Cause Unknown: Expert Opinions are Subjective, Increased Sudden Deaths are Not

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March 25, 2023: I recorded this selfie-video on July 30, 2021, after my premiere interview with Stew Peters. When making this video, naively I believed that once Congressmen, experts, media influencers and healthcare experts realized that the COVID-19 mRNA injections had no clinical benefits and could only cause disease, disabilities and death; Americans would repent and do an about-face to save God’s children and the United States of America. Boy, was I wrong.

Edward Dowd, former BlackRock portfolio manager has been blowing the whistle on the alarmingly high-rate of excess deaths of employed Americans from U.S. life-insurance claims reports and recently published Cause Unknown, The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022.

Mr. Dowd’s research is based on the death, disability, and hospitalization reports from credible, verified resources, such as American life and health insurance companies. Dowd has stated that the excess deaths are a ‘six-sigma’ event, meaning that the average annual excess death rate among working-age adults over the past 2 years is six standard deviations from over the past 10 years! Therefore, there has to be an identifiable underlying cause of death impacting the U.S. work force beginning in 2021 because there’s less than a one (1) in a billion probability that these excess deaths happened by chance.

As I continue to prepare a dossier of evidence demonstrating the harmful and often lethal effects of the COVID-19 mRNA injections, I reviewed the Society of Actuaries (SOA) 2020 – 2022 Group Life COVID-19 Mortality Survey Report, specifically the Excess Deaths data reports cited in Edward Dowd’s book.

The SOA Excess Death Claims Report was created by surveying 20 of the top 21 U.S. Group Term Life Insurance companies and by analyzing more than 2.3 million life-insurance claims from employer-groups. Every claim included in this report was filed for a life-insurance payout for someone who was actively employed at their time of death. The data is; as Edward Dowd has stated, “Alarming.”

In Q3 (July -September) of 2021, excess death rate for working Americans 44 years old and younger was 179%; and excess death was 162% for working adults aged 45 – 64. A 179% increase is nearly a 3x’s increase in the average rate of excess death for young, working Americans.

The increased rate death rates of working Americans was significantly higher in the states of Florida – 195%, Georgia – 188%, Tennessee – 167%, and Texas – 165% during Q3 (July-September) 2021.

Due to the economic impact alone, the above numbers should have every Attorney General and Governors in these states investigating the cause of increased excess deaths of the residents of their states that keep their economy going.

An easy place to start would be to ask, “What changed in July of 2021?”

Read full story here: Cause Unknown: Expert Opinions are Subjective, Increased Sudden Deaths are Not

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