Cancel Culture, Digital “Hate” Groups & the “Anti” Anti-Vaxx Industry

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The war on freedom has reached a fevered pitch. Cancel culture and media censorship are at an all-time high as the rich and powerful continue their crusade to destroy free thought once and for all. At the center of this war is the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), a group of left-wing mercenaries with the sole purpose of silencing anyone who jeopardizes the financial and political interests of their sponsors.

Earlier this month, we reported that the CCDH had published a “digital hitlist” of the “Top 10 Anti-Vaxxers” which included “The Bollingers” along with 10 others. Apparently, the hatred spewed from the CCDH has affected their ability to perform basic mathematics, such as counting to eleven, because their “top 10” list actually contains 11 names. We’ll just chalk that one up to “vaccine-induced rage.” Since that time, we have been “purged” from Instagram.

The CCDH Agenda

The CCDH is a UK-based group who claims to “disrupt the architecture of online hate and misinformation.” According to their website, they hope to deplatform, demonetize, and demonize what they refer to as “conspiracy theories, misinformation, and hate.”

Within the last week, the CCDH followed up their “Top 10” (or eleven if you can count) list with the results of a survey in which they identify 13 people who – they claim – are responsible for nearly two-thirds of “anti-vaccine content.” They’ve cleverly named this group “the disinformation dozen” and we’re not surprised that there are actually 13 of us … apparently they still cannot count. Or perhaps they were referring to a “baker’s dozen.”

Despite the globally coordinated release of over 100 mainstream media articles in the span of two days to amplify CCDH’s agenda to target, defame, and deplatform 13 named prominent health…


Read the full article here:  Source: Cancel Culture, Digital “Hate” Groups & the “Anti” Anti-Vaxx Industry | Part 1


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