiac arrest at home 13 July. Reports on Twitter say he recently had a COVID vaccine. News Story News Story2
  676. 13/07/2021, Pennsylvania, USA Dead
    Andrew Roseman, Junior High School Baseball Pitcher died unexpectedly, News Story
  677. 13/07/21 Dubai Dead
    Sebastian Eubank (29), boxer, son of famous boxer, Chris Eubank, died of cardiac arrest, his wife said. News Story News Story2
  678. 13/07/21, Philadelphia PA, USA Dead
    Ivan Hicks (16) Footballer died during scrimmage. Coroner found an enlarged heart and scarring, but no myocarditis or inflammation. Verdict cardiovascular disease. Tested positive for COVID.
  679. 12/07/21 Egypt Dead
    Imad Bayoumi, footballer from Egypt. Collapsed and died during a friendly match in Egypt, a tribute to his friend Ayman Handal who died earlier. News Story
  680. 12/07/21 Jaroslaw, Poland Dead
    Vladimir Dorozhkin, 38 years old, coach and athlete. Died the same day as he got the COVID vaccine. “Vaccinated just after noon, died at midnight. Cardiomyopathy. News Story
  681. 11/07/2021 Russia Dead
    Ivan Kurenbin (36), Drift racer died in a car crash. Crash cause unknown, but police report states that the driver squeezed the accelerator pedal all the way and then something happened that prevented the car from stopping. News Story
  682. 11/07/2021 Russia Dead
    Tatiana Igushina (31) Motorcycle racer died in a car crash with Ivan Kurenbin. Crash cause unknown, but police report states that the driver squeezed the accelerator pedal all the way and then something happened that prevented the car from stopping. News Story
  683. 10/07/2021 Malaga, Spain Dead
    Juan Manuel Núñez Martín (17) , CAB Estepona Basketball collapsed and died.
  684. 10/07/21 New Zealand Dead
    Mike Salase (39), Northland rugby league player died while playing a game. CPR attempts failed News Story
  685. 09/07/21 Czech Republic Dead
    Clare Lipscombe (43), British Golfer collapsed with a cardiac arrest, taken to hospital where she died. Despite being treated at world-class hospital facilities in Brno, complications brought on by the heart attack were too severe. News Story
  686. 08/07/2021 Turkey
    Khouma Babacar (28), Senegalese Alanyaspor Football striker who plays in Turkey, collapsed in training and he was immediately rushed to the hospital. Was found to have had a “heart spasm.” News Story
  687. 08/07/21, Toronto, Canada Dead
    Jenn Gouveia (31), Toronto mother, collapsed and died suddenly on Sunday while out for a run in High Park News Story
  688. 06/07/21, Japan Dead
    Yusuke Kinoshita (27) Baseball player collapsed during practice. Died 03/08/2021, five weeks after COVID-19 vaccination
  689. 06/07/2021 France Dead
    Dimitri Ilongo (30) C’Chartres Cyclisme Cyclist died suddenly on Wednesday July 6th 2021, two days after his birthday and two weeks after winning his first race of the season. No further details given. News Story
  690. 05/07/2022 England
    Emma Raducanu (18), British wildcard tennis player retired from her Wimbledon fourth-round match after suffering breathing difficulties and called on a trainer. She left the court to receive further treatment, but it was soon announced she would not be returning. News Story
  691. 04/07/21 Nagoya, Japan
    Ryōsuke Hirata (33), Japanese baseball player. Diagnosed with “atypical angina”
  692. 03/07/21 Antigua, West Indies
    Chedean Nation (35) collapsed on field with teammate Chinelle Henry. Only a few days prior, the club boasted on Twitter that it was “Vaccinated and ready to face Pakistan Women!” News Story
  693. 03/07/21 Antigua, West Indies
    Chinelle Henry (26) collapsed on field with teammate Chedean Nation. Only a few days prior, the club boasted on Twitter that it was “Vaccinated and ready to face Pakistan Women!” News Story
  694. 02/07/21 France Dead
    Lise Vidal (43), former windsurfer who participated in the Sydney Olympics died after a brain hemorrhage. She is also a French Olympics coach. News Story
  695. 28/06/21, (estimate) USA
    Kyle Warner: Professional mountain biker suffered from pericarditis after Pfizer vaccine, possible end of career (29) News Story
  696. 28/06/2021, Las Vegas, Nevada Dead
    Chino Yelum Cajetan Nsofor (13) Football player collapsed and died during practice News Story
  697. 27/06/21, Singapore
    Unnamed teenager (16) suffered cardiac arrest after weightlifting session 6 days after first Covid-19 injection. He was in critical condition in hospital. News Story
  698. 26/06/21 Corsico, Milano, Italy
    Alexandre Joao Kisonga (37), professional basketballer, Congo-Angolese origin lived in Italy since age 4, had Astrazeneca viral vector vaccine 6th April 2021, suffered exhaustion and slight pain during inoculation. On June 22 for his second vaccination, Astrazeneca was banned. The doctor asked him to choose Moderna or Pfizer (mRNA vaccines) – how could he possibly know the consequences? The doctor recommended Moderna and he agreed. Four days later, he felt exhaustion, tiredness and pain in the neck on the morning of a training session. After training, headaches began and his body temperature rose excessively. Headache continued for several days and his temperature rose again. On medical advice, he took Tachipirina to lower fever. A week later, he was no better and tried a COVID swab which returned a negative result. A week later, symptoms continued and he went to the hospital in Milan, diagnosed with tachycardia. Doctors did not want to talk about the vaccines but eventually diagnosed acute perimyocarditis. Six months later, he still cannot play. UPDATE: Jo says he will undergo a stress test January 11 2022, to see if he can return to play basketball. He expects to have a scar on his heart for life and will take 2 tablets a day for the next year. It may affect his physical activity.
  699. 26/06/21 Russia Dead
    Maxim Dubrovolski, 17, collapsed and lost consciousness during a Football League game. Moscow. Died before the ambulance arrived on the scene. News Story
  700. 25/06/21, USA
    Ethan Jovani Trejo (16), soccer player, collapsed on the field during training News Story News Story2
  701. 21/01/2022 USA
    Debbie Rice (31), world and national champion inline skater, a prime athlete. Against her better intuition and judgement, decided to get the Johnson and Johnson injection. She immediately became sick and a couple weeks later had a mini-stroke. Her body and life have not been the same since she was injected. Symptoms: within 1 hour, felt faint, teeth felt numb, then cheeks numb, then arms tingling, headaches, eyeballs hurt, blurred vision, double vision, the skin on her arms felt extremely hot, like a bad sunburn. Then felt dizzy, chest pain, shortness of breath. One day, she started feeling weird, with tingling in her teeth, arms, legs, couldn’t talk or walk, lay down on the floor, She documented everything in video, but we don’t know where that documentation is. News Story
  702. 23/06/2021 Blairgowrie, Scotland
    Hamish Bell (20), Blairgowrie RFC Rugby Union player and Aberdeen University student, suffered a cardiac arrest during a training session. After 25 minutes of CPR using a defibrillator, he was taken to hospital for treatment News Story News Story2
  703. 23/06/21 France
    Christophe Lemaitre, French sprinter. Retired from French Championships and Tokyo Olympics. A coach said he failed a physical, after negative reactions to coronavirus vaccine.
  704. 21/06/21 Hungary Dead
    Victor Marcel Hegedus (18), Hungarian soccer player. Collapsed and died during a training warm-up. News Story
  705. 20/06/2021 Brazil Dead
    Waldir Lucas Pereira (39), former professional football forward collapsed due to a cardiac arrest and spent four days in hospital. News report attributed his death to COVID, but there is no autopsy report yet. News Story
  706. 20/06/2021 California, USA Dead
    Aidan Price (19), Cyclist – and frisbee thrower, class of 2024, died suddenly in Berkeley, California after vaccination. His college made covid “vaccination” mandatory. News Story News Story2
  707. 19/06/21 Colombia Dead
    Jose Edgar Preciado, Colombian caddie suffered a fatal cardiac arrest at his hotel after the second round of the Holcim Colombia Classic in Bucaramanga, Colombia. News Story
  708. 18/06/21 Honduras Dead
    Robert Lima (49), former Olympia footballer from Uruguay, Honduras. Collapsed and died of cardiac arrest while playing soccer with friends. News Story
  709. 17/06/21 France
    Frédéric Loth (40), Salouël RC team in France, suffered cardiac arrest after a football training session in Salouel. Resuscitated by CPR and defibrillator. News Story
  710. 16/06/2021 Italy Dead
    Lorenzo Scorteccia (24) Campitello football club goalkeeper, collapsed suddenly due to a cardiac arrest, ten days after his Pfizer vaccine. Resuscitation attempts failed and he died. His father Andrea said ” He was the portrait of health and he led a health-conscious life. I believe there are few of them (vaccine victims) at his age. No smoking, no alcohol and never in the disco.” News Story News Story2
  711. 14/06/21, Indonesia Dead
    Marquis Kido (36), Indonesian Olympic gold medalist in double Badminton, died of cardiac arrest during game. News Story
  712. 12/06/2021 Belarus Dead
    Igor Zhelezovski (57), Six-time world speed skating champion The Bear of Minsk died. It was reported he contracted Covid-19. No further details available. News Story
  713. 12/06/21 Maryland USA Dead
    Sang Ho Baek (20), George Mason University baseball pitcher died after bloodclots following a vaccination and “Tommy John” elbow surgery 8 June. His father said “our family is devastated and we want answers to why our healthy son would die so suddenly after routine surgery.” News Story News Story2
  714. 12/06/21 Italy Dead
    Chloe Giani Gavazzi (12), Italian youth tennis player, member of Golarsa Academy in Milan. Died suddenly. Found dead In her bed by her mother. News Story
  715. 9/06/21, Ontario Canada Dead
    Kamila Label-Farrel (19), University Basketball star died unexpectedly – while on a morning jog she collapsed while stretching News Story
  716. 07/06/21 Virginia USA Dead
    Joshua Johnson (16), standout football player for William Monroe High School in Stanardsville, Virginia died suddenly while fishing with his father. News Story
  717. 07/06/21, Germany, Dead
    Michael Schneider (38), Table tennis professional from Germany, died suddenly and unexpectedly. News Story
  718. 05/06/21 Russia Dead
    Maxim Ishkeldin (30), world field hockey champion, Russian national team midfielder, died suddenly in Novosibirsk, as a result of a clotting event. News Story
  719. 04/06/21 Italy Dead
    Giuseppe Perrino, 29, from Fujimarino, Italy. Collapsed and died during a tribute game for his dead brother, Rocco. Paramedics at the scene tried to resuscitate him, but were unsuccessful. Thank you Joanna. News Story
  720. 03/06/2021 Macedonia Dead
    Marko Bozinovski (20), RK Butel Handball player and Macedonian youth representative collapsed and died due to a heart condition, the Macedonian Handball Federation said. No cause of death given, but speculated that it is a heart problem. His death is only 6 days after Nikola Danilovski. News Story
  721. 1/06/21, Denmark
    Christian Eriksen(29), star Inter Milan footballer collapsed with cardiac arrest on the pitch 12 days after receiving a Pfizer vaccine on May 31st. Revived with defibrilator. Team doctor confirmed the team was vaccinated on May 18th – this may have meant all had received at least one shot, because another report mentions May 31st. In February 2022, BBC reports Eriksen will play for Brentford, a smaller Premier League team in West London on February 26th. Followup Analysis News Story News Story2 Forum
  722. 31/05/21 Bristol, England Dead
    Adam Bounds (41), football player died 31/05/21 of a severe brain-bleed in Derriford Hospital 11 days after AstraZeneca vaccine News Story
  723. 30/05/21 (exact date unknown, but prior to 01/06/21, when Christian Eriksen collapsed)
    Marvin Schumann, a Gifhorn amateur player revived after cardiac arrest. News Story
  724. 29/05/21 Macedonia Dead
    Nikola Danilovski (24), Metalurg Skopje handball goalkeeper died, suspected drowning in Lake Ohrid after possible cardiac arrest. News Story
  725. 28/05/2021 Seattle, USA
    Stefan Frei (36), Seattle Sounders goalkeeper. Seattle Sounders announced in April the team is “fully vaccinated.” In May, it was reported that blood clots in his knee could keep him out for 3-6 months. News Story News Story2
  726. 18/05/2021 Switzerland
    Michaël Perrier (32), Stade Lausanne Ouchy football player. During a team outing, the Swiss footballer suddenly suffered a serious cardiac arrest. It was after his first dose (23/04/2021) of the Moderna vaccine. He received 5 shocks of a defibrillator, then stayed 3 days in an artificial coma. A defibrillator was implanted to prevent a future cardiac arrest, and stayed 2.5 weeks in hospital. After 5 months rest, some arrythmia and light inflammation was still present, so he was unable to return to high level football. News Story
  727. 14/05/21, Malaysia Dead
    Haziq Kamaruddin (27), Olympian archer died of coronary artery disease. Died 10 days after Pfizer injections on 13th April and 4th May 2021 News Story
  728. 11/05/2021 Russia Dead
    Vladislav Yegin (32), Russian ice hockey defenceman with Avtomobilist Yekaterinburg. Reported to be complications related to the coronavirus, vaccination status unknown. News Story
  729. 11/05/21 Germany
    Miroslav Klose, 42, former Germany striker and assistant coach at Bayern Munich. Suffering from blood clots in his leg. Had to stop coaching. Apparently ll clear by September after medication and special socks. News Story
  730. 10/05/2021 Chile Dead
    Cristopher Mansilla (30), Cyclist died after he had been hospitalised and put into a coma owing to “worsening pulmonary thrombosis” (blood clot). News Story
  731. 10/05/21, Nottinghamshire, England Dead
    Josh Downie, (24), cricketer died after cardiac arrest at practice . His mother Helen said he had no known health problems. “It’s just completely out of the blue,” she said. “It doesn’t seem real at the moment. News Story
  732. 09/05/21 Shropshire, England
    Simon Walker (42) British soccer coach developed massive blood clots and permanent heart damage after his first AstraZeneca vaccination on 2nd May. Hospitalized with a resting heart rate of 188 on May 9th. News Story News Story2
  733. 08/05/21 Travis County TX
    Coach Pete (45), athletics coach collapsed 6 days after second Pfizer vaccine with a stroke. Was vaccinated 11/04/21 and 02/05/21 Video
  734. 07/05/2021 USA
    Greyson Follmer (19), Ohio State University elite athlete first dose of Pfizer April 16, with minor side effects. Second Pfizer May 7th developed severe heart complications (myocarditis) within a very short time. Doctors say he could take years to recover. “My son feels like he’s having a heart attack 24/7,” his mother said. “He now has high blood pressure, severe chest pains, back pain, elevated kidney levels, hypothyroidism, inflamed lymph nodes in different areas of his body, and he can’t work or exercise.” He feels like he’s dying and has to sleep all the time. Follmer said no one told her about reporting her son’s adverse reaction to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). “If I hadn’t put it on Facebook and someone hadn’t told me to put it in VAERS, I would have never known to do it.” VAERS (ID1395886) News Story
  735. 7/05/21 USA
    Everest Romney (17), a healthy 6’9″ high school sophomore hospitalized after experiencing severe migraines and swelling in his neck post-vaccination. Within 24 hours of getting the vaccine, Everest began experiencing an “exorbitant amount” of pain and swelling in his neck that originated on the same side he received the vaccine. Everest’s dad experienced a similar reaction following a Moderna injection. An x-ray revealed he had over 100 blood clots in his lungs. News Story Mother’s interview Video
  736. ??/05/21 Georgia USA
    Shawn Kuhn (21), sports science major and personal trainer diagnosed with COVID-19 in December 2020, suffered minor symptoms and recovered within days. Received his second Pfizer vaccination in May 2021 and was diagnosed with pneumonia in late August 2021. After losing blood for weeks (with no medical explanation) he died on October 11th at 2:59 am. News Story
  737. 02/05/2021 Arkansas, USA
    Isaiah Harris (18), American Footballer started chest pain within 48 hours of the second Pfizer dose and was taken to hospital, where he had a cardiac arrest and one of his lungs filled with fluid. He said he received his first dose of Pfizer on April 8 and second dose on April 30 2021. News Story News Story2
  738. 01/05/21, USA
    Sage Canaday (35), ultra marathon runner had pneumonia and blood clots. Sage ran the Canyons 100k Ultra Marathon in California (April 24), flew back to Colorado (26th?) Then had the 2nd Pfizer vaccine and soon started having breathing problems and was in bed at least from May 1 to after May 6 when he said he had pneumonia. Went into hospital May 30 or 31, diagnosed with bilateral pulmonary embolism, blood clots. Sage was previously listed as died, due to mixed up reports that a) he was the Czech runner who collapsed and died on the Mont Blanc marathon and b) that he started having breathing problems after a flight. We apologize for the errors and are pleased he is still alive.
  739. 01/05/21 Florida, USA Dead
    Nickolas Lawrinas (17), Footballer died suddenly and unexpectedly, cause given by media, unclear.
  740. 28/04/21, Atlanta, USA
    Brandon Goodwin (26), NBA player suffered blood clots shortly after COVID-19 vaccine, Possible end of career, still sidelined 7 months later. News Story
  741. 27/04/21 Minnesota, USA
    Marco Rossi (19), Minnesota Wild Ice Hockey player has myocarditis. Team is reported to have been “fully vaccinated” News Story News Story2
  742. 24/04/21 Texas USA Dead
    Ernesto Ramirez Jr: 16-Year-Old Boy collapsed while playing basketball, and died with a double-size enlarged heart 5 days after his first Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine on 19 April. News Story
  743. 24/04/21 Dead
    Luis Ojeda (20), Argentine football player died unexpectedly News Story
  744. 22/04/21 Australia
    Craig Jones (29) Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu world champion black belt is unable to train or fight after a COVID injection Story
  745. 18/04/21 Jamaica Dead
    Tremaine Stewart (Tan Tan) (32), Jamaican footballer with FC Dunbeholden. Collapsed and died during the kickaround before a match. News Story
  746. 13/04/2021 Minnesota, USA
    Suzanna Newell (AGE), Triathlete received her second Pfizer covid vaccination on 13th April 2021. That marked the start of Suzanna’s health issues. Prior to the shots, she was a very health-conscious, fit triathlete with no pre-existing conditions. She described the horror of waking up just days after the second Pfizer shot with a swollen lump on her neck, extreme fatigue, excruciating pain in her leg which now prevents her from walking, terrible chest pain, blindness and vision problems in her right eye. Her body is tortured with continuous, debilitating pain ever since she got the second dose. News Story
  747. 13/04/2021 Poland Dead
    Grzegorz Olech (37), MKS Radymno Footballer, former president, coach and player, died suddenly just 3 days after being “vaccinated on Saturday, April 10, 2021 with the Astra Zeneca vaccine” News Story News Story2
  748. 12/04/21 Dead
    Dejan Oršuš (24), Croation NK Otok player, collapsed from a heart attack and later died in the Čakovec County Hospital. News Story
  749. 10/04/21 Stamford, Lincolnshire, England
    Dave Mears (58), British former martial arts champion ( Taekwondo and Muay Thai) and current martial arts teacher had his left leg amputated after an infection caused by AstraZeneca vaccination 4 March News Story
  750. 09/04/21 Maine, USA Dead
    Red Gendron (63), University of Maine Ice Hockey Coach died after a cardiac arrest while playing golf. His university colleague said he seemed fine earlier, when the team met to receive academic awards. Red was fully vaccinated against COVID-19. News Story
  751. 9/04/21 USA
    Bert Smith (56) NCAA men’s basketball Referee collapsed due to a blood clot in his lung during a tournament News Story
  752. 06/04/21, Callalen, Corpus Cristi Dead
    Moira Claire Arney (15) McAllen High School female Soccer player collapsed and died during practice News Story
  753. 31/03/21 Norway
    Filip Ingebrigtsen (28) Norwegian runner had a tough 2021 after a reaction to the corona vaccine. Ingebrigtsen got the second vaccine dose just after the Olympics in Tokyo. His goal was “getting back to normal” but on October 17, he finished 10th in a race his brother won. News Story
  754. 31/03/21 USA
    Brett Smith, an NCAA college basketball referee, collapsed during a game. Hospitalized with a blood clot.
  755. 30/03/21, USA
    Alex Stalock (34), NHL Oilers goalie out for the season or more due to heart condition. Positive COVID Test in November 2020, diagnosed myocarditis in March 2021 News Story – The Athletic News Story2
  756. 30/03/21, Ghana
    Charles Bulu Ghanaian referee collapsed during AFCON Match News Story Video
  757. 29/03/21 India Dead
    Devaraj Anchan (33) a State-level volleyball player collapsed, clutching his chest, while playing in a tournament and died on the way to hospital in Udupi. News Story
  758. 27/03/21 Stewarton, Scotland Dead
    Laura Henderson (42), cardiac arrest while running, Died days later in hospital. News Story
  759. 23/03/21
    Moussa Dembélé (25), Atlético Madrid striker collapsed in training and received medical attention. News Story
  760. 22/03/21, Sacramento California, USA Dead
    Emmanual Antwi (18) a Kennedy High footballer (Canadian) collapsed on the field in Sacramento. On-field CPR attempts failed and he died
  761. 20/03/21 Dead
    Andy Haman (54) Pro bodybuilder and actor Andy Haman has died of Pulmonary embolism News Story
  762. 19/03/21 Charleston SC, USA Dead
    Joe Bradshaw, 19, a football player at Charleston Southern University. Collapsed with cardiac arrest – shallow breathing
  763. 19/03/21, Milton Keynes, UK
    Raymond van Barneveld, darts player collapsed and received paramedic attention during PDC Championship News Story
  764. 18/03/2021 Poland
    Mieczysław Pasierbski (Age) Polish former weightlifting champion, got his first Pfizer vaccine on March 18, was unable to urinate for several days and developed a serious fever. Went to hospital by ambulance where his his right leg turned black and was amputated above the knee due to venous thrombosis (blood clot). Doctors later confirmed the amputation was a result of the Pfizer vaccination, but his case was not recorded by the Polish Health Department as they denied that his health problems were a result of vaccination. A link lists many people who had limbs amputated after the vaccine. News Story News Story2
  765. 13/03/2021 New Hampshire, USA Dead
    Marvin Hagler (66), Boxer was rushed to hospital with chest pains and trouble breathing before dying four hours later according to his son, James. Thomas “Hitman” Hearns, his former opponent and long-time friend posted on Instagram that Hagler was “in ICU fighting the after effects of the vaccine.” News Story News Story2
  766. 11/03/21 Christchurch New Zealand
    David Wakefield, (27) New Zealand cricketer. Collapsed during training with cardiac arrest. Brought back to life with defibrillator, hospitalized three weeks in intensive care, required extensive rehabilitation before he could walk and talk. Diagnosed with myocarditis. News Story
  767. 08/03/21 Egypt Dead
    Abdel-Rahman Atef (23). Al-Rowad Club football player collapsed and died during his team’s Al game in the city of Sharqiya. Swallowed his tongue and resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful (no trained staff). News Story
  768. 03/03/21, Wallkill Central School, New York, USA (17), Dead
    Miguel Antonio Lugo (17) high school football player collapsed and died during football practice.
  769. 22/02/21 Queensland, Australia Dead
    Dale Best (34), Maroochydore Swans Rugby League player collapsed during a match. Sports trainers performed CPR then paramedics attempted to stabilise the player. He was taken to hospital, where he later died. News Story
  770. 22/02/21 Portugal Dead
    Alfredo Quintana (32), a Cuban handball goalie in Portugal. Collapsed after going into cardiac arrest during practice. Died four days later. News Story
  771. 21/02/21 Croatia Dead
    Zlatko Saracevich, (59) (former Yugoslavia handball player and world handball champion), won Gold with Croatia at Atlanta Olympics, and recent handball coach. His team just won in a derby against RK Lokomotiva 32:29, and he collapsed with a cardiac arrest just after he gave a media statement. Resuscitation failed. News Story
  772. 06/02/21 Philippines Dead
    Clement Lucchu (25), Cameroonian basketball player. Played in Manila, Philippines. Suffered a heart attack and died. News Story
  773. 30/01/21, France
    Garissone Innocent (20), Caen Team football goalkeeper. collapsed and blacked out in a game against Chambly. Tachycardia attack, unable to speak or breathe. News Story News Story2
  774. 30/01/21 Indianapolis USA Dead
    Wayne Radford (64), NBA star and former Indianapolis team star, died at his home in Indianapolis. News Story
  775. 22/01/21 USA Dead
    Hank Aaron (86), former Pro Baseballer received his COVID vaccine on January 5th, 2021 to demonstrate the safety of the vaccine and encourage other black Americans to do the same. Died two weeks later in his sleep – listed as natural causes. News Story
  776. 22/01/2021 Poland Dead
    Kamil Pulczyński (28), former Speedway rider had a cardiac arrest during the night and was found dead. Since 2017, he had led an active lifestyle, and was involved in ice hockey, among other sports. News Story
  777. 12/01/21 Denmark
    Lukas Olesen (20), Slagelse B&I Footballer from Bornholm had a sudden cardiac arrest during training. He is now in a coma. News Story News Story2
  778. 09/01/21 USA
    Jordan Glenn, Wisconsin basketball player. Collapsed in a break at the start of the half. CPR with a defibrillator, transferred to hospital by Ambulance. Update: In April, had open heart surgery and now has a defibrillator inserted near his abdomen. News Story
  779. 03/01/21 Portugal Dead
    Alex Apolinario (24), Brazilian Alverca FC soccer player collapsed on pitch with cardiac arrest during match. Died four days later News Story

Source: Complete COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Athlete Injury/Death List To-Date: 779 Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 500 Dead

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