California Supreme Court Rules that San Diego School Board was Operating Under Delusional Authority when Mandating COVID-19 Vaccines

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February 25, 2023: On February 23, 2023, the California Supreme Court put the final nail in the coffin of the San Diego Unified School District’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for students 16 years of age and older. The California Supreme Court agreed with the plaintiffs, Let Them Breath(a San Diego based organization) that the school district board lacked the authority to impose vaccine mandates.


Under federal law 18 USC 242, the members of the San Diego Unified School District Board (Richard Barrera, Sabrina Bazzo, Kevin Beiser, Michael McQuary, and Sharon Whitehurst-Payne) who originally passed the COVID-19 vaccine school mandate were depriving students of their right to an in-person education under the pretense of authority that they did not have (aka, the color of law).

If parents had their children injected with the harmful COVID-19 biological agents because of the announced mandate and the mRNA injection resulted in the injury of their child, parents can criminally charge the members of the San Diego School Board under 18 USC 242 (Deprivation of Rights Under the Color of Law) and 18 USC 175 (Prohibition of the Use of Bioweapons). If students’ ‘vaccine’ injuries are prosecuted under these laws, board members and their expert panel can serve up to 10 years in prison.

The School Board was fully aware that the COVID-19 injections were experimental biological agents that cause disease, disabilities and death, and moved forward with passing the student COVID-19 vaccine mandate…

Read full story: California Supreme Court Rules that San Diego School Board was Operating Under Delusional Authority when Mandating COVID-19 Vaccines

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