Build Back Better… Yeah, right!

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French President Emmanuel Macron says that someone who refuses the Covid vaccine is “not a citizen” and that he wants to continue to piss them off. (

Joe Biden tells parents to keep kids away from the unvaccinated and that “this continues to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” (

Justin Trudeau blames lockdowns on the unvaccinated, calls them “extremists”, “misogynists”, and “racists”. (

Michael Gunner (Northern Territory Chief Minister) says that “Work is not a reason to leave the home for the unvaccinated.” (

Philippines President Duterte orders authorities to arrest unvaccinated people if they went outdoors. (

German Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach states that “Compulsory vaccination needs to pass legislation quickly as we can’t wait for it to become obsolete.” (

The truth is that the unvaccinated aren’t a threat to society. Instead, they are a threat to authority and its misanthropic narrative.


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The world is sick in the head
The world is sick in the head
2 years ago

They’re totally dehumanizing people. It’s sick. These shots are proven dangerous and the fact that they won’t address that means it’s intentional. They are murdering us and seem rather pleased with themselves to do so. This is 1936 Germany is stealth mode.

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