Chemnitz clinic boss allegedly committed suicide because of a vaccination lie

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Germany: The previous head of the Chemnitz Clinic Dr. Thomas Jendges is dead. He fell from the roof of the hospital to his death. In his suicide note, he is said to have justified his step with the fact that he could no longer endure the “constant lies and cheating about allegedly harmless vaccinations” related to Covid.

In his extensive farewell letter, which Dr. Thomas Jendges wrote before his suicide and demanded its publication, he is said to have sharply criticized the information policy of the governments in dealing with the dangerousness of Covid vaccinations. The constant lying and cheating to the patient and the vaccinated that vaccinations are supposedly harmless, he could no longer endure, it is said in the letter.

He condemns vaccinating the population with experimental and deadly Covid-19 vaccines, which are in fact a bio-warfare agent. For Dr. Thomas Jendges such a genocide and a crime against humanity is happening, should be in the letter.

Because the mayor threatened to dismiss him if he no longer stayed on the line and refused to vaccinate patients at the clinic, there were presumably no further options for Jendges. He does not want to support any crime committed by the federal government, the state government and their henchmen. He sees his suicide as the only way to take a stand against it.

These are individual passages from the entire farewell letter that are currently in circulation. Although Dr. Jendges has ordered that his entire farewell letter be published, according to the current state of knowledge of the Mayor of Chemnitz, Sven Schulze of the SPD, continues to prevent this publication. Numerous groups have formed in various forums demanding that Schulze give up his blockade attitude and finally respect the last wish of Jendges.

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