CDC Reports 2,794 Total Deaths Following COVID Experimental “Vaccines”

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by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

In what is becoming the most censored story probably in the history of the United States, the CDC has reported this week that 2,794 deaths have been reported to VAERS as of April 5, 2021, following injections of the three experimental, non-FDA approved, COVID-19 injections.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.

To put this into some perspective, there were a total of 345 deaths recorded in VAERS following vaccines for all of 2020.

From 2010 through the end of 2020, an entire decade spanning 11 years, there were a total of 2,588 deaths recorded following vaccines.

So deaths following vaccines during the first three months of 2021 have now exceeded total deaths for the past 11 years.

How is this not headline news?

What does the CDC say about all these deaths following COVID-19 injections?

A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths. (Emphasis theirs. Source.)

And judging by reported surveys among Americans who plan to get one of these experimental injections, more than half the population actually believes the CDC that these THOUSANDS of deaths following the injections are “coincidence” and have nothing to do with the injections.

Not only is the fact that 2,794 people have died following COVID-19 injections headline news, it is clearly CRIMINAL, as readers have told us that the network news is telling everyone that there have been no deaths related to the COVID-19 injections, and they can legally say that because they are repeating exactly what the CDC is saying.

Wake up people! The CDC is a corrupt private organization with no elected officials, and they hold numerous patents on vaccines and earn revenue from the sale of vaccines.

They are the marketing branch of the pharmaceutical company, and the pharmaceutical industry has more criminal settlements with the Department of Justice than any other sector of our economy, by far.

Besides the 2,794 deaths the CDC reported earlier this week, their data dump into the VAERS database today also reveals 56,869 injuries, including 8,975 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 941 permanent disabilities, and 4,972 hospitalizations.


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