By design, these vaccines are DANGEROUS! Dr. Mike Yeadon – Doctors4CovidEthics

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Though this interview is impossibly long at over 2h, Dr Malone, the inventor of the underlying technology used in mRNA vaccines states that those mRNA vaccines currently in use are dangerous by design & backs up what Dr Bridle has said recently.

Both are super-concerned about the expression of coronavirus spike protein, because it’s not merely a passive docking protein which the virus uses to bind to ACE2 receptors on the surface of our cells & thereby gain access to the inside of our cells, where viruses take over the replication machinery of the cell.

While spike protein does all that, it is also unfortunately BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE.

Spike protein is a complex, triple (‘trimeric’) twisted structure which (a) causes our blood platelets to clump together & thereby (b) trigger blood coagulation which leads to (c) blood clots & bleeding (the bleeding seems paradoxical, but it follows because the clumping of platelets causes you to have fewer of them than you need to keep patching up tiny leaks in our amazingly complicated & long blood circulation path). Spike also initiates another cascade (blood clotting is a highly amplified cascade of one blood factor acting on another, amplifying each time, which gives speed & scale to our body’s response). This other cascade is called immunological ‘complement’ & it’s part of our system which protects the body against invading microbes. Activated complement aims to mark for destruction invading bugs but if it’s activated when it shouldn’t be, it leads to immunological attack on our own cells & tissues.

This choice of spike protein as the ‘immunogen’, of the virus which these vaccines have our bodies manufacture, so that it teaches our immune system to memorize it, and so become able to respond to genuine virus infection, is a seriously poor choice.

It’s such an obviously bad protein to have chosen that I, Dr Mike Yeadon, accuse all the pharmaceutical companies behind these vaccines, of reckless behavior (at best).

It’s not plausible for them to say “we didn’t know”. Yes, you did. There’s ample scientific literature showing that spike proteins in earlier SARS virus have these dangerous properties. They must have known this. I found these papers in minutes on Google Scholar. They have the best scientific literature databases which exist globally. They can’t not have known & read these papers.
If their defense is “we didn’t know that the vaccines would leave the injection site”, I call that a ridiculous claim. Even if most of the dose remains in the muscle – and as an experienced drug discovery biologist & toxicologist, I would not expect that – it’s astonishingly reckless to have permitted these mRNA vaccines to have been injected into hundreds of millions of people.

And it’s not just me who holds this view.

I’m one of a growing group called “Doctors4CovidEthics”. In February 2021, we wrote the first of several Open letters to Emer Cooke, the CEO of the European Medicines Agency, warning them specifically of serious adverse events including thromboembolic disorders.

So be aware that, by design, these vaccines are DANGEROUS & have led to unprecedented numbers of injured people including tens of thousands of deaths (without any question).

What kind of people do this?

What are the ethics of those who let them?

When doctors & anyone else realized there are problems, what has broken their moral compasses that they ignore it?

Dr Mike Yeadon

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