Channel 4 News Exposes Swine Flu Scandal in 2010 – Same thing is happening NOW!

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I would never say that the virus is not real. It’s real. But the hoax lies in how it’s all being handled. Doctors, at least the honest one’s, know that there are medicines available and have been using them to cure people of covid. It’s the government/s that don’t want these doctors promoting medicines that will get rid of the virus because they are all being bought off by big pharma and Bill Gates. Don’t believe me, well, sorry but that doesn’t make it any less true.

So get off your butt and do your own REAL research (not on LameStreamMedia either) and you will see it’s all a big hoax!

Exactly the same thing is happening now, but on a far larger and more draconian scale.

Channel 4’s John Snow reports on the Council of Europe’s investigation into the manufactured swine flu hoax. The former Chair of the Sub-committee on Health of the Parliamentary Assembly Dr Wolfgan…

Channel 4’s John Snow reports on the Council of Europe’s investigation into the manufactured swine flu hoax.

The former Chair of the Sub-committee on Health of the Parliamentary Assembly Dr Wolfgang Wodarg had accused the World Health Organization (WHO) of lowering the definition of a pandemic in order for the pharmaceutical companies and their share holders to rake in massive at the expense of tax payers in targeted countries.

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