CLIMATE INSANITY: Geoengineering scheme launched to DIM the sun, POLLUTE the skies and FREEZE Earth’s oceans

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Yes, it’s real, and this stuff is actually happening.

  • Startup called “Make Sunsets” has begun geoengineering / terraforming on Earth
  • Virtue signaling corporations pay the company to POLLUTE the skies and earn “cooling credits”
  • Company releases sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere to block the sun
  • CEO admits he’s running a “cult” rooted in climate change nonsense
  • Like a comic book villain, the CEO’s name is “Iseman” (Iceman)
  • Goal is to lower temperatures and push Earth into new ICE AGE
  • Climate cultists despise liquid water, warmth, sunlight, green plants, rainfall and oceans
  • They demand frozen ice, dead rainforests, darkness, coldness and destruction of marine habitats
  • Global DIMMING of the sun is the goal, MIT admits it’s modeled after a catastrophic volcanic eruption
  • Mt. Tambora erupted in 1815, caused worldwide famine and crop failures, a “year without summer”
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  • 10 wild predictions from Russia’s Medvedev about USA civil war, EU collapse and BRICS nations
  • Oblivious mainstream people don’t even know what archeology is

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