CDC caught lying about hospitalization rates for unvaccinated teens

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(Natural News) In an effort to get as many young people as possible injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is once again fabricating data about hospitalization rates to scare parents into stabbing their children.

The CDC under career criminal Rochelle Walensky is claiming a “spike” in “teen hospitalizations” associated with the Chinese Virus, which can only be fixed, the private corporation claims, by jabbing all children over the age of 12.

The truth, however, is that there is not a spike in teen hospitalizations at all. Worse yet, children have a near-zero risk of testing “positive” for the Wuhan Flu and developing any noticeable symptoms, so “vaccinations” are all but useless for them, as well as harmful.

Walensky and her crew are not about to let a little bit of truth get in the way of their injection agenda, though. The CDC is aggressively pushing Chinese Flu needles on Americans using every scare tactic in the book, hoping that some parents will simply obey without doing their own due diligence.

“I am deeply concerned by the numbers of hospitalized adolescents and saddened to see the number of adolescents who required treatment in intensive care units or mechanical ventilation,” Walensky said in a statement filled with feigned concern for the children.

“Until they are fully vaccinated, adolescents should continue to wear masks and take precautions when around other [sic] who are not vaccinated to protect themselves, and their family, friends, and community.”

CNN parrots false CDC claims, pretends to care about American children…

Read the full story here

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