CDC panicking over covid vaccine failure, pushes third “booster” shot even as public grows wise to the scam

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(Natural News) The federal government is pitching a fit over the latest data showing that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are failing big time.

The Biden regime is already pushing for “fully vaccinated” Americans to get even more “fully vaccinated” by lining up for a third “booster” shot come September, which appears to be when the medical fascists will have one ready for rollout at “warp speed.”

The first two injections from Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” program are not exactly providing the protection that was promised. Consequently, Pedo Joe’s handlers are gearing up to push boosters as the final solution.

At least four regime officials told Politico that Tony Fauci’s jabs are not efficacious. Over time, they actually make matters worse, which can only be remedied by injecting people with more needles.

The initial round of alleged “protection” provided by the shots is gone after just a few months. This means that the tens of millions of people who rolled up their sleeves back in the winter and early spring no longer possess the artificial “immunity” triggered by the vaccines.

These same immune-damaged individuals who took the needles are also spreading the “delta” variant that officials say is ravaging the country. As these walking disease incubators encounter increasingly more people, they are “shedding” new strains of the deadly virus onto others, including the “unvaccinated.”

Biden says third vaccine “booster” will do the trick to keep everyone “safe”

Since the first two vaccine shots that people received have…

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